My degree is in Interactive Media and Web Design. Skills: Maya, Zbrush, Alchemy, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Flash, Premier Pro, Acrobat Pro, Final Cut Pro, Pro Tools Digital Audio Interests: Concept Art, Game Design

RSS Reviews

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings

Game review

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Game review

Deus Ex Unreal Revolution

Mod review

Downloadable Content, AddOns, Mods, Expansion packs these are all good things I would like to hear announced for my favorite games and consoles, they can extend a game and add a healthy serving of re-playability. However, the negative aspect of DLC is starting to rear its head more frequently in recent times as a tool for game development studios and publishers to make an extra buck. I think the proper term for this is Pay-To-Play or P2P content.

One great example in recent times took place in the Eve Online community where a massive player riot took place when the introduction of a new currency and purchasable items was introduced. Players were upset about the possible introduction of purchasable weapons and other game balance changing items. The riot was quelled when it was announced that P2P content would only be cosmetic.

With DX:HR you had a regular edition, the augmented edition and a special edition, pre-order bonuses, vendor specific bonuses, and territory specific releases. The only information advertised "Be sure to check with your retailer to find out which pack you'll receive." Confused?

To sum it all up, I don't have a problem with bonus content and have no problem paying for bonus content, it's all about how you distribute it. I'm sure even if people are angry with the practice of releasing content for money the developers and publishers who utilize payed content will decide that the extra money earned is enough to justify their actions so that is why we the gamers need to join together to change this practice.

Both DX1 and DX:HR were great games but as you can see, this mod practically made itself.


Fistful of Frags

Mod review

Red Faction

Game review

Joining the Red Faction in my revolt against the evil Ultor corporation certainly at least felt partially inspired by earlier shooters such as Valve's groundbreaking Half-Life series of games. While it didn't attempt much to deviate from this formula I did enjoy the vehicle interaction and the possibilities of exploring level design in a new light made possible by allowing players to blow holes in certain types of walls. The editor is well rounded and allows you to build levels of fair to medium detail where there is plenty of incentive to tinker with the Geo-Mod system.


Left 4 Dead

Game review

The first few moments of gameplay during the launch of Left 4 Dead certainly felt more like a grand social experiment more than a game. Thanks to this game, if surviving a zombie apocalypse means complete and utter reliance on three people you've never met before you will find me kissing the first gun I can find. While survival mode can be an exercise in patience, this game can actually be a lot of fun if you play it with some friends.