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Skyrim on Cryengine 3. (Forums : Ideas & Concepts : Skyrim on Cryengine 3.) Locked
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May 6 2012 Anchor

So i been thinking wouldnt it be cool if Elder Scrolls v Skyrim ran on Cryengine 3 it would be so cool .

May 6 2012 Anchor
May 6 2012 Anchor

Naitsirhc wrote: So i been thinking wouldnt it be cool if Elder Scrolls v Skyrim ran on Cryengine 3 it would be so cool .

this makes my head hurt.. This game doesn't need to be moved to cryengine because by the time you actually finish it you'll be onto the next TES game, but also you're picking the most complex engine beyond your abilities in order to do it... most importantly NO ONE is going to work on this for you.

Cryrid 3D Artist
May 6 2012 Anchor

I quite like it where it is. 6GB download, runs fine on old computers while still looking great, and a bit of a nostalgic feeling to the whole thing.

May 7 2012 Anchor

Because Elder Scrolls v Gameplay was massive and if it were to run on Cryengine 3 there would be a massive world with massive detail. So it would look like crysis 2 but with the awsome Gameplay of Skyrim. And it does not have to be Cryengine 3 that just the first engine that comes to mind. Any suggestions would be nice.

macacos2 maps at the speed of a crippled turtle
May 7 2012 Anchor

Naitsirhc wrote: Because Elder Scrolls v Gameplay was massive and if it were to run on Cryengine 3 there would be a massive world with massive detail. So it would look like crysis 2 but with the awsome Gameplay of Skyrim. And it does not have to be Cryengine 3 that just the first engine that comes to mind. Any suggestions would be nice.

You think big but that's not necessarily a good thing. I see you're young and would like everything to be freaking awesome, but games are very hard to make. The CryEngine was not created to handle huge games such as Skyrim, and it would take a ridiculous amount of work to recreate every aspect of it using CryEngine 3. Just scrap that whole idea, throw that away.

Now that doesn't mean all hope is lost. One thing you can do to skip this whole process of remaking the whole game from scratch is by making mods for it. That way you can increase the detail in current Skyrim as much as you want without having the trouble of remaking everything on a different engine (which isn't necessary).

Will that be easy? Absolutely not, but it's a hell lot easier than remaking a game from scratch. Modding takes a while to get used to, but with some patience you'll be making your own games from existing ones. I suggest you get the Development kit and start making your own stuff instead of asking people on a dead forum to make it for you.


May 8 2012 Anchor

Naitsirhc wrote: Because Elder Scrolls v Gameplay was massive and if it were to run on Cryengine 3 there would be a massive world with massive detail. So it would look like crysis 2 but with the awsome Gameplay of Skyrim.
Any suggestions would be nice.

i suggest another idea, this ones horrible

May 8 2012 Anchor

The CryEngine was not created to handle huge games such as Skyrim, and it would take a ridiculous amount of work to recreate every aspect of it using CryEngine 3. Just scrap that whole idea, throw that away.

^This person clearly has never used CryEngine before. CryEngine can do it and would likely do it better than Bethesda's shitty hacked up GameBryo "Creation" engine- it is a very powerful engine, but because its powerful its also very complicated requiring knowledge of C coding is a must as well. Hence why I say too complex to even bother doing it because by the time he's even learned to use the engine, another TES title will be out.

Edited by: formerlyknownasMrCP

May 8 2012 Anchor

If I were you I'd spend your energy on creating something original. I love Skyrim, and I do like Cryengine's beauty, but why would you spend the time to create a game that's already extremely successful? Create a new game inspired by Skyrim using an engine of your choice. Also, start small. Having grandeur ideas and goals will overwhelm you in the long run. Skyrim was developed by a very large team and took quite a while to complete.

"The development team for Skyrim was the biggest for any Bethesda game so far. In episode six of the Bethesda Podcast, Todd Howard stated that while Fallout 3 had around 70 people working on it, Skyrim saw the team increase to roughly 100. " (src:
"Work on Skyrim did not begin until Fallout 3's release in 2008; developers considered the game to be a spiritual successor to both Fallout 3 and previous Elder Scrolls games." (src: ^ Bethesda Blog (December 16, 2010). "The Bethesda Podcast Episode 6: Enter the Dragon". (Podcast). ZeniMax Media Inc.. Retrieved December 23, 2010. )

May 8 2012 Anchor

7 years of porting to come out only looking slightly better, if its even possible to do those things without heavily modifying it. Not to mention, most models and textures wold have to be redone, or expanded upon to gain any benefits from the engine. Skyrim is fine where it is imo.

May 15 2012 Anchor

Ok i see your pount there many other ideas out there that one was just a thought. it would be better just to make small mod. And yes i should think a little smaller. I think i will start with a game like Skyrim just a bit smaller.

Edited by: Naitsirhc

Oct 10 2012 Anchor

I'd like to point out the Cryengine 3 was build from better foundations then creation engine and is far more complex, but a lot more stable. The Cryengine can be used for massive scale maps and landscape without question, far beyond that of the handling of Creation Engine, plus it would do so without bottlenecking the CPU or the GPU and will not restrict the game to 32 bit. You cannot argue here in any way, these are the facts. Skyrim of Cryengine 3 would be a lot more stable, it would be a lot more immsersive detailed and textures would use better tessellation. Skyrim would be so much better running on Cryengine 3 easily.


Moving Skyrim to Cryengine 3 is another story, the engine is the building blocks of any game, to say such a thing would be saying that you would have to create the game from scratch. Ofcourse the product created at the end will be better then the following games because of the Engine but practicality sake says that you would need an entire team, say the entire bethesda team working on making Skyrim from scratch (So bascially you are creating a brand new eldar scrolls game) on the new engine.

CallistoNTG More passion than good sense.
Oct 10 2012 Anchor

Skyrim + CryEngine = SHITLOADS OF WORK.

JigsawPieces Shut up, that's why.
Oct 11 2012 Anchor

Ambient_Malice wrote: Skyrim + CryEngine = SHITLOADS OF WORK.

dude we just need a bigger team! then everything will be ok... here I'll rite out a list...

245 programmers
60,000 artists
1 animator
1 ideas guy (he's a good voice actor too)
20 composers

this is going to be epic! get your hopes up!

Oct 11 2012 Anchor

1 animator hahah

Oct 14 2012 Anchor

Like I said, we'd have to make the game from start to finish, we couldn't really import anything. So yeah.

Oct 14 2012 Anchor

TKAzA wrote: 1 animator hahah

And not a single rigger in the bunch. Good luck.

Jun 17 2013 Anchor

I know this is an old thread but I was looking into this myself. Actually this would be a lot of work but wouldn't take very many people but it would take some time.
You could import almost everything but why when you're using cryengine?
Redoing everything from scratch would take quite a bit of time. If you're copying everything from the original game then it wouldn't be too difficult I guess.
A dedicated team with some knowledge of scripting, programming, texturing, modding etc could probably get something like this done in a year or so if they worked on it for a few days a day. Obviously the biggest challenge would be the new world in cryengine and making sure it all works, then populating the world with towns, structures, populating the towns and houses, caves. I mean skyrim is a huge effin game but one of the biggest challenges is already done for you and that the narrative and art work. You will basically be copying everything over instead of trying to really create anything new.

It would be nice to have something like this, but the issue would be 1. Bethsoft probably wouldn't allow you to and 2. It's a lot of work and you would never be able to put it on a resume or portfolio.

You wouldn't be able to just upload this to a site and advertise it. you could really only share it with friends. You could try to run a site for download but most likely if bethsoft sees it you'll get a stop letter.

Still an awesome idea though because the vanilla engine is pretty lame.

Jun 18 2013 Anchor

Or you could make an original game based off Skyrim. :P

Jun 18 2013 Anchor

Possibly an Elder Scrolls game taking place in Elsweyr. Many of the tropical plants could be re-used, along with the sand.

Moonpath to Elsweyr is already sort of accomplishing that, as did Elsweyr: Deserts of Anequina, but that mod is no longer on the TES Nexus.

However, I believe I do have a copy of it hidden somewhere around in my HDD. If you want I can fish it out for someone. IDK how I would get it too you, the author, Iliana, seems to not want the mod to exist anymore, as all the download links to the mod appear to be broken.

I may have a solution though, PM me if you desire anything about the whereabouts of that mod.

Edited by: Zombiestubble

Jun 18 2013 Anchor

somebody did create this
but I dont think it a great idea it wasnt created for rpgs.

Jun 18 2013 Anchor

Or make doom2 on udk, maybe red alert on unity or GTA4 in flash.

Jul 20 2013 Anchor

The originality of this subforum is astonishing... never ceases to amaze me -_-

JigsawPieces Shut up, that's why.
Jul 21 2013 Anchor

bielerad wrote: I know this is an old thread but I was looking into this myself.

Stop right there, criminal scum!

Oh, I see I've already exceeded my quota for one smart-ass comment per thread.

Jul 24 2013 Anchor

Bahahaha screw copyright mwahahahaha let's do this guys xD. Unfortunately that's what I would say if I couldn't be arrested or charged for making a skyrim cryengine. Bethesda should really leave their enginw up to better companies. And if youre worried about modding the actual cryengine is more than an amazing tool. It doesn't require that much and it has live tests for the addins so you don't have to jump back and forth

Plus skyrim cuts of at 64 game cells which meana if the gaming community made a full sized eldarscrolls mod with all the lands you couldn't walk that far you'd have to lord each of the massive maps separately and they are so many bugs. The idea is awesome unfortunately there is no way it'd pass through copyright unless you approached bethesda and had them publish ir which might not happen. And then you'd be selling the game so instead of being able to use cryteks free license youd have to pay for that as well

(I discounted the actual making of the game I know that will be hard and you would need a skilled programmer to sync the tools and make the game because my main point is copyright would make it impossible no matter what )

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