These are the maps that are included with DTA's installation.

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  Default Maps   King of the Hill   Co-Op
  • [2]  Lesson in Blood

    Game Modes: Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: A pitiful civilian resistance is helping Allies to install a base in the area. Stalin has decided to make an example of them.
    Kill them all and destroy their homes. You will have Yak aircraft to use in teaching these rebels a lesson. Afterwards, find and destroy the hidden base.

    (by Sombracier)
  • [2]  Chrono Hazard

    Game Modes: Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: We lost contact with one of our important research facilities while performing experiments with a new Chronosphere prototype. We've seen no Soviet forces near the area, so we don't believe them to be involved.

    Take a small force and head east to investigate the research facility.

    Be careful. If the Chronosphere is damaged, you can encounter serious side effects in the area.

    (by Sombracier)
  • [2]  Freezing Offensive

    Game Modes: Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: We've located a vulnerable Soviet Radar facility. Take a small infantry force, eliminate the facility's defenders and capture the facility.

    After succesfully capturing the facility, you will receive an MCV. Set up bases and destroy the Soviet base in the area with the help of the information you got from the captured radar.

    (by Rampastring)
  • [2]  Double Team

    Game Modes: Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: We've gained intel that Nod is building new weapon technology in a Temple in this sector. Take two commandoes with special weaponry, sneak and kill your way to the Temple of Nod, and blow it up.

    Destroy any Nod forces that are necessary to reach the Temple, but avoid needless violence. Nod will send in reinforcements after detecting you, so you won't have an endless amount of time.

    (by Rampastring)
  • [2]  Reunification

    Game Modes: Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: Your fleet has gotten seperated from your base due to surprisingly aggressive GDI expansion. Break through GDI's encirclement, reunify your forces and demolish GDI's expansion bases. Show no mercy!

    (by Rampastring)
  • [2]  Disguised Manipulation

    Game Modes: Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: We've received information that GDI is in the process of building an air base on this area, near a larger existing GDI base. The air base is already functional, but GDI hasn't finished its defenses yet. This means that we have the perfect opportunity to strike.

    Use a small strike force to attack a GDI radar facility, creating a distraction for GDI reinforcements. After that, capture the GDI air base along with GDI A-10 aircraft, and use the aircraft to bomb a nearby civilian shopping center.

    With the local population furious towards GDI, taking out their whole base with our next attack is going to be easy!


    1. Destroy a GDI radar facility to create a distraction for GDI reinforcements.
    2. Secure the GDI air base.
    3. Use GDI A-10 aircraft to destroy the shopping center. Avoid GDI anti-air defenses.

    (by Rampastring)
  • [2]  Forged Payback

    Game Modes: Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: Our strike on the GDI air base was succesful. Not only did we destroy the air base, but the local civilians are now furious at GDI. They've taken up arms and are willing to assist us in taking out the rest of GDI forces in the area.

    We've built two small outposts into the area. Take control of them and the armed civilians and destroy the GDI base in the north.

    (by Rampastring)
  • [3]  It Came For DTA

    Game Modes: Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: We recently lost contact with one of our bases. We've seen no Allied movement near the area, but something strange must be going on.

    Take an MCV along with some units, move in and check it out.

    (by Rampastring)
  • [3]  It Came For DTA II

    Game Modes: Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: Destroying the ant nests near our base wasn't enough. While we were busy eliminating the nests, more nests appeared near a city of ours. High-profile members of the Communist party live in the city, so we cannot allow the residents to get eaten.

    We'll deploy forces near the city. Take control of them, build bases and defend the city center until we've rescued all civilians. Gassing ant nests is not necessary, but it could be helpful to reduce the number of attacking ants.

    Take an MCV along with some units, move in and check it out.

    (by Rampastring)
  • [3]  Ally Under Siege

    Game Modes: Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: Our base is under siege by Nod forces. Break the siege and erase Nod forces from the area.

    (by Rampastring)
  • [3]  Freezingly Desperate Grip

    Game Modes: Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: The Soviets are about to launch a massive assault against our Chronosphere facility. Defend it at all costs until reinforcements arrive!

    (by Rampastring)
  • [3]  Second Wind

    Game Modes: Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: Our previous attack against the Allied Chronosphere facility was a complete failure. By now Allies have likely strengthened their defences significantly, but with the snow gone, our tanks are able to move faster as well!

    Move in, build bases and obliterate the Allied Chronosphere facility and all of their bases for good.

    (by Rampastring)
  • [4]  Tunnel Train-ing

    Game Modes: Default, Scavenger, Survivor, Co-Op

    (by Rampastring)
  • [4]  Cloaked Twilight

    Game Modes: Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: Our base on this area is nearly completely destroyed. Reinforce it with MCVs and experimental Railgun-based Mammoth tanks, and destroy all Nod forces in the area.

    Expect heavy resistance. Nod has the entire area in their control with the help of their new stealth technology.

    Take an MCV along with some units, move in and check it out.

    (by Rampastring)
  • [4]  Radial Range

    Game Modes: Default, Scavenger, Survivor, Co-Op

    (by j4m3sb0nd)
  • [4]  The Experiment Lab

    Game Modes: Default, Scavenger, Survivor, Co-Op
    Mission Briefing: Nod has set up a new Tiberium-based weapon development laboratory in this sector. Destroy it at all costs.

    (by Rampastring)
Post comment Comments
Templarfreak - - 6,723 comments

I'm sorry but, was this really needed? It's neat and all, but I don't think this was necessary at least on Moddb, maybe on the DTA Website...

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Bittah_Commander Author
Bittah_Commander - - 848 comments

You can consider this to be the DTA website from now on ;)

Reply Good karma+7 votes
ApornasPlanet - - 4,132 comments

Awesome maps! Which one is the biggest?

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Nuttah - - 1,201 comments

I'm guessing Tiber.

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Bittah_Commander Author
Bittah_Commander - - 848 comments

Maps are first ordered by the number of players they allow and then by size, so Tiber is indeed the biggest.

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SeriousToni - - 627 comments

Crossroads - best map ever :D

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Bittah_Commander Author
Bittah_Commander - - 848 comments

Hope you didn't mind me changing its original name ("Road to Middle") =P

Reply Good karma+4 votes
SeriousToni - - 627 comments

No problem, mate :)

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X005 - - 115 comments

I prefer Deceiving Adjacency :Deceiving Adjacency + Infini Tiberium/Ore = BIG WAR !

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jfpoliveira12 - - 3,725 comments

All of these maps are extremely awsome and even better than professionally made maps, I wish the newer C&Cs could have maps so big and looking so alive and strategicall like these ones, Maybe I should give a go at modding or mapmaking.

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skapunker - - 54 comments

Wow what a Cool Trippy rainbow of colors is this page, when u quickly scroll up and down the map page .....


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X005 - - 115 comments

In your opinion , what is the best map for a fight 1 vs 1 ?

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Rampastring - - 1,195 comments

Any of the 2p maps. If you want it to be perfectly balanced, then any of the symmetrical 2p maps. My _personal_ favourites are probably Tiberian Blitz, Sand Serpent, Pitfall, Forest of Fear, Sandpit and Beach Landing, but the rest of the 2p maps aren't bad at all. I just prefer fast-paced maps =)

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X005 - - 115 comments

In fact , we can use all the maps for 1v1 ... I think my favorite map ( 2 players) is Sand Serpent . But thank you =)

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X005 - - 115 comments

I play a lot on the map Epicenter (nice map Rampastring ), but the explosions in the center of the blue Tiberium is really annoying , as it reduces the reserves of blue Tiberium . How about creating a new option to enable / disable Tiberium were exhibiting ?

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Bittah_Commander Author
Bittah_Commander - - 848 comments

I'll make the "Replace Tiberium With Ore" option make gems that used to be blue tiberium not explode or cause a chain reaction in the next update.

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ooothisisansos - - 12 comments

One thig that would be cool that you could do that no one has done yet.....make the ability for a map to have multiple climates, like a section of the map is desert, another part grassland, and a higher elevated area could be snow.....just a thought I have had since the 90s LOL

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Rampastring - - 1,195 comments

Actually, that is already partially possible and done. See my maps Springnight (snow + grassland) and Circle of Death (desert + light desert) as well as LKO's Trinity for examples. We're able to mix snow and grassland, and also able to mix desert and light desert. Pretty much the only thing we can't do and won't be able to do is mixing desert and snow into the same map, since the game's color palette doesn't have enough colors for desert, grassland and snow to all look good on the same theater.

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ShinobiXVII - - 7 comments

Hello, I have been working on a huge map that is 4player, its basicly a old abandoned weapons ressearch area, witch the allies own(owned) i got all Construction buildings for all factions in the center and a BIG main base on an island. Been playing around with some buildings that are owned by player based on spawn. And i tried to make a trigger, now this is where my problem comes in, i tried to make the trigger rather simple, by adding it to a iron curtain and a chronosphere(Sepperate triggers) And is basicly like this; Send engineer into Iron Curtain or Chronosphere and boom a awsome superweapon that you own throughout the game (until another player enters with a new engineer in the same building) But as soon as i send the engineer into the building the game completely crashes and gives me some weird internal error or runtime error, tried to search around for some tutorials on youtube for maybe explaining these triggers. But i have found nada, do any of you have a clue to maybe what im doing wrong? Is some of these superweapons that the trigger menu are offering not available for the DTA? I chose the Firestorm thingy and another one. Was kinda hopeing i could edit that DTA could come with the Iron curtain and chronosphere in this map, but if its totaly removed Xept model vise in the editor maybe im useing the wrong building?

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Bittah_Commander Author
Bittah_Commander - - 848 comments

Sorry for the late reply, I didn't notice your post until now. Mod DB doesn't notify you about comments and comments on pages that I don't look at as frequently are easily missed. You'll always get the quickest response on the forums.

Anyway, the Iron Curtain and Chronosphere structures do exist (without their original super weapons) and it should have been easy enough to confirm this by testing your map without the attached triggers (or with them disabled at least).
Aside from all super weapons that are already available to the factions in Enhanced mode, there are only 3 unused super weapons left, of which the airstrike can already be acquired via crates and can't be made available via a structure.

It's also impossible to make super weapons available to players via triggers on multiplayer maps, so this is most likely what's causing the crash in the first place.
Mind that the Chronosphere structure already has one of the unused super weapons attached to it however (it delivers a Chrono Tank reinforcement) and you can easily attach the other unused one ("Field Repair") to the Iron Curtain by opening the map with a text editor and then adding the following code to it (just add it all the way at the top for convenience):


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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Is there a way where i can play old maps from RA1? I really like this game, the good old feeling in the game is great!! sometimes the game ends with a error, but beside that great game!

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Bittah_Commander Author
Bittah_Commander - - 848 comments

The only way to play RA1 or TD maps is by remaking them from scratch. So far the only RA1 map that has been remade for DTA is A Path Beyond, although some liberties were taken.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

how do i get more maps??

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Rampastring - - 1,195 comments

By waiting for updates or by making your own with the included map editor.

In theory you could also download fan-made DTA maps online, but there's practically no public fan-made DTA maps.

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