Post news Report RSS Warcraft Total War: Official Public Beta updated to Version 1.1!

The offical Public beta of Warcraft: Total War has been updated to version 1.1 - this means more unique rebels, new units for a few factions, ancillaries, traits, hero abilities, lots of event pictures, new cursors in the mod, Legion CTD fixed, Naga CTD fixed, Nerubian rebel garrison CTD fixed, Ahn'Kahet CTD fixed, new starting garrisons for the Naga, improved Scourge in EK, new portraits for captains and family members (humans & Elves), fixed sprites for Pit Lords, new resources on the map etc!

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The 4gb patch found in the Warhammer: BotET-mod - it's required for the Warcraft beta to work i've been told. I have decided to upload it here so people won't have to download the entire BotET (Beginning of the End Times) submod for Call of Warhammer.

Patch your kingdoms.exe, and only do it once. It will make all heavy mods work and be more stable. Without the patch you may experience alot of crashes.

The Official PUBLIC BETA RELEASE of Warcraft Total War, worked on heavily since march 29 2017 - CD-version of Medieval II is what we developers are using, and so it is recommended - but mod should work for Steam as well - even though we may not be able to help you with issues then.

To install the mod using the CD-version, move the mod-folder named "WTW" inside of your Medieval II Total War/mods-folder - after first using the latest version of winRAR to extract the folder - by moving it out manually by draging the folder with your mouse. And start the mod by clicking the .bat-file - for Steam use the ordinary method.

Be advised that you must move the entire SEGA game folder out of program files to prevent issues on new computers, also you'd have to deactivate the UAC (User Account Control) as it interfere with mods making them not work. - Read more about disabling the UAC at TWC (Total War Center) or just shut it down totally).

Also, you'd need to download the 4gb patch i've uploaded since before and patch the Kingdoms.exe with it in order for the mod to work, or you'll face crashes a lot and might not even be able to start the mod - using Steam you should patch Medieval2.exe instead i've heard.

Also, download the MedievalII.Preference-file that i did upload a few days ago & place in main Medieval II Total War folder - replacing the old file there. This will enable you to play defensive battles in hotseat, as well as prevent a bug causing CTD when clicking buildings on the campaign - it will also make FMV's work.


For Steam watch this video:

Mod changelist:

1. MODDB user theblueyowie has created new ancillary images for the mod. Team-member WarcraftHero implemented these as actual ancillaries into the update.



- theblueyowie also made new family member generic portraits and captain portraits for the Human factions mostly, but also for the High/Blood Elves - WarcraftHero implemented these into the mod as well.


2018 05 01 21 42 53 sun generals


2018 05 04 19 57 49 light genera









2. Moddb-user Joe021194 fixed the trait-issue in the mod and enabled all the vanilla traits from the main game. Thanks to him the mod will now have traits! WarcraftHero also added Hero Abilities to a few heroes when he got the files - which means the traits, hero abilities and ancillaries have finally been implemented!

3. Team-member Sulfurion (TWC)/Sulphuristical (MODDB) has added new resources on the campaign stratmap because there were too many empty regions without any resources for the merchants in the mod. So now they will have way more resources from which to gather gold.

He did also create new reskins of the basic Amani Troll units - which i choose to include in the mod because i thought they looked better than the older versions.





4. Sulfurion/Sulphuristical has created many new Unit Info pictures for many of the units in the mod.








5. TWC-user Zerg93 has created different cursor-packs in-game for all the factions of the mod. Only one can be used at any one time - so you need to decide which one to use before starting up the mod - default is Horde.

-Added a new sandwatch.ani the green burning meteor.
-Added The burning legion pack.
-Added the Theramore pack.
-Added the Ahn'Qiraj pack.
-Added the High Elves/Quel'thalas pack.
-Added the Blood Elves pack.
-Added the Khaz Modan pack.
-Added the Dark Iron pack.
-Added the Lordaeron pack.
-Added the Stromgarde pack.
-Added the Scarlet Crusade pack.
-Changed the Night Elves attack.ani color to purple since they share the same attack.ani with the Quel'thalas pack which is currently brown.

-Changed the Embark/disembark textures for most of the factions.
-Added The Amani Tribe
-Added The Drakkari Tribe
-Added The Farraki Tribe
-Added The Gurubashi Tribe
-Added The Dark Horde
-Added The Forsaken
-Added The Kingdom of Azjol-Nerub
-Added The Naga
-Cleaned all the siege banners from shadow pixels.

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-Go to the cursor folder of the mod.

-You will notice that there are a bunch of .ani and .cur files and a folder named "Extra".

-Erase all the files except that folder and then enter in Extra.

-Now enter in the folder's pack you want to enable and copy all the .ani and .cur files in it and then past them in the cursor main folder with the Extra folder.

-Lastly for making them work you'll have to rename them, example: Humandiplomacy.ani in diplomacy.ani.
And there you go, if the files are correctly renamed, like in my first screenshot, they should work fine.

P.S.You wil probably notice that between the bunch of .ani and .cur files there are some "Alternate" files, as the name suggests these are some alternate version of certain files, more specifically the diplomacy files.
In this case you just need to choose between the first diplomacy file of the pack or the alternate version by renaming one and erasing the other, example: AlternateHumandiplomacy.ani-diplomacy.ani

6. TWC-user Zerg93 has made lots of event pictures, implemented for the events of the game (vanilla events such as besieging, sacked, destroyed etc) by WarcraftHero. There are still some vanilla event pics in the mod, but all the factions have some custom event pics - i believe the Humans have almost no vanilla ones left.










7. TWC-user Zerg93 has created new fort and watchtower portraits for the Undead, Elven, Dwarven, Horde, Troll and Human themes - implemented by me (Mr_Nygren).







8. WarcraftHero had made ship recruitment in the EDB since before the original release, and i had not implemented the changes back then - new ship recruitment implemented by me (Mr_Nygren) in the EDB using coding by him.

9. New starting garrisons for the Naga and the Scourge - the Naga will not have any Murlocs in their starting armies and only actual Naga forces, while the Scourge will now have nine full stacks in the Eastern Kingdoms - all of whom are strong and at least three are of one type, then three of a different type and the final three of another type as well.

I believe three armies are monster based (zombies, Ghouls, Gargoyles, Banshee's and Undead Trolls), three are basic skeletons with some Abominations and medium Skeletons as well, and the final three are made up of medium skeletons, dismounted Death Knights, Death Knights, Acolytes, Necromancers, Liches, Abominations and banshee's. - Scourge is way stronger in EK now and will be a challenge for the Alliance of Lordaeron.

- Above changes made by me (Mr_Nygren).

10. Naga CTD, Legion CTD & CTD regarding the Nerubian rebels and fighting outside of Ahn'Kahet have been fixed by me. - Always play at least two battles against the Legion because they can crash but usually do not, and if they do it won't probably crash on the second try.

- I've reduced the numbers of big units and instead made their stats better. Playing as the Legion and the Naga it worked fine for over fifty turns - but the Legion still CTD if many Infernals are in the battle.. So it's best to try and fight battles with just one Infernal in each battle - even though i managed to play one where there were two, after first having one CTD.

I hope you'll enjoy playing as or against the Azjol'Nerub, Burning Legion or Naga factions now - fixing by me (Mr_Nygren).

11. I've also (Mr_Nygren) fixed the sprites-file for the Pit Lords/Mannoroth unit - no more elephants when zooming out, instead they will use the very similar Dragon Ogre sprites from BotET - credits to the BotET team.

12. Bantu Chieftain has riged eleven new models, replacing the old Nights Watch model for Stormwind, the placeholder Iron Dwarves from the Dark Iron roster have been replaced as well, the Tauren of Northrend are now proper Taunka units, Iron Vrykul instead of Vrykul in Ulduar and finally the Tauren in Kaskala are now Tuskarr.

- Ahn'Qiraj has a new Anubiseth Guardians golem unit, also riged by Bantu - i (Mr_Nygren) did implement all the models and i've created all the portraits for the units as well.

13. Me (Mr_Nygren) did also change the gameplay for the Khaz Modan, Dark Iron, Horde and Dark Horde factions - Horde can recruit Tankas and Tuskarr in Northrend now, Dark Horde only Taunka, Dark Irons can recruit Iron Dwarves - and Khaz Modan can recruit the Frostborn Dwarves.

Bantu Chieftain also said he changed the economy a little in the descr_strat and increased the starting economy for a few of the factions. He did make the settlements upgrade faster in the EDB as well if i am not mistaken.

WarcraftHero had created reskins of the troll strat-map settlements but due to a hardcoded limit on strat-map variations they were cut from this update..

I tried to fix the "silver surfer at random" roofs of the Human settlements but failed. If you change the faction ownerships of Lordaeron and Stormwind to "Theramore" it may work. Make sure to look up if it is using big letters or not before adding the entry. At least all seemed to work for me until they didn't in one battle - after that all the settlements showed up with white untextured roofs.

- This is a bug but i am not sure how to fix it.. Lordaeron, Theramore and Stormwind should have blue/yellow cities and castles - and Stromgarde & the Scarlet Crusade should have red/yellow. If they are white it's not working as it is intended. Best solution if it's working for Theramore but not for the others is to simply give all the settlements with Lordaeron and Stormwind ownerships in the descr_strat a Theramore entry instead.

Theramore, Lordaeron and Stormwind:

Stromgarde and the Scarlet Crusade:

Earlier Credits for 1.0:

Mr_Nygren, Eoghan Wolfkin, Bantu Chieftain, TheHappyCrusader, Sulfurion Blackfyre &WarcraftHero - all the work on the mod itself turning things into Warcraft style, adding units, adding new menu, new scripts, new animations, the whole EDB, EDU, descr_strat etc - all work on turning the map-only alpha into this version.

- TheHappyCrusader - Original mod idea, thread at TWC and creation of the actual map which were the base of the first alpha from aug 2012.

- Eoghan Wolfkin - All the work on turning the map-only alpha into Eoghans unfinished alpha released on march 29 at TWC, which resurrected this mod - did later improve on the Human models by working on two models created by Bantu Chieftain - creating three rosters (Theramore, Stormwind and Lordaeron) out of those two units by Bantu. After this he also made some other models including an entire Scourge roster - of which half still are present in the new mod.

- Mr_Nygren, WarcraftHero, Sulfurion and Bantu - all the work on menu, reskins, coding etc since Eoghans Alpha was released - after the demo released sep 1 we four have been the major contributors to this project - even though Mr_Nygren and Bantu did almost everything regarding coding and riging during the fall of 2017 - while Sulf and WarcraftHero did small stuff when they had the time. During this spring 2018 all four have been very active up until this very moment. - Doing different parts such as Bantu riging models, me implementing said models, me adding new regions and rebels and lots of other stuff including creating portraits for four full rosters, WarcraftHeo being the menu fixer and doing unit portraits for the rest of the factions and lots of issues have been fixed by him - he'd also do reskins - while finally Sulfurion would do recruitment, garrisons, buildings, buidingportraits etc.

Warcraft3Underground fan-site for Warcraft 3 moding - lots of models that we riged for the mod.

Undying Nephalim and Hyrule Total War - Animations and Undead siege engines.

Myth Total War - Animations.

Akhtross Total War - Animations and projectiles.

Call of Warhammer/The Sundering/Beginning of the End Timess - Animations, strat-models for elven princesses, projectiles, Siege engines, ship strat-models and base models for our new models.

Elder Scrolls: Total War - some of Eoghans Undead units were based on Undead from this mod.

Bare Geomod - UI textfiles.

East of Rome - Marka Horse basemodel and texture

Europa Barbarorum 2 team - Skynet Battle AI and campaign script.

Stainless Steel - Savage Campaign AI.

Changes since the demo are too many to list here. Enjoy!

"Warcraft Total War is an unofficial modification with no profit for Medieval 2: Total War, a game developed by The Creative Assembly and published by SEGA. The Warcraft Total War modification is neither created nor affiliated, supported and endorsed by The Creative Assembly Limited, Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. or SEGA Corporation.

Total War, Medieval 2: Total War and the Total War logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Creative Assembly Limited in the United Kingdom and/or other countries. SEGA and the SEGA logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of SEGA Corporation. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.

Warcraft® is ™ trademark or ® registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S. and/or other countries. The Warcraft logo and Blizzard Entertainment logo are either ™ trademarks, ® registered trademarks and/or © Copyright of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S. and/or other countries. All the marks, characters, character names, races, race names, units, unit names, factions, faction names, factions insignia, banners, names, symbols, places, place names, locations, location names, vehicles, vehicle names, images from and related to the Warcraft world are either ™ trademarks, ® registered trademarks and/or © Copyright of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S. and/or other countries. No challenge intended to their status. All Rights reserved to their respective owners.

The "Warcraft: Total War: Official PUBLIC BETA 1.0" is not an attempt at a "World of Warcraft: Total War", - it is an attempt for a full release of a Warcraft Three (Third War) Total War."

PS: Don't use too many Mountain Giants, Sea Giants, Molten Giants or Infernals in the same battle or it will CTD due to polygon hardcoded limit in Medieval II being breached - and try not to have too many big demons in the same small area neither.

Otherwise strat-map is fully stable and battles may only CTD randomly. Always save before a battle. CTRL S will create quick saves.

Post comment Comments
Loht - - 368 comments

Looks great!
I really dislike about Medieval II TW that everything sparkles. Lighting is wrong. Also units look squished.

Do you think you could darken a little the lighting?

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,896 comments

No, i don't think we have any such priority. Not even sure how to do that. Just play night battles or await the right weather on the battlefield.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
LittleLegion - - 444 comments

Looking good guys, well done I really like the forts and towers :) keep up the good work

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,896 comments

Bantu Chieftain have already riged a new Blademaster for both the Dark Horde and the Horde.

And we have a more modern Orc Grunt for Legion, Horde and the Dark Horde - but the Grunt cannot be added until the spearthrowers, archers, warriors, spearmen and peons are replaced. We want the style to fit so it doesn't look out of place.

We also have a stratmodel for the new Grunt - the new Grunt is in the folders already for both the stratmap and battlemap.

Bantu is working on replacing outdated models now though - Highwaymen, Bandits, Slimes and Goblins.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
wisecat - - 5 comments

Recent CTD issue. Campaign (Horde) was running smoothly up until around turn 95. The Burning Legion has Taurajo sieged, I've fought them before in a siege and had no problems.

The second assault, however, keeps CTD during my deployment phase. I'm uncertain why, but I read somewhere that too many Infernals will cause a CTD. Perhaps that army has too many? What do I do in that case? The campaign has been going really well, I would hate to have to abandon it because of an AI army causing my game to CTD.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,896 comments

Try fight it again or just use the console autowin cheat.

Not much to do about the Legion if it still crashes. Should be rare though.

And abandoning the campaign would serve no point, because you will get the same issue in all campaigns.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
wisecat - - 5 comments

I took a chance and auto-resolved the battle. I won. So far no major issues like that.

I'll keep autowin in mind if it happens again. Thanks for the advice!

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Toranks - - 17 comments

CTD pressing the AI button on battles, campaing and custom. I have solved it temporarily changing to ReallyBadAI 5

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,896 comments

That's an odd error on your part only.

Nobody else has reported it, unless of course you forgot to disable the Advisor in the faction selection screen.

- No need to replace the AI but whatever suits your needs, we won't be changing it..

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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