Post news RSS The New Update Has Arrived, and It's Massive!

The big update we've been talking about all year has finally released! Play though a brand new multiple stage mission with new targets to assassinate, new hazards to avoid, and more uncut content has been added to the Unrated version!

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Yes, it's finally that time of year: the biggest Retroninjacyberassassin update!

There are several new additions to the game that we think you might wanna know about. Firstly, there's a new assassination mission with members of the Cybersoul Board of Directors finally on the chopping block!

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A few of the executions are more brutal in the Unrated version!

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There are now also new hazards and obstacles, such as the flame jet:

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And the chaindelier:

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. . . And was it ever mentioned there's a shotgun this update!?? The pellets have a 160 degree spread, the closer the enemy, the more pellets will land a shot. Ammo can be attained by shooting cyber security guards with none other than the shotgun itself!

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And of course, there's an alternate melee:

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Hey! That doesn't go there!

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There's so much more in this update that you'll have to see for yourself, meantime here's a couple more peaks to get you psyched!

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Good luck shinobi, see you at Cybersoul!

Retroninjacyberassassin v0.0.2

Bazlik_Commander - - 312 comments

-Ha ha, good joke, thanks.

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