Post news Report RSS STA3: Release V0.95

We've released! We'd like to thank all of you for your support and to another successful year!

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Star Trek Armada 3 Beta v0.95

Well Ladies, Gentleman and Bajorans we have finally released our mod into the wild. You can now (hopefully) be able to play STA3 in all it's glory. Over a year has passed and the mod has come a long way since then with four factions been implemented, new effects have been added the entire stock game has been gutted and more Trek sounds to give you an Eargasm.

It's been a happy but sometimes tough road to get to this point, and there are lots of people who've helped us along the way.
We'd like to thank (in no particular order) Lavo of the SOGE mod for his help with abilities and features, GoaFan77 of E4X for the inspiration and invaluable hep implementing some of the features particularly the hero vessel ability, The whole SOTP dev team for play-testing our mod and giving us plenty of constructive ways to make things even better and CaptainShack for his lets play videos and constant encouragement and exposure. We can't thank you all enough for what you've done.Links to these fine people and their work can be found at the bottom of the news piece.

Lastly we'd like to thank every member of the community who's been following and encouraging us for all this time and an extra special thank you to everybody who voted for us in the recent competition. Without all of you this would be worthless. I'm proud we've got such a vocal and passionate community and it's truly been a pleasure making this with your backing.

Where are we going to go from here now? Well the game now is going to be patched to add in some stuff that hasn't been implemented. Then the expansion with the Dominion will be released as well as several new features which have yet to be announced.

We'll soon have a changelog in the features section that explains exactly what's in and what isn't quite finished yet. I'd love for the members of the community to comment in there telling me what I've forgotten or finding any issues they feel we need to look at.

From all here at STA3, thank for your support and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Lavo, SOGE:
GoaFan77, E4X, Interregnum:
Sins of the Prophets team:
CaptainShack, youtube guru:

P.S Here's a link to our steam group for those of you looking for a bit of MP action

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Ambarenya - - 797 comments


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stiffmiester - - 20 comments

awesome sauce four and a half hours till I finish work and download this baby thanks you guys for xmas prezzi ever.

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sinay - - 370 comments

I'm no Trekie, but I am damned excited and impressed by this mod and the mod team.

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Doshka17 - - 144 comments

Aaaaaand I've already lost to the borg. One cube wrecked me.

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Maxloef1990 - - 815 comments

Resistance is futile ;)

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Sinistar45 - - 154 comments

Best start spamming then ;)

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Dark_Ansem - - 433 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote - - 9 comments

Wow thanks, great job!

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hartsickdisciple - - 7 comments

I just spent the last several hours playing this, and I must say... GREAT JOB! Thank you for your hard work. I love the look and feel of it. I think the ship balance is nicely-done. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my ready room.

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crazzydeano - - 14 comments

Time to crush the borg with the Romulan Star Empire!!

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Cailean_556 - - 301 comments

So...I've had a few when I attacked a pirate base. When I reloaded an older save and did the exact same thing it didn't happen again and I ended up conquering the pirates and now their base is my fleet rally point (as it's a short jump away from the sun and Klingon territory - in the event I need to deploy ships for their defence quickly).

I managed to negotiate a cease-fire between myself (Feds in this game) and the Klingons, the co-inhabitants of my star system - which was good because the Borg are starting to scout our system. I have a fleet of about 50 assorted ships, one of each capital bar the Sov (though I have the Enterprise - that was a no brainer really).

Anyway, so the 2nd CTD - I was warping to another star (the interstellar warp animation was odd, btw, thick purple-white lines amongst the otherwise stock effect) and as soon as I dropped out of warp in the next suns gravity well, it CTD'd... =(

Loving the mod so far, really well done. Just wondering if this CTD is my end or the mod itself? There's also no error log window showing up either, nor is there any 'error' tone - which I find odd.

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Gul-Dukat(tech) - - 1,810 comments

Would you mind sending me your computer specifications?

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rex44x - - 210 comments

merry christmas and happy new year to all. thanks for the mod, it looks great, only complaint: no prometheus :(

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jonsin1459 - - 1,009 comments

I gave up waiting for authorisation last night, the wife was giving me that once a year christmas spirit look *shudders*. Iv paid the price for tonight and its gonna be one hell of a night. ty guys.

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mangomango999 - - 202 comments

Our prayers and sympathy are with you. Prepare for emergency beam out. 3, 2, 1... energize. (We've got him Captain.)

Glad we got here in time jonsin1459. That data crystal you carry could very well the beginning of the end of the Borg.

Mr. Data get us out of here, warp factor 8. Engage.

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jonsin1459 - - 1,009 comments


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Jack_Hunter - - 860 comments

Yeah great. But I have a short question: Is there a chance to get (in the near future) some language packs like German, French or Spain? Were nice to play it not just in English (as German player^^).

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Gul-Dukat(tech) - - 1,810 comments

We'd love it if someone was willing to help us with Translations :) A big shout out to the international community. If you're interested in helping us translate the mod, I'll be happy to do it and we'll host language packs happily.

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Jack_Hunter - - 860 comments

Unfortunately my English is not very well to do this job and besides am I in another modding team (SGMG), so not enough time.^^

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

Hello Modder of Star Trek Armada III.

I have player this mod, now for a lot of hours today, and i find it verryyy great. The Grafics and the Sounds are incredeble and i love to play the Romulan Race. The D'Deridex is awesome, i love the Interface and the Scimitar :D

Between Klingon, Federation and Romulan the balancing is nice. Ok i must say that the Klingon with their Titan had no luck. But one of my two friends with which i play this Mod said you cannot level it and the ability of it is an selfkilling for kill other ships in system

This three races are all very nice. Our Federation player said only good things too.

But the Borg... ok as A.I. its... hmm nice strong. I love hard Enemies. I and my Federation friend palyer against one 'Hard' Borg,
And there i must say the onliest bad thing: I know the Borg are very strong in the Star Trek universe, but armada gives the balancing to victory against borg. I play now 5 hours with my friend against one Borg, and i must always rebuild all frigates and cruiser after i battled against a few borg frigates with ah full supply army. If i think about that anHuman Player plays this, and is not so *stupid* as a K.I. i dont know how you can vicory aginst it.

Romulan have very strong shields, but its nothing for the borg because they kill directly the hull and ignore 90% of the Shields. So Romulan dont have any chance Alone against an Hard borg player.
I`m capital ship player, player before the Vasari. I can Hold my Capital ships but only if i run mostly away with D'deridex Fleet Cloaking. ~12.000 Hull points of a Romulan Starbase with full upgraded defense systems (~49.000) Shield points, is extrem fast down, because shields... huu here are online but...Seems Borg ignore it..
I thoght Romulan is most Defensive Race in your Mod.. but not against Borg...

I dont want to spam here, i want only to give a serious critic.

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Guest - - 700,079 comments

Part 2:

If i would give a % rating. i would say your beta-Game has 80%
Good Points: Very nice Grafic, Detailed Ships, Awesome Voices, Sound and Weapons, Nice Balancing Between Romulan, Klingon and Federation, Nice Reserch Points, Hold the Star Trek Canon, No overpowered Ships (R,K,F). No Crashed after long hour test

*Bad* Points: After save a game and quit the game, you cannot play savedgame with the others without sending them your file (3vs5 A.I) Klingon Titan: No Level, To expensive for a so short live.
Borg: To overpowered. As A.I. a strong enemie on which you must learn, but alone against Borg.. I think not that this will fit. (Tested with Romulans and Fed on a ~50 Planet Map). A Human Player would destroy all other races after a bit time. Starbase with 50.000 Live and 40.000 Shield (And the Shield works!) is to much. Frigates to strong, kills a ful suply fleet of frigates with not much frigates. To low EP give for so strong enemie ships.

Fazit: I love your game, and you did it really great. But about the Balancing of the Borg you should think again. Its Star Trek Canon that they are so strong, but for an Armada game defintly to much.

Rate 80% of 100%

A Romulan Fan Player

(Sorry about my english, i have my problems with it)

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Gul-Dukat(tech) - - 1,810 comments

Thanks for the critique. To assuage your fears about a human borg player, the AI has research not avaiable to human players so getting to such a powerful point as a human would take much longer and be much harder as a human. As to the cutting beam's Shield Bypass, we'll run some further tests and see if it's a bit too much. I'll also look into the experience points for the Borg vessels. Thanks so much for the comments, I really value them.

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Revirenta - - 24 comments

Great to see that you readed the critique of me :) Yeah the cutting Beam or whatever it is, makes the Romulan Defense Systems...hmm to very low. Two Starbases is great but they cannot defense if there are coming Borg Ships. I did 7 Repair Plattforms behind them but they exploded before my army was there :-/

A Romulan Fan Player

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Rudd - - 187 comments

Well done lads, the results are astounding and the challenge is addictive!

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remog - - 1 comments

Loving the mod so far.. One question: How does one navigate wormholes?

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ChaosWarpstorm - - 4 comments


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