Post news Report RSS Contra 009 work in progress - News Update 15

Another update for Contra mod 009 with a lot of visual improvements.

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Hi guys!! (and girls, I hope there is at least one girl playing Contra mod)

Autumn did not officially start yet, but sometimes we like to be super crazy and break the rules.
So even before Autumn we are bringing you Autumn update (how crazy is that)!?

As we are heading towards Contra 009 FINAL release, we are polishing and improving existing units, AI behavior and gameplay.

In this update we will show you some of the updated units. Of course, besides just units renders, there are a lot of "touches" which you will notice when actually playing.
Once again, we are doing this all for you, so please be a bit more patient.

- First one is updated Microwave Tank for Laser general. Finally that old tuna fish can is replaced with better model. Yes, he is using Avenger bottom, and no, not every tank has to be super unique.

Microwave Tank

- "Gate guardians" are cool guardian drones made only for Seraph mech. Due to game balance Seraph`s shield is removed. New drones are made by default, you don't have to spend money for them. They protect Seraph in pair. Repairing him while standing above him, destroying missiles with lasers, and shooting on both infantry and vehicles. Drones cannot be killed (nor targeted) until Seraph dies.


- Cybernetic general Factory has been remade because of few reasons. First one is, old model had really bad UVW map where some parts of texture were stretched. When exported, few animation frames were cut (no one actually noticed and I never told anyone). And texture style didn't fit other USA structures. So now, you can see brand new factory which fits Ironhand style. Factory doesn't have dining room, sleeping room and other rooms like barracks, instead, there is a butchery needed for assembly of human and robot parts. Where are human parts from? Well, don't ask me. Ask general Ironhand who claims there are less homeless on the streets since he runs his program.


- Another USA structure makeover is given to Airforce generals Superweapon. Again, bad UVW map and texture design, but also lack of night version led to improvement. Few more details added, looks neat in game.


- China also got few things. Zhu Rong or Thermobaric mortar, got improved cannon and few details attached. Once you play general Bao challenge, you will know you are in Hell.

Zhu Rong

- Contra doesn't have many public models in game. In fact, there is one only. It is famous Dragon Tank. I couldn't find a better concept for this true masterpiece, in order to make this tank unique for Contra. At the end, it would be just a slight variant of this unit. So, Dragon tank got his texture and UVW map improved to fit all other China tanks in Contra mod.


- And at last, Tank general Overlord Headquarters got improved structure. We will all agree that old one was lacking details.


And, at the end, as usual...

Please don't ask for release date as we don't know exactly. Yes, we are doing our best to release 009 FINAL this year. Both you and we are waiting for this very long. But keep in mind that we are trying not to release a version filled with bugs, or with broken gameplay where one general rules over others. We are aware that we won't be able to achieve a perfect balance, but we assure you that it will be much better than before. That's hard when you have so many unique units.

Anyway, thank you for patience, and thank you for support. It means a lot!

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 89)
Valherran - - 2,452 comments

@Guest: I'm pretty sure that's a Chinese Devil mask, not a Japanese Ogre.

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K@ktu$ - - 133 comments

Nice to hear from you, I like where you headed with this. Happy to see that you are working on game balance and AI improvements. Also I would like to mention that current version has significantly less infamous MISMATCH errors, hope they will compleatly dissapear :) Can't wait to see FINAL release! Best regards!

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Keiria - - 4 comments


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Damfoos - - 1,051 comments

Huh I've been waiting for an update

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-Reagan- - - 7 comments

It's good to hear news, interesting new designs! Take your time, keep up the good work, we're waiting patiently :)
But is there any hope that general Alexander will get her good old reactor back?
And yes, there is at least one girl who plays Contra :)

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d-ce Author
d-ce - - 755 comments

Oh thank God, a girl playing Contra mod. Now i`ve seen everything.
So far all test games are showing that new reactor fits SW style. While being fast and cheap, they offer SW a chance to quickly take over important parts of the map, and to build WF faster in order to secure map. However, fragile they are, enemy still has a chance to take SW power off if he sneaks into the base. With old reactors, SW needed 2-3 to keep power. And SW continued to build spare reactors all over the base. With their HP and spare reactors, it was almost impossible to turn SW power off.

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epsilonadept11231 - - 9 comments

old Cold Fusion Reactor + cyan Control Rods upgrade
only few reactors need to be contolled the power )

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OhNoesBunnies! - - 1,213 comments

I... I don't think anyone cares that you're a girl. Or a G.I.R.L.

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-Reagan- - - 7 comments

I said that to answer the first sentence, not to your concern, and I don't see any point to talk about it.

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-Grimlock- - - 569 comments

we most certainly do *-*
gamergirls are cool.. there are more btw

about the update.. i think i can speak on behalf of anybody in saying:
we are so excited and we just can`t hide it! autumn update makes us lose control and i think we like it %).

guardian drones, if you would put some tentacles on them and some more red eyes they would look like the squiddies from the matrix universe.
very cool stuff.. oh after seeing you rework some buildings i got a feeling cyber gets a new super weapon? or the clusterbomb plane a cyberish rework?

"Once again, we are doing this all for you, so please be a bit more patient."
"thank you for patience, and thank you for support. It means a lot!"

so do these sentences.

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Gunship_Mark_II - - 4,864 comments

Congrats on another great update, guys!

That Dragon Tank model looks lovely, well done c:

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epsilonadept11231 - - 9 comments

I'll just say Thanks from devs)

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BAGMAN1792 - - 5 comments

Ждём, верим, надеемся, терпим =)))

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Alexander_17 - - 36 comments

you always have my support go ahead (Y)

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VertigoYT - - 17 comments

Join Contra's Discord server to keep in touch and chat with the community and arrange games with them, all in one place.

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IamInnocent - - 266 comments

Contra mod is looking really promising with its new updates. ^_^

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Water_42 - - 41 comments

всё ещё играю в Contra 009 Beta 2 в ожидании релиза, спасибо что стараетесь.

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

Well, you've made signal mines free for China, but why not to add it to generals power menu by default?

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

Also...those chinese snipers...In most videos no one use them. All the work is usually done by RPGs. Is there real purpose of using them? Also snipers're anti-infantry units, and their conception in contra is a little strange this way (I mean chinese snipers only, cause they deal heavy damage to everything). So, what would you say to this?

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d-ce Author
d-ce - - 755 comments

Hmmm....thats a hard one. I need to contact my lawyer first.

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d-ce Author
d-ce - - 755 comments

Ok, im ready.
"we in Contra use china snipers at rank3 to kill most of the units, especially superunits cause snipers are stealth when firing. Their conception is not strange considering they have strong anti tank sniper rifle and not regular anti personnel sniper rifle"

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

Well but you see the problem is...It's hard to beleave that sniper rifle can deal serious damage to tanks and structures. Also Stealth has Assassines, but they have a different conception (based on precision) and deal much less damage.

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rotterdam - - 131 comments about Airforce general.

1. I think that SLID ("Eye") is an excess unit. Why not to give F-16XL and Pave Low range, allowing not to be hit by AA base defenses? Why all these difficulties with SLID field (that affects comanches too for some reason in beta 2).

2. Also I think that F-16XL is an excess unit too. Pave Low is more suited to the role of flying artillery. It hasn't to return to the airfield to reload, has good armor, damage and can deal with the same targets. As well it does not take place on the airfield (which is needed for F-18 as well as it's base airplane at rank 1). Also F-16XL were bugged (beta 2), I mean range bug.

3. Air gets avengers only at rank 3 (WHY???).

4. And finally that "new one" airbag transport (does it really needed?). I used to think that USA uses chinooks for drop operations. May be new transport is more capacious...

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rotterdam - - 131 comments more thing to go. Why don't you remove that "rocket pads" upgrade for some USA helicopters. It's obviously overpowered.

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

And also...Air can train pilots in barracks, well but you should make them not to be able to join ground vehicles, because of logic.

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

Next. As I remember there's an upgrade "Countermeasures", that gives an additional armor to aircraft and makes 50% of missiles to miss. Nice percent, but there is a small nuance. How 'bout lasers, gatlings, gausses, quads, vortexes? So this upgrade just discriminates missile weapons. Withal other weapons're excellent vs aircraft.

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Adriane[Deathscythe] - - 158 comments

Countermeasures makes armor tuff into types of weapon that bypasses flares from countermeasures

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

And also I have big doubts about efficiency of MIG-31 and that Assault's fighter (ability). Seems like they have low damage and low rate of fire. They're just like units for performance.

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

Hi! I have a question for Contra team. Is there any difference between Laser's, Air's and SW's Auroras? I don't mean their cost, upgrades and visual effects. I mean their default parameters and default attack effects. And I used to think that Air's Aurora should be the most powerful (damage, AOE)...

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

And more thing to go. Toxin has an upgrade (beta 2) "flammable acids" and also he has an upgrade that gives chemical immunity. As well as Nuke has nuclear immunity. But you see...Toxin's imminuty doesn't help with flamable we have self damage.

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d-ce Author
d-ce - - 755 comments

Good one Sherlock.

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

I do it for Contra, man.

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

As well as...As I remember in beta 2 there was an upgrade for minigunners (Infantry). Actually there is classical "chaingun" upgrade. But there's one more, that gives 'em heavy machine guns (Serious Sam style etc) and the ability to attack aircraft. And this one's sh*t. Just look at nice minigunners from classical Zero Hour. Leave 'em with normal weapon!!! And probably they don't need to be able to attack air units too.

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d-ce Author
d-ce - - 755 comments

Minigunner will fire Photon Torpedo in Final version.

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

And one more thing, which I missed for some reason. And of course it's Assault's obstacles. I mean buildable ones...It's absolutely obviously that they're ugly and out of meta. Heaps of stones that fence the map...No other general can afford it. And that's why recorded games with Assault looks weird. I think you should remove these obstacles...

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d-ce Author
d-ce - - 755 comments

Assault obstacles are replaced in Final with Bussard collectors.

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

And also that ability of minigunners "long distance fire" or like that. You're jokin' right?) (REMOVE!!!)

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d-ce Author
d-ce - - 755 comments

Long distance firing is replaced in Final with disruptors.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

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b4ri - - 1 comments

waiting for the final stage ..

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Alexander_17 - - 36 comments

good job guys keep up the excellent work of yours !!!
there is still more stuff waiting to be edited and I believe they will be better at your hands :
Nuke cannon - Inferno Cannon - gattling tank - USA Dozer - superweapon and airforce avengers - sentry drone - listening outpost - radar van - assault troop crawler - infantry dragon tank .

remind me if I forgot something

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РredatoR - - 3,853 comments

Some of these are already redone while others might be in the future.

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Alexander_17 - - 36 comments

glad to hear that

hope you still running and updating the project even after 009
because there are still more ideas to come also

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

Probably bug fixing. This is the final version!!!
And one more better change Cyber's portrait. He shouldn't look like Terminator really...Why don't you use that "Vanilla USA" like you've done with Flame and Assault.

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РredatoR - - 3,853 comments

Terminator portrait is nowhere to be found in 009 Beta 2. Which version are you talking about?

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rotterdam - - 131 comments

Sorry, I've already noticed this while been watchin latest Persun's video) I mixed up with smth.

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Alexander_17 - - 36 comments

Chinese battery
prop troop crawler
eng troop crawler

they also doesn't look good at all

all gattlings ,vortex ,gauss and patriot batteries looks old and needs changes in the bottom

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Alexander_17 - - 36 comments

I meant those in tank and flame generals man

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d-ce Author
d-ce - - 755 comments

Well, basically all vanilla models could be updated....but that is not necessary work. We are focused more on polishing gameplay as much as we can so that we can release it.

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Alexander_17 - - 36 comments

with full respect you are mistaken this one man . your modeling work is so amazing and very important also as will as polishing gameplay . without it this mod could never go on any further . this is what gives this mod its great taste in my opinion

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