Post news RSS (#53 Dev Diary) Elfscape's elegant emporium

Hi! this is a graphics diary about the shop UI development process.

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Elfscape's elegant emporium

Dev Diary 53


As promised, this developer's diary will show you the shop UI and its design process.

There can be three types of items in the shop:

A. An item that cannot be bought because you have insufficient coins.
An item that can be bought with coins.
C. An item that has already been bought.

The first designs were made in MSPaint.

Item types order: A, B, C.Shop UI design 1

Item types order: C, B, A.
Shop UI design 2

Item types order: C, B, A.
Shop UI design 3

Item types order: B, B, A.
Shop UI design 4

And this is our latest design - not with city upgrades, but with movement arrow upgrades.

Item types order: B, C, A.
Shop UI design final

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