"We are a tapestry woven of the Vortessence, it is the same for you... If only you would see it."

A reimagining (our own vision of the premise) of the classic Half-Life modification Point Of View.

Look through the eyes of a Vortigaunt, named Vitairn, chained by the Nihilanth, as he fights for his life and freedom.

When I (Konxovar, one of the developers) played through Point of View, for the first time I thought, "This is great... but I think I could create something off of this premise I'd love." Vortigaunts are my favourite fictional creature and I'd love to create an entire mod based on them.

Anyone who has skills they believe could help with the mod is welcome to contact us and offer their services.

If you'd like to see more consistent updates or discuss TVE with the developers/other people, you can join the Discord!

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It's been a while since I've posted any status updates on ModDb, if you want more consistent updates join the Discord.

Anyway, let's begin!

First off, I've been preparing assets for Chapter 2 and planning out the entirety of the mod. I now have a general idea of how the mod will play out. There will be 15 Chapters, including the Credits. That's a lot for a mod, but it's meant to be on the same scale as Opposing Force and Blue Shift, more Blue Shift, and while that seems a little ambitious, that will be easier with help. So first off, a reminder that we need more team members. We currently need:

Lead Programmer

I've learned some programming for TVE, and completed certain things I'll describe shortly, but we need someone more experienced.

Level Designer

For the Black Mesa areas in the majority of the mod, the quality would be greatly improved by an experienced level designer


We need mappers to help, once again, with the Black Mesa areas.

Sound Designer

We need a sound designer to help areas feel more living.

Assistant Texture Artist

For now, I do the majority of the textures, but progress would be sped up if I had help.

With all that said, let's get to the fun parts.

Second off, let me describe what I've accomplished on the programming side of things.

I've reimplemented the Bullsquid, which is actually Valve's code.

I've coded and implemented the Vortigaunt Shock weapon.

I've begun to code the Hivehand weapon, the Alien Controller NPC, and the Alien Grunt NPC. The Grunt will use repurposed code from the HL2 Combine Soldier.

I've mostly learned to recognize what it is code from Valve's stuff does and repurpose it for my own stuff. It isn't ideal, but I'm learning.

Now, for the main event, here's what I've accomplished in terms of assets:

As you'll see, I've revamped the textures and materials for all the creatures.

Vortigaunt, with improved textures

The main creature, the Veritable Vortal Visionary, the Vortigaunt.

The Main Bullsquid Skin

HL Alpha Bullsquid Skin

HL2 Beta Bullsquid

HL2 Amphibious Bullsquid

The Bullsquid has been given various skins to reflect it's look throughout different eras of its look in Half-Life's development. The first is HL1, the second is the HL1 alpha, the third the HL2 Beta, the fourth the Amphibious Bullsquid from somewhere in HL2's development.


The Headcrab. Aside from general improvement, I changed it to be more yellow, idea courtesy of Daburubareru.

Alien Grunt

The Alien Grunt, the brute force manpower behind the Nihilanth's army.

Based more off Black Mesa's Alien Grunt than HL1's, made to look more related to a Vortigaunt.

Alien Controller

The Alien Controller, the brains of the operation. Or, the crystal pyramid inside a head of the operation, anyway.

Finally, a preview of the revamp of the canyon itself, you'll see it when Chapter 2 releases, probably sometime in June or July.

Canyon Revamp

Thanks for reading.

I know it's been a while since Chapter 1, but it is just me working on it right now. I'd really appreciate it, if you have the skills to help, please reach out. The wait probably won't always be this long, even without extra help. There are certain things you have to do at the beginning of development you don't have to at the middle or the end.

Signing off for now, Konxovar, lead developer of Through Vortal Eyes.

With the First Chapter Demo released, We'd like to ask for some help!

With the First Chapter Demo released, We'd like to ask for some help!


A discussion of the first chapter, and a request for assistance.

TVE Alien Models

TVE Alien Models

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Images of a few of the alien models created for Through Vortal Eyes, so far.

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Through Vortal Eyes Chapter 1 Demo

Through Vortal Eyes Chapter 1 Demo

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A short demo of the first chapter of Through Vortal Eyes, as it is right now!

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GetYourFreeTVs - - 85 comments

Cute artstyle for the models

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Konxovar Creator
Konxovar - - 13 comments

Thank you! It's meant to be a higher-poly but less realistic HL1 style.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
UnconsideredDecision - - 6 comments

goofy ahh vortigaunt model

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mujo70 - - 376 comments

le epique

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AVideoCamera - - 33 comments

We're gonna play as a Vort? Like in PoV? oh man this is gonna be cool!

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MilkyFox Creator
MilkyFox - - 2 comments

haha vort go GALUNGA

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Konxovar Creator
Konxovar - - 13 comments

If you've played Point Of View, we're planning on putting in a few references and tributes to the mod, the first one being the name of the first Vortigaunt that speaks to you: Xonxt, the name of the Vortigaunt you played as in PoV.

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BionicCoyote - - 1,255 comments

This looks AWESOME! I'm so tracking this one because this is gonna be good!

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