The year is 2029 15 years after the virus, most animals are dead now and a civil war has broke out. Tanks, Helicopters, Motorcycles, Jeeps, Rocket launchers, Napalm guns, Poison gas, Full auto machine guns, Armored vehicles, Trucks, Sniper rifles with working scopes, Freelancer has been added, Permenant camps, Build outposts and a Fort, and much, much more
collision meshes don't work on vehicles,
Lor Dric
The_Walking_Dead2 scenes
builder of the gods Help with some coding
sorry no version is save game compatible
player can only use guns and melee weapons in battle
if you are playing freelancer make sure you have 8 blank spots in your inventory to prevent equipment loss
h key pick up resources, m key crouch, v key toggles scope, must push 1, 2, or 3 first for the next 2 keys listed, j key sends troops to cover, u key makes troops leave cover
Don't try to fast fire the single shot weapons, that uses ammo but you don't get a shot, aim and shoot these types of weapons, if you want fast fire use automatics
Trading resources for ammo
us, confederacy .556 rounds
aryan, bennet clan 12Ga. rounds
church, woodbury .308 rounds
hagar, miners .42 magnum rounds
cult, marauders 9mm rounds
Can't be played using directx 7 must use directx 9
load textures on demand must be on(checked)
don't send brother,sister,son,or daughter on npc quests
youtube channel
Computer specs reccomended dual core processor, 4 gigs ram 1 gig vid card, might not work with lesser systems
fixes some dialog, finishes the banners, Trade resources for ammo added, a few other fixes
removes the collision meshes from helicopters, which was causing crashes, removes vehicle sounds, which could get annoying
fixes sieges, you use ammo now, changed some kingdom ladies clothes, can't pick up AI ammo belts anymore nor rockets
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Hi, is this mod open source? I'm interested in using this mod as a base to make a new Mad Max-themed mod, if possible. Thanks
I doubt the creator would care if his mods assets were used as Lor Dric, the mod’s creator, is long since passed away. He had a passion for modding and bringing joy to others through making worlds to immerse yourself in. But I cannot speak for him. Those are just my own thoughts. Take care and please remember to appreciate the gift of life :)
Saved near Nu Bastion and when I loaded the game I was somewhere else up north in the map. What happened?
Rest in Piece, brother
I was happened to developed a series of scripts for autometic weapons performing well on both player and npcs, thinking it would be helpful for this mod, and now only to find out the creator is no longer live... Is there somebody who have his sourcecode so we can make some improvements?
Do you know perhaps how to make the bows and crossbows work?
During a battle, when I equip them, they just don't appear on me.
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Thank you for creating so cool of a game!