The Second Great War is nearing its boiling point. Millions of Capellans are abandoning their homes, and are being evacuated in thousands of transports. The GTVA Colossus and a handful of other Terran military units are holding back the Shivan advance, taking innumerable casualties, military and civilian alike. The plan of the Shivans at Capella is still unknown.

The GTD Achilles, one of the last operational Orion-class destroyers, is stationed at Adhara, and has just received some new orders. Rumors are surfacing that some Shivan units left Capella, and entered the Epsilon Pegasi system. Having no military units at Epsilon Pegasi at that point, Terran Command is reluctant to order this vessel and a few other military units to investigate whether the Shivans really infiltrated the system or not, and defend the system if need be.

The player takes up the role of a veteran Terran pilot, who had been court-martialed because of an incident that demanded the life of one of his companions. Now, his only aim is to find an excuse, or die on the battlefield.

The Journey to Epsilon Pegasi is a 10-mission-long minicampaign that will provide you with a pleasant afternoon blowing things up. In all honesty, it will not change the way you perceive the world, and it will not transform you from a tranquil gamer to a pyromaniac arsonist because you played a FreeSpace 2 campaign in which you had to blow up so much... It will give you some fun, and that's all.If you liked JtEP, the author's next campaign, Luyten Civil War, may be worth checking out.

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Campaign Released!


There used to be a couple of links here, but they're dead, so I removed them. To play The Journey to Epsilon Pegasi, follow the Downloads section. The entire mod - the newest version - is hosted at ModDB, not anywhere else. The other mirrors are outdated! Please use those mirrors only if the MODDB one is for some reason down.

Installation instructions (if you are new to installing mods for FreeSpace) are included in the main download. If those instructions for some reason don't take you where you want to be, Google "FreeSpace Wiki" and you'll find all sorts of articles related to installing new mods. Note that JtEP requires FreeSpace Open.

Status report


Greetings all, Sorry for not updating the Mod database entry and the web site for a while, I had real life problems to face with and MindGames missions...

Note Regarding MediaVPs 3.6.12

Note Regarding MediaVPs 3.6.12


The release of MediaVPs 3.6.12 has brought about an important change that affects every mod released before the 6th of August. Read this for more info.

RSS Files

JtEP - v1.1

Full Version

The Journey to Epsilon Pegasi v1.1 patch. Includes all the necessary files to play the campaign.

TopAce Creator
TopAce - - 125 comments

I have news for you.

I plan to revise JtEP, upgrading it to FSO 3.6.12. standards. Since none of the planned changes have been implemented yet, this is kinda "unofficial" as of yet, but I am determined to make some changes.

I will post a real news item once I have anything to show.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Xelions - - 4 comments

I'll have to play this mod again, its been quite a while. See how good my grammar checking was... :P

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TopAce Creator
TopAce - - 125 comments

The files are now available from the Downloads section of this mod's entry.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Xelions - - 4 comments

If you want to download this mod or ask a question about it visit and enter the forums. There you will be able to speak to the Mod Leader and even try new content related to Freespace2. Since the mod is complete I rarely visit here myself, so I would also think that would apply to the Mod Leader.

As for the website azile0, I'm not sure what happen to it.

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azile0 - - 55 comments

I cant get to the website...

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azile0 - - 55 comments

So this picks up on where FS2 left off?! AWSOME! I was irritatedd the super-nova lv was the last!

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TopAce Creator
TopAce - - 125 comments

Sorry for the late reply.
Yes, I had someone to check the grammar for me. If there are any mistakes, it's because he was simply not cautious.

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Chunky - - 1,415 comments

why do you have a grammer checker?

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TopAce Creator
TopAce - - 125 comments

Visit the Homepage if you want to download this.
The implemented ModDB downloading does not work.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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