The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


Night vision shader for anomaly re-imagined. Now features MCM settings to adjust NVGs to your taste, a totally rewritten rendering pipeline, and a bunch more.

Beef's Shader Based NVGs v1.1.1
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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

Update 17 November:

Alternate sights still need to be fixed, but squashed a fair number of issues and bugs, particularly with shader scopes and got a little bit more functionality in.

Next up on the roadmap:
- Fix alternate sights
- Add 2d overlay functionality
- Reorganize MCM menu into submenus
- Add DOF effect control to MCM
- Add control for # of brightness intervals to MCM
- Dynamic tube control (e.g. able to flip up left half of multi-tube NVGs to see detector while artifact hunting)
- Improve turn-on animations (and perhaps add flip-up animation? I don't want to overdo it)

Second Update (1.1.1 fix) Fixed small chance of Script callbacks not registering correctly.

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PossuM - - 322 comments

shader based scopes has a patch in it´s mcm menu

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

* Breaking News*
New update in the works. I won't hit everything on the roadmap listed in the comment above but will additionally add DX8/9 support (minus some features that are computationally expensive), as well as some other fixes.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Molix1981 - - 113 comments

Nice buddie,any date in mind? also dont forget to include a turn off animation aswell...take care

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FRHN - - 13 comments

Waiting eagerly for DX8/9 update. Thanks for working on it!

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vwenjoyer - - 22 comments

how's that coming along? porting the shaders make you consider suicide yet or did you not reach that stage?

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MIDOGamer2023 - - 8 comments

PLS add the Digital NV to BEEF'S NVGS

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Guest - - 699,974 comments

I think also making the Gen3 look more realistic like the real GPNVG-18 lenses look would be cool! check out how they do it in ground branch, pretty realistic!

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Analyzing_Surveyor - - 32 comments

Oh damn, these... these really make me want to replace My Little NVGs. Oh man, but with 108 mods I have installed, one might not be happy... but it is shader based... hmmmmmmmmm.

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Analyzing_Surveyor - - 32 comments

Decided to bite the bullet - only thing I had to change in Beef's item script was for the Anomaly Detector since I have Arszis' Anomaly Detector Restored mod.

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

Funny enough, trying to replace My Little NVGs with my own .ppe effect was where I fell down the rabbit hole of learning shaders and ended up here.

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Guest - - 699,974 comments


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Analyzing_Surveyor - - 32 comments

Do you mind if I post a bug report here or in the Github repository or on the comments?

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Analyzing_Surveyor - - 32 comments

Never mind, turns out I just incorrectly copied the lines from Arszi's Restored Anomaly Detector item_device.script into your's. Game's working just fine and dandy now - still need to calibrate the brightness but this is certainly cool as hell.

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Karlack - - 55 comments

Nice i like, but as of now I use Boomsticks and SharpSticks and the included NVG scopes does not like your new version.
editing shader files is beyond me at this point.
I tried.
Hopefully that gets updated soon. i like the brightness adjustments and auto on off for a pda.

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

Yeah, the new version has to pack more data into fewer shader_params, so it doesn't play nicely with v0.9 NVG shader.

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Minotaur21 - - 90 comments

You're a real one, Beef. This has loads of options, for casual gamers and realism enthusiasts alike. Right on!

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apollodorusnexus - - 7 comments

HOLY ****.

I love how now I found another way to die on my 1 life ironman play throughs!
Getting blinded by my own gun's flash!

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

Use a suppressor to deaden your muzzle flash when wearing NVGs

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apollodorusnexus - - 7 comments


But I won't because I like to torture myself.

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KraizerX - - 185 comments

video preview:
with shader scope:

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

Compatibility with shader based 2d scopes is added in new version

Also for others, you can edit some of the 'advanced' settings in night_vision.h for things like changing the colors as Kraizer has done here for B/W vision - I have some example color schemes in that file as well.

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sp0ng3m0nk3y - - 56 comments

i have this problem now with 1.5.2...even if Shader based scopes support is on, the screen still turns purple

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Cou6ar - - 22 comments

I get this too, how do I fix the purple tint of death? I have to reinstall the entire game when this happens

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Grokitach - - 902 comments

Oooooh man that's so good :D

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]{oNtrAst - - 258 comments

(Google TL)
I remember that in the old versions there was an animation of turning on the headlamp when the NVG was turned on, when will it be again?

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

v1.1 I will add some more animations, not just for player character but also for the nvg effect itself, such as flipping up NVG effect

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Guest - - 699,974 comments

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Guest - - 699,974 comments

Will it go to the boomstick?

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

There can be some problem with the boomstick nightvision scopes and the current NVGs, but I don't know if it would crash or simply not work correctly. There will be no issues with the rest of boomsticks, and I am working with Mich to help him with updating his scopes that use my old nv shader to use the new one.

To answer your question more directly,you should have no issue with boomsticks so long as you don't use the NV scopes patch.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments

Put everything in the correct order and with all the patches, but
I also use B&S

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

Something is overwriting either or night_vision.h, more likely night_vision.h

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Shizukesa - - 23 comments

As a result, B&S is rewriting night_vision.h, but when corrected, it appears like this
(53,16): error X3013: 'calc_vignette': function does not take 2 parameters

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

Are you using the NV scopes patch for B&S? If so, that will be the problem, it must be updated to using v1.0's new pipeline. I didn't see this conflict at first since I have been using B&S while testing the NV scopes, and in some ways it is indispensable since it adds lasers to weapons (and the next update of B&S is likely to include the ability to turn on / off lasers)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
prezidento - - 72 comments

I have the BaS nv scope patch disabled yet I'm experiencing the same crash.

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morgannoor1991 - - 495 comments

can u make work for dx8? i realy love your mod

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

I will make a pared down version for dx8/9 one day, since I don't think I will change the pipeline for a 5th time. Unfortunately, a lot of features will have to be stripped out and refactored to make it work ...

Reply Good karma+3 votes
trucker09 - - 42 comments

Nice.... I'll gonna try this new version, but I will deactivate the BAS NVG Scope patch, just in case hehe

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Dalex404 - - 20 comments

Привет автор!
столкнулся с проблемой я поставил новую версию beef shadeer nvgs (я пытался зарегаться на imgur но пишет что в моём регионе нельзя) у меня установлено в след порядке
Beefs_Shader_Based_NVG_v1.0.1 - Glossy SSR patch
GLossy_SSR_0.13 water optional
GLossy_SSR_0.13 nvgs patch (на старой)
и не работает на новой версии
а когда на старой было то все работало что делать?

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

попробуйте этот список

GLossy_SSR_0.13 water optional
Beefs_Shader_Based_NVG_v1.0.1 - Glossy SSR patch

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Dalex404 - - 20 comments

я поставил в таком порядке после чего зашел в игру
создал новую игру и прописал себе 3 фонарика с ночным виденьем проверил каждый нажимаю N но ничего не работает а включается только свет L

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

Вы удалили кэш шейдеров?
Так же, аддон меняет управление ПНВ:
Для включения/отключения необходимо зажать N.
Короткое нажатие на N регулирует яркость.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Dalex404 - - 20 comments

Странно я вроде ничего не удалял а нажатие на N не удерживая ничего не происходит и долгое нажатие тоже не работает

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

Если при длительном нажатии N (более полсекунды) вы слышите шум,но худ ПНВ не отображается, шейдер работает некорректно.

Если при длительном нажатии N (более полсекунды) не включается ни худ ПНВ, ни его звук, ни ночного видения, значит, скрипт работает некорректно возможно его перезаписал другой аддон.

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Dalex404 - - 20 comments

Спасибо большое помогло оказывается теперь на удержание N работает 100/10

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

Доброй охоты, сталкер

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Guest - - 699,974 comments

Здравствуйте, а что делать если шейдер работает некорректно?

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CATDOG=) - - 1 comments

В лаунчере аномали, под кнопкой Play stalker anomaly, есть пункт 'delete shader cache'. Ставишь галочку на нём и запускаешь игру. Мне помогло

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RamseySparrow - - 831 comments

hey theRealBeef, since on you're on fire recently, I have a mod suggestion:

let grenades, anomalies and critical damage attacks have a chance at damaging the side of your equipment you usually take for granted: NVGs, PDAs, flashlights, detectors.

This would make them less of a permanent one-off purchases you take for granted, turning them instead into good succeptible to damage as any other in sometimes very undesirable situations (night escapade far from home where you take a critical hit into your NVGs).

While implementing damage system to those items similar to weapons may be difficult (I don't know, it's a semi-educated guess), two simple alternatives would be to either make such item completely despawn from player inventory (destroyed... puff!) or simply making them loose all their battery charge whenever a check for damage comes back positive.

I always disliked how those things were a one off - once you had them you took them for granted for the remainder of the game, risk-free.

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Valley_of_Snow - - 39 comments

Not a bug regarding beef's mod, but if you use a retexture for gunsight reticles, you run the risk of having bloom become overwhelming to the point you may not be able to use the optic at all during NVG use.

I am using bert's for reference, and the Kobra sight retexture is unusable on anything below a threshold for washout setting of 0.9. Again, not an issue with this mod and removal of the offending sight texture will fix the issue, but it's something to keep in mind perhaps. Everything else seems to be working as intended on the v1.0.1 release of Beefs NVG's for 1.5.1.

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

In chasing realism sometimes it makes things more complex in a game. The easiest answer is to get adjustable brightness for the scope reticles so they can have a day and a night mode ... it's on the 1.2 figure-out-how-to-do list anyway, perhaps triggered by turning on NVGs. Green lasers and sights from B&S also get washed out but red do not (as much) due to the YUV conversion that I use to pack the image data into a single channel in order to manipulate the lightmap and albedo in the other two color channels.

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Valley_of_Snow - - 39 comments

I hope you're able to keep making progress on your mod and don't run into any more issues now that you've gotten it into a state you're happy with. I was able to add v1.0.1 to my extensive load-order today thanks to the newly found compatibility for other mods, including shader-based 2d scopes and if I'm not misremembering, Food, Drugs & Drinks animations and perhaps Groks masks. I've played with it a little more since installation and noticed binoculars have trouble displaying properly under NVG unless you activate it post-zoom.

I'll try to keep track of any other issues I may find during testing, and I'm eager to see what else you do, Beef's NVG's or otherwise. :D

Edit: Just a stray thought, but perhaps either as a part of or post-release of v1.2, you could redo binoculars entirely as an optional addon as they have NVG upgrades. It occurred to me when I saw you were also considering tweaking other devices/items.

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theRealBeef Author
theRealBeef - - 271 comments

I've added fixing the binoculars to the todo list for 1.1, thanks for the heads up

As far as the long term nvg upgrades for bino stuff, its also a pretty good idea, but I have to keep 'scope creep' or whatever its called within check, so that I finish what's in front of me before adding too much to the todo list, but its not a bad idea. Thanks for sharing :)

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