Kane's Wrath Unofficial Big Bang Patch 1.04 is a mod that adds few new things and tries to balances the game a bit more from my and the community ideas while at the same time also tries to save the most import ingredient at bay: The "fun".

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Need to fix balance (Games : Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath : Mods : Kane's Wrath Unofficial Big Bang Patch 1.04 : Forum : Marked of Kane : Need to fix balance) Locked
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Sep 6 2017 Anchor

Balance fix requests

1. Tiberium towers that are capturable should not be destroyable. If they must be destroyable, give them lots of armor and passive hp regen. Why? It is too easy to simply destroy them, instead of capturing and holding. It ruins the point of the objective capturing minigame if you can just piss all over the game board.

2. Allow the nod stealth generator to cloak itself. Why? stealth generators in cannon were able to cloak themselves, leading to cat and mouse games where gdi actually had to hunt for nod.

3. Disable the AI ability to use the orca bombardment. Why? it ignores stealth. As such, it is unfair to allow targeting through stealth.

4. Give the unpacked reckoner innate self repair and stealth. Give the packed reckoner 1 more seat, and take away some of its health. Prevent the packed reckoner from firing on the move. Why? as of now, there is no quick and dirty method to deploy nod units+ reckoner stealthed to an enemy mineral field. This is classic nod, rush the mineral lines, and harass from the edges. By adding an extra unit, you make the execution mechanically easier, and by removing hp, you allow the attack to be countered.

5. For kane's cyborgs that are created when a building is destroyed, increase them to full health. Why? all other factions get full health infantry at unit death. the marked of kane are not 3x better than other infantry.

6. For enlightened and the marked of kane, please force the entire squad to split damage, so that no individual squad members die without the whole squad dying. Also, please allow them and the marked of kane to regenerate in tib fields.

7. Nod needs a ground response to gdi chicken walkers. Probably infantry is best.

Edited by: shaithias

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