This is the initial pre-release of an alternative history mod concept for Victoria 2 - Heart of darkness. Disclaimer ----- This is not in any way complete This timeline differs where Napoleon Bonaparte is defeated earlier than at Waterloo, due to an earlier united effort from a semi-unified federation of Germanic states from the former HRE. The mod includes other historical differences such as: -A lack of Prussian influence in Central Europe (No Prussian Formation of Germany). -Former Austrian holdings split between Poland, Hungary and the Ottomans. -New Power in the Low-lands (Friesland), with Dutch Asian holdings under the separate "Dutch East India Company". -Spanish control of southern France -Danish Control of Norway -Some other small nations released This mod is no where near complete, and the lore is open to changes for more accuracy, while also maintaining balance for gameplay Please provide tons of feedback about bugs, historic changes and anything else. Thanks!

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Fall napoleon v1.1

Fall napoleon v1.1

Patch 1 comment

new update with british east india company as a sphere of the UK. still needs fixing. Also added decision for friesland to annex VOC

Fall of Napoleon v1.0

Fall of Napoleon v1.0

Full Version 1 comment

First version of the mod. Feel free to provide feedback, I'd love to collab if anybody feels like getting involved

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Guest - - 705,813 comments

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TheMacRazor - - 110 comments

Is there a structured timeline for this mod ? Also why is Friesland not in control of the Dutch East Indian Territories ? Is it cause the Dutch East Indian Company a government in exile for the original Dutch government that has been ousted out by Friesland ?

Also I would love to help you with this mod. I know some coding for decisions and localization (although I am big noob)

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Maully Creator
Maully - - 1 comments

For sure message me i'd love some help

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Guest - - 705,813 comments

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