Call of The Zone is a standalone modification for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Call of Pripyat that allows you to explore the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone – a desolate and highly contaminated region of Ukraine that has been abandoned and closed off for decades ever since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. What has been going on in this irradiated wasteland since then? There are no shortage of rumors and conspiracy theories, each more fantastic than the last. Rumors of mutated wildlife, brainwashed cults, secret experiments, and unexplainable paranormal events abound, as do promises of great riches and wildest dreams coming true for those who are daring or desperate enough to try to break through the cordon. You are about to find out for yourself what is true and what is yet undiscovered, and experience for yourself all the Zone has to offer... or to take from you.

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Mangun hostility bugged ? (Games : S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat : Mods : DoctorX Call of The Zone : Forum : Support and Troubleshooting : Mangun hostility bugged ?) Locked
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Nov 24 2020 Anchor

On my long Duty play, near the 3/4 of the storyline my faction Duty went at war with the Loner faction.

At some point i noticed Mangun was hostile and was then not repairing/upgrading my stuff anymore, the only Duty member hostile to me.

I didn't noticed if it was linked at first so i wondered if i by mistake shot multiple times Mangun at some point (as with Loner being hostile, the area around the bar was a warzone at some point, who know what bullets went into who :D ) .

Since then i completed the storyline and now just have some fun doing some missions or making my own patrols to shoot mutants and enemies.

During one of my patrol that went through Garbage and Cordon, the Loner faction finally made a cease fire with Duty (it was the longest lasting war between 2 factions i ever had in CotZ), i guess i finally killed enough Loner to force them to understand the value of peace, too bad it was Fanatic that took my last bullet before peace appeared.

I went back to Duty HQ to sell some stuff back and noticed that Mangun was ... neutral.

So it looks like despite Mangun is with Duty, the war and now neutral stance with Loners is what influence his stance with Duty.

Edited by: Sanctuary

DoctorX01 Developer
Nov 24 2020 Anchor


For a while in COC Mangun was mistakenly classified as a Loner instead of Duty. I had fixed that in Questlines, and exetended those changes into CoTZ, but maybe there is still some buried reference in the code somewhere that still has him flagged as a Loner.

Thanks for the report, I'll see what I can find out.

Oct 20 2021 Anchor

I found this thread Googling because I was playing as the Military and basically had the same problem with a hostile ManGun.
Regrettably Doc cannot get to this (R.I.P Doc)
but I found where the problem is.

FYI This is uploaded as a file CotZ ManGunFix
shout out to Sanctuary for wanting an upload of this

If you want to edit this your self, readon


ManGun fix
ManGun identifies a Duty mechanic, however there is a bug, and he still belongs to the Loner faction instead.
As a result if playing Duty or Military, ManGun may not allow the player to interact properly with him, that is repair/upgrade.
To fix this go to your extracted CoZ files and locate:


search out the following line in squad_descr_bar.ltx
npc = bar_visitors_stalker_mechanic

Above that line you will see:

faction = stalker
npc = bar_visitors_stalker_mechanic

change stalker to dolg as below

faction = dolg
npc = bar_visitors_stalker_mechanic

place the edited squad_descr_bar.ltx file into
gamedata\configs\misc\ of your Call of the Zone install
Merge or overwrite any squad_descr_bar.ltx file that might be there already from previous mods

Now ManGun will properly behave as Duty and those factions neutral to Duty such as as the Military at the start of the game can now use ManGun's services

Edited by: SteamMod

Oct 23 2021 Anchor

Thanks for the fix, that's for my next CotZ run.

You should upload it in the addons section as sadly it will not be officially implemented anymore after DoctorX passed away.

Edited by: Sanctuary

Oct 28 2021 Anchor

Uploaded as an addon CotZ ManGunFix

Edited by: SteamMod

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