Unofficial Stardrive 1 patches.

  • Latest Release can be found here. Note that you only need to install the release. If there are patches, the auto patcher will prompt and install the latest patch for you.
  • Readme in Github
  • Discord Chat feel free to drop by with questions, requests, problems or say hi.
  • ChangeLog and discussion on Facebook.
  • Steam Forum here.

Set up a Patreon Donation

I just want to play the mod Crunchy!

Great! The process is simply:

  • Downloads will be more up to date from here
  • You can check this video for install instructions
  • Note that mods not updated to work with blackbox will not work with blackbox.

Stardrive BlackBox

Let's play .

Play guides

Feature list for Latest Stable Radical Elements build. (there is more than this I just dont have it all written down). Recommend getting and installing the latest mod pack and then latest stable test.

General Game Things

  • Larger Maps.
  • Many many crash fixes.
  • troop management improvements.
  • troops will autoland on planets you send them to. orbit a planet with a shift right click.
  • planets will auto resupply troop ships.
  • solar system info expansion will show special resource marker and player troop counts.
  • Large Access Aware exe to reduce out of memory issues.
  • money based on population rather than production.
  • Much better ship targeting code.
  • Reduced volume when warping and launching troops.
  • full control over audio volume.
  • running without force full sim will use weapon ranges and fire arcs and beams will use power correctly. this allows a more realistic combat model when not using force full sim.
  • mouse back button will select the previously selected ship. so you can select a ship go to an area you want to move the ship to. hit the mouse back button and move it.
  • center mouse will zoom and lock to the select item.
  • mouse wheel will zoom in select ship.
  • single tap a fleet icon to select it. double tap to zoom to it.
  • changing arcs in shipyard more predictable. left click and hold to allow selecting of the arc to move it. Arc should not change without at least a half second hold. or enable the options setting to only move arcs when holding the alt key.
  • ships with experience can fire at targets of opportunity and will target more worthwhile ship parts.
  • save games will remember last camera position.
  • more screens with buttons to send troops.
  • AI and player will fire and engage targets where non aggression or alliance treaties do not exist.
  • Governors are better at governing.
  • Sorts are remembered and saved with save games.
  • Real Lights option enabled and toggled via F5
  • open bit bucket issue tracker with F6.
  • Many fixes to weapon effects and abilities.
  • Setting a colony to military will send idle troops to defend planets.

Performance increases.

  • more multi threading.
  • AI ship count limiter
  • allows the game to have more ships for the AI and adjust the ship performance load for your system.

AI improvements

  • AI will chose techs by what it needs and will choose ship techs that it can use and give it the best ship.
  • AI will manage its troops better.
  • AI will use more diverse fleets.
  • AI can use carrier designs.
  • AI will use troop carrier designs.
  • Fighters will return to carrier when out of ammo.
  • Fighters will more effectively return to carrier when warping.
  • Fleets will stay together when formation warping.
  • AI can build defensive platforms and star bases and will do so taking into account defensive needs.
  • ship sensors effect target picking radius
  • fighters use carrier sensor range
  • AI will better manage its economy.
  • AI fleets will be more formidable.
  • Freighters will deliver goods and population smarter.

many mod only additions

  • mods can run entirely from the mod directory.
  • Currently only CombinedArms will work with blackbox

More automation controls.

  • Auto Taxes
  • Auto Technology

New Espionage screen

  • more info about other empires
  • New spy code.

So what is black box? its a decompiled recompiled version of stardrive. It contains fixes and enhancements to the basic game while trying to keep the game as close to vanilla as possible.

BlackBox is Coded by:

  • McShooterz
  • The Doctor
  • General Axure
  • CrunchyGremlin
  • YoyoXyz
  • fbedard
  • allium_sativum
  • Red Fox
  • Sean
  • Fat Bastard (Fizban)

And many others

STEP BY STEP INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (deprecated - check readme file linked above)

  • Set your game completely back to vanilla. IE if you installed a mod revert back so that vanilla runs.
  • if you have never installed a mod you can skip the revert to vanilla section.
  • How to revert to vanilla or Nuking from orbit... Its the only way to be sure. (warning: This requires basically downloading the game from steam again):
  • go to the stardrive program folder. usually something like: Program Files(x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarDrive
  • delete the "content" folder.
  • go to steam.
  • right click stardrive
  • properties.
  • find the option that lets you "verify content"
  • do that.
  • your game should be vanilla after it replaces the gigabyte of data in the content folder.
  • When installing normal mods do not overwrite content folder items with the mod files. mods content must exist all in the mod folder for it work right with blackbox. properly formatted it will. all the mods in the mod super pack are formatted this way.
  • go to the download section and download the test version.
  • extract the zip into the the game directory usually located in Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\StarDrive
  • Note that all current releases are self extracting executables that will default extract to the standard steam location. if you have a non standard install adjust the path shown in the exe as needed.
  • Overwrite files if asked.
  • To Uninstall follow the revert to vanilla instructions above.
    • This mod should be compatible with normal content mods but please dont install them as you would vanilla SD. The mod should run entirely out of the SD mod folder now. It just needs to be formatted to do this.
    • Most SD mods require overwriting of game files. We removed that need and not reverting to vanilla or overwriting game files with a new mod may result in inconsistent behavior. If you find a mod that doesnt run right solely from the mod folder contact us. Here:

Notice: we have the stardrive devs publicly and privately stated approval for modifying the game for educational purposes but this software is still under the steam license restrictions. Do not use this for immoral or personal financial gain, donations requests are ok but can not be demanded or required. Do not attempt to circumvent game DRM. Be reasonably respectful of the dev and the original software and steam. please read the steam EULA and understand that game modding is a common concept.

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Post article RSS Articles

Stardrive Mars release is finally here!

Stardrive Mars

You can find it here
Installation instructions here
Overview of early Mars:

Major changes:

  1. Vanilla content is now replaced with Blackbox plus (BB+) content, when deliver a better and more balanced experience than Vanilla while still not overwhelming to new players.
  2. Serialization which reduces errors
  3. Save Games no longer crash with OutOfMemory
  4. Reduced OutOfMemory crashes, it is now very rare
  5. Threat Clusters - huge speedup during lategame for sensor scans
  6. Fleet Designer - minor improvements to usability and lots of bugfixes
  7. New Space Roads logic - road management is now stable and efficient, with budget based scrapping
  8. Colonizable Volcanic planets - rare rich planets which can be colonized for huge production output
  9. New Camera Movement - Middle mouse to pan, fast adaptive camera zoom
  10. A lot of stats balancing - early game should be considerably more fun
  11. Combined Arms mod is supported in Mars and latest build can be found here
Venus is Now Released!

Venus is Now Released!

News 16 comments

After 1.5 years of development, give or take, Venus is ready for Release. This article will explore some of the changes in Venus (there are a lot) and...

Working on Venus Release

Working on Venus Release

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Texas has come a long way but its time to move on. So welcome to Venus.

Texas Alpha 1 Release Getting Close

Texas Alpha 1 Release Getting Close

News 4 comments

Soon it will be here... Soon. A couple of months max.

StarDrive BlackBox “Texas”

StarDrive BlackBox “Texas”

News 2 comments

We have fixed a lot of bugs and added a lot of features, maps 4x the old volume, a stable economy, new AI attack plans, less AI god sight, troop ships...

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BlackBox Mars

BlackBox Mars

Full Version 3 comments

Stardrive BlackBox Mars version. New daily builds on bitbucket. more stabler! more faster! more Stuff. More fun.

Stardrive BlackBox Venus Test

Stardrive BlackBox Venus Test

Patch 8 comments

Venus test builds. A lot of new user experience features have been put in. So much under the hood. So much. Memory issues are getting better. Win7 handles...

BlackBox ModSuperPack. incompatible with venus

BlackBox ModSuperPack. incompatible with venus

Patch 25 comments

StarDrive mods for BlackBox. ComboMod. TechLevel. Babylon5, Lost Tech, STSA and more

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 336)
Corelious - - 290 comments

New space road logic is busted dude. I have 10+ subspace relays built by the automated system right on top of each other.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
fizban1978 Creator
fizban1978 - - 41 comments

This was fixed several weeks ago, by now :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
chronus1326 - - 17 comments

(!) Exception: Program.CurrentDomain_UnhandledException

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Followed by: Parallel.For task threw an exception
Version = 1.40.14000 release/mars-1.40
Mod = Combined Arms
ModVersion = 8.0B
StarDate = 1467.7
Ships = 1232
Planets = 71
Memory = 350604
XnaMemory = 189234
Thread = Universe.SimThread
ThreadId = 23
Thread #23 Universe.SimThread StackTrace:
at Ship_Game.ShieldManager.RemoveShieldLights(UniverseScreen u, IEnumerable`1 shields)
at Ship_Game.Ships.Ship.UpdateModulesAndStatus(FixedSimTime timeSinceLastUpdate)
at Ship_Game.Ships.Ship.UpdateShipStatus(FixedSimTime timeStep)
at Ship_Game.Ships.Ship.UpdateAlive(FixedSimTime timeStep)
at Ship_Game.Ships.Ship.Update(FixedSimTime timeStep)
at Ship_Game.UniverseObjectManager.<>c__DisplayClass54_0.<UpdateAllShips>g__UpdateShips|0(Int32 start, Int32 end)
at Ship_Game.ParallelTask.Run()
Followed by:
at Ship_Game.Parallel.For(Int32 rangeStart, Int32 rangeEnd, RangeAction body, Int32 maxParallelism)
at Ship_Game.UniverseObjectManager.UpdateAllShips(FixedSimTime timeStep)
at Ship_Game.UniverseObjectManager.Update(FixedSimTime timeStep)
at Ship_Game.UniverseScreen.SingleSimulationStep(FixedSimTime timeStep)
at Ship_Game.UniverseScreen.ProcessSimulationTurns()
at Ship_Game.UniverseScreen.UniverseSimulationLoop()
at Ship_Game.UniverseScreen.UniverseSimMonitored()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Thread #1 Main Thread StackTrace:
at XNA.Graphics.GraphicsDevice.Present(tagRECT* pSource, tagRECT* pDest, HWND__* hOverride)
at XNA.GraphicsDeviceManager.XNA.IGraphicsDeviceManager.EndDraw()
at XNA.Game.EndDraw()
at XNA.Game.DrawFrame()
at XNA.Game.Tick()
at XNA.Game.HostIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at XNA.GameHost.OnIdle()
at XNA.WindowsGameHost.ApplicationIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at XNA.WindowsGameHost.Run()
at XNA.Game.Run()
at Ship_Game.Program.Main(String[] args)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
SlaaneshFollower - - 165 comments

Is there a way to make Repair Drones repair IN Combat instead of only outside of it? Good mod btw.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 700,086 comments

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Guest - - 700,086 comments

Just a question and probably a stupid one at that but when I go to download the mod I noticed there are like a dozen versions, is the game getting updated by the hour just about? I also experienced my first crash which I cant get past when in games something about a pirate artifact and then game sends an error report (really slick you guys have this). I wish I could be more help but I just started playing this game (even though I bought it when it first came out I never got around to playing with all the bad press...same with SD 2 but when I saw this mod I just had to try it). Really appreciate the help and this mod looks amazing, cant wait to really sink my teeth into this but just want to find out about the downloads and how to fix the crash, again much appreciated.

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
fizban1978 Creator
fizban1978 - - 41 comments

Since the project is more of hobby to us, when we have time, we write a lot of code. Maybe try our latest version (links updated in the mod description).

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Brashin - - 4 comments

Sorry here is the error code hope this helps

(!) Exception: UpdateGame() failed

Load PNG C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\StarDrive\Mods\Combined Arms\Textures\Encounters\Obelisk1.png failed: pngRowBytes is invalid
Version = 1.20.12852 develop/commit
Mod = Combined Arms
ModVersion = 7.2I
StarDate = 1007.7
Ships = 279
Planets = 220
Memory = 219669
XnaMemory = 191637
Thread = Main Thread
ThreadId = 1
Thread #1 Main Thread StackTrace:
at Data.Texture.ImageUtils.LoadPng(GraphicsDevice device, String filename) in Data\Texture\ImageUtils.cs:line 86
at SpriteSystem.TextureAtlas.CreateTextureInfos(AtlasPath path, FileInfo[] textureFiles) in SpriteSystem\TextureAtlas.Utils.cs:line 11
at SpriteSystem.TextureAtlas.CreateAtlas(FileInfo[] textureFiles) in SpriteSystem\TextureAtlas.CreateAtlas.cs:line 55
at SpriteSystem.TextureAtlas.FromFolder(String folder, Boolean useTextureCache) in SpriteSystem\TextureAtlas.cs:line 181
at Data.GameContentManager.LoadTextureAtlas(String folderWithTextures, Boolean useAssetCache) in Data\GameContentManager.cs:line 368
at Data.GameContentManager.LoadSubTexture(String textureName) in Data\GameContentManager.cs:line 385
at EventPopup.LoadContent() in StoryAndEvents\EventPopup.cs:line 54
at GameScreen.InvokeLoadContent() in GameScreens\GameScreen.cs:line 195
at ScreenManager.AddScreenAndLoadContent(GameScreen screen) in GameScreens\ScreenManager.cs:line 110
at ScreenManager.AddPendingScreens() in GameScreens\ScreenManager.cs:line 122
at ScreenManager.Update(UpdateTimes elapsed) in GameScreens\ScreenManager.cs:line 505
at GameBase.UpdateGame(Single deltaTime) in GameScreens\GameBase.cs:line 211

Thread #29 Universe.SimThread StackTrace:
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOneNative(SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, UInt32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext)
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.InternalWaitOne(SafeHandle waitableSafeHandle, Int64 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean hasThreadAffinity, Boolean exitContext)
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(Int32 millisecondsTimeout, Boolean exitContext)
at System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne()
at UniverseScreen.UniverseSimulationLoop() in Universe\UniverseScreen\UniverseScreen.UpdateGame.cs:line 75
at UniverseScreen.UniverseSimMonitored() in Universe\UniverseScreen\UniverseScreen.UpdateGame.cs:line 59
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
meleshkomv - - 4 comments


Thx for MOD!) Its really cool!

But i have a crash game((

(!) Exception: Program.CurrentDomain_UnhandledException

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Version = 1.20.12762 develop/commit
Mod = Combined Arms
ModVersion = 7.2G
StarDate = 1752.9
Ships = 3928
Planets = 467
Memory = 352206
XnaMemory = 224107
Thread = Universe.SimThread
ThreadId = 20
Thread #20 Universe.SimThread StackTrace:
at Fleets.Fleet.DoClearAreaOfEnemies(MilitaryTask task) in Fleets\Fleet.cs:line 1553
at Fleets.Fleet.EvaluateTask(FixedSimTime timeStep) in Fleets\Fleet.cs:line 615
at Fleets.Fleet.UpdateAI(FixedSimTime timeStep, Int32 which) in Fleets\Fleet.cs:line 2236
at Empire.UpdateFleets(FixedSimTime timeStep) in Empire.cs:line 1858
at Empire.Update(FixedSimTime timeStep) in Empire.cs:line 1603
at UniverseScreen.UpdateEmpires(FixedSimTime timeStep) in Universe\UniverseScreen\UniverseScreen.UpdateGame.cs:line 427
at UniverseScreen.ProcessTurnEmpires(FixedSimTime timeStep) in Universe\UniverseScreen\UniverseScreen.UpdateGame.cs:line 379
at UniverseScreen.SingleSimulationStep(FixedSimTime timeStep) in Universe\UniverseScreen\UniverseScreen.UpdateGame.cs:line 203
at UniverseScreen.ProcessSimulationTurns() in Universe\UniverseScreen\UniverseScreen.UpdateGame.cs:line 160
at UniverseScreen.UniverseSimulationLoop() in Universe\UniverseScreen\UniverseScreen.UpdateGame.cs:line 88
at UniverseScreen.UniverseSimMonitored() in Universe\UniverseScreen\UniverseScreen.UpdateGame.cs:line 58
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Thread #1 Main Thread StackTrace:
at XNA.Graphics.GraphicsDevice.Present(tagRECT* pSource, tagRECT* pDest, HWND__* hOverride)
at XNA.GraphicsDeviceManager.XNA.IGraphicsDeviceManager.EndDraw() in ts\BlackBox\XNA.Game\GraphicsDeviceManager.cs:line 564
at XNA.Game.EndDraw() in ts\BlackBox\XNA.Game\Game.cs:line 368
at XNA.Game.DrawFrame() in ts\BlackBox\XNA.Game\Game.cs:line 413
at XNA.Game.Tick() in ts\BlackBox\XNA.Game\Game.cs:line 307
at XNA.Game.HostIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e) in ts\BlackBox\XNA.Game\Game.cs:line 518
at XNA.GameHost.OnIdle() in ts\BlackBox\XNA.Game\GameHost.cs:line 65
at XNA.WindowsGameHost.ApplicationIdle(Object sender, EventArgs e) in ts\BlackBox\XNA.Game\WindowsGameHost.cs:line 79
at XNA.WindowsGameHost.Run() in ts\BlackBox\XNA.Game\WindowsGameHost.cs:line 93
at XNA.Game.Run() in ts\BlackBox\XNA.Game\Game.cs:line 166
at Program.Main(String[] args) in GameScreens\Program.cs:line 147

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
meleshkomv - - 4 comments

Guys help!(( How to Fix it???(

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
fizban1978 Creator
fizban1978 - - 41 comments

We did a ton of changes.
Maybe try our latest version (links updated in the mod description).
Also we are active mostly on discord.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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