Hello everyone! My name is Curtis, but my nickname that I kept since I was 8 is "Mac". I am a big fan of sci-fi and anything to do with technology and space. When time permits, I love playing games... If I had to choose which style of gaming is my favorite, I couldn't say. I would put RTS, 1st-person, and RPG as the top 3, but I suppose that covers a good percentage of all the games! What I also really like to do on my spare time is create maps for pc games, mainly for the C&C series but sometimes for the AoE series - I can thank RA95 for this map-building addiction! I don't have any experience with modding, though. Lately (as in the last few years, off & on, when I have time) my time for playing has been devoted to building maps for C&C3;. Why this game? Because this game has a such an awesome mod that I have great respect for and thoroughly enjoy... It's called: Tiberium Essence.

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Jaded Serenity
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Name: Jaded Serenity
Size: 550 x 380
Players: 2-4

Map Description:
This tropical region features two main lands and a small island, all linked together by bridges, with varying natural defenses provided by cliffs and the coast. Each starting position offers adequate building space with green tiberium nearby and a blue deposit not far. There are some structures for garrisoning, with tiberium spikes and a single EMP station near the middle for capturing.

Author Comments:
Hammer & Sickle was one of my favorite maps for RA2, but I knew that name wouldn't be very fitting, for unless someone develops the chronosphere again, we are not fighting a Soviet nation here. I did however want to follow that tradition with the new name. Originally I called it Stinger & Venom (representing Nod), but decided that sounded cheesy and finally after much deliberation, I settled for Jaded Serenity. I hope you welcome my choice. As for the map itself, I did keep true to the original, except for a few details and minor adjusting, just so it'd be more fair for some players (namely the top left).