I am a humanist, which mean, in part, that I have tried to behave decently without any expectation of rewards or punishments after I'm dead.

RSS Reviews

IDF: Fight for Independence

Mod review

this is very disturbing


Doom 3: Redux

Mod review

ive played alot of doom3 graphics mods in my time and this one takes the cake. awesome work Clear_strelok


Doom 3 BFG Hi Def

Mod review

amazing simply astounding, the best hd mod yet for doom 3. brings id tech 5 to what should be expected with this engine upgraded version. you can finally succeed in getting your money's worth with the bfg edition!


RTCW Venom Mod

Mod review

Duke Nukem Eternity

Mod review

Renegade X (UT3)

Mod review