Welcome to the [PAD]Community. This is a group for WoP players and fans on IndieDB and ModDB to join and to find out what is going on in the World of Padman. The very good bit is that anyone in the community can add articles, media and downloads to the group's profile. Share your stuff or invite other players to join online. Make an event and take part in them as they happen.

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[PAD]Community Talk [PAD]Community Talk

Geschütztürme in Karten für... (blu132 2 years ago)

Pic of the Week / Video of the...


13 50  
[PAD]Days [PAD]Days

[PAD]Day #06/2020 (hectic2 4 years ago)

[PAD]Day #04/2020

[PAD]Day #3/2020

15 42  
[PAD]Events [PAD]Events

Haus Enten vs. [PAD]Community... (Kai-Li 3 years ago)

1 1  
World of Padman Boards
WoP General WoP General

World of Padman 1.2 Complete Pack... (xLapisLazulix 2 years ago)


Beta testers wanted!

12 30  
WoP Troubleshooting WoP Troubleshooting

Brighness issues relating to nvidia... (Ben_the_PadKing 3 years ago)

Trouble seeing servers (on one...

Wop on High Sierra

9 27  
WoP Feedback WoP Feedback

By request of Kai: A look at Glowstars... (Kai-Li 4 years ago)

Map Harm's Huette

2 9  
WoP Editing WoP Editing

Old unfinished maps for WoP from... (Mhezzi_CreamSoda 3 years ago)

Tutorial: Insert weapons, markers...

Tutorial: Using step sounds ...

14 17