The overall outline of the game is based around mass killing of aliens that begin to takeover a scientific space-station after their world is endangered by Humans attempting to research the alien species. Many aliens are killed for their bodies to be taken onto the space-station so the Humans can investigate them. A scientist did attempt to bring one to life on-board the station, and it worked, but it also then killed him, and the alien took over his body and began killing those on the station.

Your role as the player, is to simply survive. We will have many guns you can find; key-cards you will have to locate to open security doors, and eventually, make your way to the escape pods.

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Development Progress #4


Enders Game Concept Art GB11 Doo

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Hello All,

During the last few days our team has been working quite a lot on visual art for the game. The Above image is a concept for a air lock door and a regular room door. These are currently in development as we speak! Also, as shown below, we have our first [of many] guns now in-game. Other weapons are being developed however this is the first gun that is finished and in-game. It somewhat resembles a P90, but with the future twist.

More level design has been worked on and around 30% of it is complete. The map is very large to get lost in and really get people confused; which at the end of the day, is the whole idea! More update info is found on the discord.


Hope you enjoy reading these updates!

-Alexander - Lead Developer

Development Progress #3

Development Progress #3


Its been a while, but take a look at all the new stuff!

Level Development Update #2

Level Development Update #2


More developments on level design for the game. New corridors and stairways.

Level Development

Level Development


Outline of base level design for the game and what is expected to be seen in the next weeks of development.

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