A person who knows or remembers nothings finds himself severely injured in a terrifying situation. He appears to be in some sort of futuristic facility, the likes of which he’s never seen. Through listening to recordings on Audio Logs left from people an ominous reality rises. When one Audio Logs hints ‘escape pods’ out of all the confusion and chaos an objective becomes clear. Escape. Survival. It’s the only option left. An Instinctive Fear is a First Person Shooter with elements of puzzle, horror and the overall objective to escape. It is being made with FPS Creator.

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Lately I've been reworking aspects of the first few levels in An Instinctive Fear. Tweaking, Optimising and so on. Eventually I considered the shadows within the game weren't up to scratch. They simply weren't distinct, meaning it was either darkness or light, and this had to change.

After gaining a better understanding of light mapping settings, what it means for the level size limit and how shaders effect shadows I was able to find a balance a between shadows quality and keeping my levels from becoming too large. Higher quality = Bigger levels. Performance hasn't been effected, with the latest source betas frame rates can achieve 200+, but average anywhere between 60-150. Higher shadow quality only means pushing levels closer to the size limit.

With the upgraded shadow quality there are several situations that are more visually appealing. The darkness fits the tense theme of the game and so better shadows go with it well. Here are some pictures to demonstrate the improved light mapping settings:

(The shadows in the above image are still being worked on but it turn they should look like the shadows below)

The last image is my favourite example of shadows in game. That's all for this update, and be sure to try out the AIF demo:

An Instinctive Fear Demo

Survival Mode updated

Survival Mode updated


Survival Mode will be seeing many upgrades, optimisations and more content added to extend the overall experience of An Instinctive Fear.

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An Instinctive Fear Demo

An Instinctive Fear Demo

Demo 4 comments

I have put together a five level demo for An Instinctive Fear. The original file was updated on the 10/10. Please download, give some feedback and constructive...

Comments  (0 - 10 of 20)
HeyImEllis - - 35 comments

Hey there! I recently tried the game out, and I also made a video from it. It was pretty good, in fact I really enjoyed it. You can check video out here: Youtube.com

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Cool_Beans Creator
Cool_Beans - - 14 comments

I watched your video, thanks for making one! I'm improving on the game all the time in all aspects. The game content you played through is somewhat outdated, there have been a lot of things developed since that demo. You're video is also really helpful for me in showing me what to improve on. The opening level wasn't designed to take three attempts, so I need to make things clearer where to go. Similarly through the later parts of the second level I think more direction is needed, as a player walking around trying to stumble on what's next isn't preferable. Also it was some sort of bug that you encountered at the end of the first level, I haven't has someone come across that so far.

Are you glad you got that gun? :)

There are so many things I'm improving, but its good to hear you still had a decent experience playing it. I've subscribed as a thanks and to get more videos with like minded people.

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kai229 - - 130 comments

Is that an necromorph?

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Cool_Beans Creator
Cool_Beans - - 14 comments

As I understand its similar to one. The model pack I purchased for this game has some enemies (somewhat) inspired by other games, so that would be why. I didn't actually design the character.

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JasonTGamer - - 226 comments

Hey, I tried to play the demo, but the part where you have to enter the password with the numpad into the computer isnt working for me. Please help!

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Cool_Beans Creator
Cool_Beans - - 14 comments

Sorry for the slow response, but I have been really busy. For your issue, there could be two possibilities.

1. If when you try to use the computer, it says something like 'I dont want to lock it out', consider examining the audio log in the room.

2. If it gets to the stage where you have to put the pin number in, use your number pad on the right of the keyboard to enter the number. However, If this is your case you actually have an outdated version, there's since been an update. If using the number pad method doesn't worked, I've reupdated the demo for download.

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JasonTGamer - - 226 comments

Ok! I have seen the audio log, and ive tried the num pad. Ill see if the update helps. Thank you!

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CarpetStalker - - 24 comments

I made a let's play of this :D

This game was so freaking scary ;_;

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Cool_Beans Creator
Cool_Beans - - 14 comments

I watched the video, and first off thanks for taking the time to make one!

I noticed that it took you a little bit of time find how to turn on the power. That helps me by showing that maybe I need to guide the players a little more with that step, and that's good. Thanks for the positive comments on my game to. The levels you played have since been improved, but the core gameplay is still the same. I got you with that scare though :)

On the second video you'd skipped ahead to level 5 (the last in the demo). The lag in the second video was because of a bad bit of level design, something I'm working to improve on. It sounds like you were getting a little impatient with the examine scripts, I'll work to include them to become 'skippable'. I'm going to rework a lot of the level from the second video, its not very well made looking at it now.

I've subscribed to your channel for similar videos, as a thanks

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TOBYGAMER667 - - 2 comments

i just playd it in the dark i got so freact out i ran out my room

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Cool_Beans Creator
Cool_Beans - - 14 comments

That's good to here! I think?

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