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All Information regarding Twisted Insurrection's Nod Vehicles.

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This is a complete list of the Nod Vehicles assigned to your command during Twisted Insurrection. Each unit has it's own introduction during the campaign progression so you can figure out what unit is best for what roles. Please note that changes will more than likely occur over time and some unit/cameos are still using placeholder images as we are still in our beta stages.

'Viper' Drone

With the old DPV fast becoming obsolete, The Inner Circle commissioned a replacement program. Several bids were put forward, but in the end it was the two fully robotic candidates that would pique their interest: The first, dubbed Cobra was a quadrupedal walker- initially rumoured to be the favoured design due to its novel form of locomotion. Unfortunately the prototype's trials brought several flaws to light.

It's armament was a fully integrated fixed LASER, that utilised capacitors similar to the Obelisk of Light. This coupled with a sub-par targeting system meant that the Cobra couldn't reliably keep track of moderately fast moving targets. Resetting the firing sequence every time it turned to reacquired it's foe, allowing opposing hit and run units to run circles around the confused drone. If this fault wasn't bad enough it's initially impressive locomotion proved to be too costly to maintain for a unit of it's role.

Meanwhile the Viper, it's less grandiose competitor, would prove to be the more reliable nominee. Utilising a conventional wheeled design more in vein with those of a quad-bike. It too would eventually adopt LASERs as it's primary armament. However, unlike the larger hull integrated design of the Cobra, it chose to mount two smaller units on either side of a turret. This not only allowed it to have a full 360 degree tracking motion, it also made it easier to replace any potentially faulty weaponry. When the winner of the contract was finally announced, no one involved was surprised that it was a Viper that rolled out of the factory doors.

Unfortunately, as with all autonomous vehicles, they can only be repaired at a fully equipped service depot due to the delicacy of their AI systems.

  • Cost: 500
  • Requires: Fist of Nod
  • Primary Weapon: Dual-LASERs
  • Purpose: Anti-Infantry
  • Firepower: Low
  • Armour: Light
  • Speed: Fast
  • Crushes Infantry: No
  • Tech Level: 2

'Scorpion' Light Tank

Scorpions are cost effective rapid all terrain light tanks, ideal for hit and run assaults. Initial models were equipped with a secondary flak gun, however the weapon was deemed ineffective. As such refits have since removed this feature, while installing a notably smaller auto-loader for the main gun. This has freed up just enough space to carry two somewhat cramped passengers.

  • Cost: 600
  • Requires: Fist of Nod
  • Primary Weapon: High-Speed Shells
  • Secondary Weapon: Flak Cannon
  • Purpose: Anti-Armour
  • Firepower: Low
  • Armour: Light
  • Speed: Fast
  • Crushes Infantry: Yes
  • Tech Level: 2

'Eclipse' Heavy Tank

Its development shrouded in mystery, the addition of a heavy tank marks the beginning of a shift in Nod’s combat doctrines since the end of the last war. The Eclipse sports a somewhat unconventional design, one protected by experimental composite plating capable of taking a beating while remaining lightweight enough to retain the speed and manoeuvrability Nod favours.

Its primary armament is a Tachyon Pulse Cannon, a faster than light particle capable of doing significant amounts of damage to enemy armour. However, the weapon takes some time to recharge between shots. Further field tests have revealed that ion storms can interfere with the tachyon stream, harmlessly dispersing the projectile. As such, all Eclipse tanks have been outfitted with a secondary 75mm cannon in case of significant ion activity.

  • Cost: 900
  • Requires: Fist of Nod, RADAR
  • Primary Weapon: Pulse Cannon
  • Secondary Weapon: 75mm Cannon (used only during Ion Storms)
  • Purpose: Anti-Armour
  • Firepower: Average
  • Armour: Heavy
  • Speed: Average
  • Crushes Infantry: Yes
  • Tech Level: 4

'Inferno' Flame Tank

This new generation of the deadly Flame Tank, utilises Nod's recently developed anti-gravetic engines (AGE), the technology of which was derived from the Tacitus. As the AGE is held aloft by a repulsor field, its more stable and can carry a heavier load than GDI's jet based hover engines, however the repulsor fields major advantage over GDI's hover tech is its immunity to Ion Storms.

  • Cost: 750
  • Requires: Fist of Nod, RADAR
  • Primary Weapon: Dual Flame-Thrower
  • Purpose: Anti-Structure, Anti-Infantry, Anti-Tiberium Life
  • Firepower: High
  • Armour: Average
  • Speed: Average
  • Crushes Infantry: Yes
  • Tech Level: 5

'Hammerhead' Particle Cannon

These large particle cannons have proven to be very effective against enemy fortifications and armoured targets, making them a vital supporting weapon in Nod's combat operations. Their speciality lies in reinforcing allied lines, or using their mid range tachyon weapon to punch holes in enemy positions.

However, as impressive as the Hammerhead's firepower is, the unit is slow moving, slow to recharge, and is lightly armoured. As such, they should never be left unprotected.

  • Cost: 900
  • Requires: Fist of Nod, RADAR
  • Primary Weapon: Hammer Cannon
  • Purpose: Defence, Anti-Structure, Anti-Armour
  • Firepower: Average
  • Armour: Light
  • Speed: Average
  • Crushes Infantry: Yes
  • Tech Level: 6


'Cleaver' Drone

The product of cybernetic developments and Nod brutality, the Cleaver Drone is armed with several blades which rotate at an extremely rapid pace capable of ripping infantry to shreds and damaging lighter armour. Along with it's mobility and brutality, these heavily armoured drones are also capable of self-destruction which results in the blades damaging everything within a large radius of the explosion.

The Cleaver Drone utilizes anti-gravity technology which allows it to move across all forms of terrain including across rivers and lakes. Unfortunately, as with all autonomous vehicles, they can only be repaired at a fully equipped service depot due to the delicacy of their AI systems.

  • Cost: 600
  • Requires: Fist of Nod, RADAR
  • Primary Weapon: Anti-Infantry Blades
  • Secondary Weapon: Anti-Armour Mine
  • Purpose: Defence
  • Firepower: Average
  • Armour: Average
  • Speed: Average
  • Crushes Infantry: Yes
  • Tech Level: 4

'Stinger' Mobile SAM

The Stinger Mobile SAM is The Brotherhoods primary anti-air unit; its advanced onboard targeting systems coupled together with its Stinger SAMs can eliminate an enemy aircraft within a matter of moments. When deployed these targeting systems can be fully utilised granting the Stinger the ability to detected cloaked and burrowed units. This armoured unit normally travels with Nod convoys to protect them from airborne threats; however, the Stinger itself is incapable of engaging land targets, it should never be without an escort.

  • Cost: 700
  • Requires: Fist of Nod, RADAR
  • Primary Weapon: Anti-Aircraft Missiles
  • Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
  • Firepower: High
  • Armour: Average
  • Speed: Fast
  • Crushes Infantry: Yes
  • Tech Level: 6

'Tremor' Artillery

Artillery has always been an important part of the Brotherhood’s Arsenal. Although the MM10 was effective artillery, it suffered from a high loss rate while in transit to their assigned objectives. With the development of advanced drilling equipment Nods corps of engineers decided upon a somewhat unusual solution. The Tremor Artillery was built to travel underground en-route to its destination; this mode of transport gives the artillery excellent protection and stealth.

To protect its cannon from being damaged whilst in transit, it is shielded by a large armoured compartment that when deploying falls down the sides of the vehicle becoming armoured skirts that protect the rear wheels, the 155mm Artillery Cannon then telescopically extends into the firing position ready to bombard enemy forces. Due-to its huge size and heavy weaponry, the Tremor is unable to move very fast whilst surfaced and cannot protect itself from enemy aircraft or close combat units, as such it should never be left un-escorted.

  • Cost: 1200
  • Requires: Fist of Nod, Technology Centre
  • Primary Weapon: Artillery Cannon
  • Purpose: Artillery, Defence, Sneak Attack
  • Firepower: High
  • Armour: Heavy
  • Speed: Very Slow
  • Crushes Infantry: Yes
  • Tech Level: 7

Demolition Drone

The Demolition Drone Is used as a last resort in the Nod War effort. Demolition Drones are unmanned robotic units with a small but powerful explosive device on the back which can either be triggered manually or if fired upon. The Demo-Charge is lethal to All kinds of Armour and Infantry including friendly units.

Unfortunately, as with all autonomous vehicles, they can only be repaired at a fully equipped service depot due to the delicacy of their AI systems.

  • Cost: 1000
  • Requires: Fist of Nod, Technology Centre
  • Primary Weapon: Demo Charge
  • Purpose: Special
  • Firepower: Very High
  • Armour: Light
  • Speed: Slow
  • Crushes Infantry: No
  • Tech Level: 8

'Shadow' Stealth Tank

Seeing the potential of their newly acquired Anti-Gravity technology, the Inner Circle commissioned the next generation Stealth Tank. Once the prototype had passed it’s trial phase the tank was quickly rushed into production, consigning the old Ezekiel's Wheel to Nod's reserve detachments.

The new Shadow Stealth Tank can traverse bodies of water while maintaining a higher speed than it’s predecessor. This new ability allows the Shadow to sneak into enemy territory via previously unexpected vectors, such as rivers or lakes and thus decrease it’s chances of detection. The weapons system was also upgraded, replacing the twin tube missile launcher of the prior model with dual tri-missile pods mounted on either side of the turret.

However, like it's forebear it forgoes any significant armour plating, valuing speed, manoeuvrability and a more subtle stealth profile. This sacrifice means that the Shadow continues the tradition of being extremely vulnerable once detected.

Caution is advised when commanding a squadron of these tanks, as their repulsor fields will cause a telltale ripple as they’re traversing water. Furthermore, if a member of a unit is eliminated by the enemy, it’s repulsor drives will rip free of the ruined chassis. These will then fly off in all directions before exploding and potentially exposing any nearby allies.

  • Cost: 1250
  • Requires: Fist of Nod, Technology Centre
  • Primary Weapon: Trio Rocket Pods
  • Purpose: Sneak Attack
  • Firepower: High
  • Armour: Light
  • Speed: Fast
  • Crushes Infantry: Yes
  • Tech Level: 8

'Termite' APC

This special Nod APC was designed to travel underground protecting the infantry units inside (a maximum of five) en-route to their destination. The APC itself is unarmed, therefore it is unable to protect itself while surfaced.

  • Cost: 800
  • Requires: Fist of Nod, Technology Centre
  • Purpose: Transport
  • Passengers: 5
  • Armour: Heavy
  • Speed: Average
  • Crushes Infantry: Yes
  • Tech Level: 7


Nod's Tiberium Harvesters are faster than the GDI counterpart but have a lower storage capacity.

  • Cost: 1100
  • Requires: Fist of Nod, Tiberium Refinery
  • Purpose: Resource Collection
  • Storage: +25
  • Armour: Very Heavy
  • Speed: Fast
  • Crushes Infantry: Yes
  • Tech Level: 1

Mobile Repair Vehicle

Nod Mobile Repair Tanks are large units supplied by any Repair Bay that is constructed on the battle-field. These large vehicles can repair even the largest units on the battle-field in a matter of moments. In order for a vehicle this large to maintain a necessary movement pace, heavy armour had to be sacrificed.

  • Cost: 1000
  • Requires: Fist of Nod, Repair Bay
  • Primary Ability: Repair Grappler
  • Purpose: Support
  • Armour: Average
  • Speed: Average
  • Crushes Infantry: Yes
  • Tech Level: 6

Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV)

The foundation of any base starts with the Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV). Able to deploy itself into a fully functioning Construction Yard, the MCV is a highly prized piece of equipment for Nod.

To deploy the MCV, select it, then double-click. If you get a "no deploy" cursor, something is blocking deployment of the unit. Move any other vehicles and infantry away from it, or move it away from trees or rocks that would prevent deployment..

  • Cost: 2500
  • Requires: Fist of Nod, Technology Centre
  • Purpose: Construction
  • Armour: Very Heavy
  • Speed: Slow
  • Crushes Infantry: Yes
  • Tech Level: 7

Cyborgs are the combination of living tissue and machine. Most of the early prototypes were created from mutant prisoners, but the majority in service today are volunteers who were offered the chance to continue to serve the memory of Kane even after their natural life has expired. The subject is lobotomised and then altered with several Tiberium based treatments. Many subjects do not survive the deliberate mutation of their flesh and die before receiving a single cybernetic augmentation. Those that survive then have roughly 65% of their body surgically removed, the remainder is then grafted into a heavily armoured mechanical exo-skeleton. Many more subjects die during surgery but those that are successfully grafted into their new body are then linked with Nod's main governing AI. Then only after going through many diagnostic checks are they fitted with their weapons.

Long-term detractors believe that the cyborg program is a perversion of Kane's vision, intended to further the Inner Circles own goals.

Cyborg Reaper

Armed with twin ballistic missile launchers, these frightening constructs are known as Cyborg Reapers, near fleshless skulls coupled with quad all-terrain limbs, gives them a menacing arachnidesque silhouette, sowing unease in those that face them. However this design is not purely for psychological effect, but rather stability, making them a reliable mobile missile system threatening to enemy armour be it ground or air.

Initial Reaper prototypes were equipped with a net launcher for immobilising enemy infantry, for reasons unknown this feature wasn't carried over to the production model. In any event it would be adopted by Dr. Incandela's Infector program.

Although physically resilient, Cyborg Reapers are slow moving and are vulnerable to anti-armour weapons such as Discus grenades which can make short work of them. Also of note the Reaper's mechanical systems are susceptible to EMP and Ion Storms.

Due to their size Reaper construction has to be completed at the Fist of Nod, furthermore they are incapable of entering armoured personnel transports.

  • Cost: 1200
  • Requires: Fist of Nod, Hall of Faith, Technology Centre
  • Primary Weapon: Twin Missiles
  • Purpose: Anti-Aircraft, Areal Damage
  • Firepower: High
  • Armour: Heavy
  • Speed: Average
  • Crushable: No
  • Tech Level: 8

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Guest - - 700,078 comments

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hellodean - - 1,451 comments

why has this shown up in my updates saying 4 years ago?

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ReaperAA - - 123 comments

same here

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Templarfreak - - 6,723 comments

This article itself is 4 years old but it was recently changed and Moddb for some reason doesn't pick up on the time stamp for the recent change and instead only the time stamp for when it was first posted.

AFAIK that's what happens. This kind of thing happens for my updates all the time.

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BioDestroyer - - 2,859 comments

Yup, it was probably updated today.

Downloads and addons started to display the latest 'Updated' date under the 'Added' one a while ago, but articles don't have that.

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TheFloridSword - - 170 comments


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GypsyBastard - - 2,053 comments

The technology of peace!

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eil - - 874 comments

how to use 'Scorpion' Light Tank flak gun? as i understand it needs to deploy or smt, as it doesn't shoot right away, but at the same time always shows "can't deploy" at any terrain..

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