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Indie of the Year 2010 Editors Choice - Best Singleplayer Indie

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2010 the was a great year for singleplayer indie releases, its difficult to list only five. To be nominated for an award in Best Singleplayer Indie projects need to have been updated significantly during 2010 and have a Singleplayer portion. Here are the Editors of IndieDB's and our judges top selection of 2010.

is a sandbox construction game. It involves players creating and destroying various types of blocks in a three dimensional environment. The player takes an avatar that can destroy or create blocks, forming fantastic structures, creations and artwork across the various multiplayer servers in creative mode, or fending off zombies, skeletons, spiders and creepers in survival, indev/infdev or Minecraft Alpha game-modes.

is a 2D sidescroller, incorporating a physics system that governs environmental objects and the player character. The player guides an unnamed boy through dangerous environments and traps while searching for the boy's sister. The developer built the game's puzzles expecting the player to fail before finding the correct solution.

Super Meat Boy
take on the role of a small animated cube of meat named Meat Boy who must save his girlfriend, Bandage Girl, from the evil Dr. Fetus. Players must use sharp reflexes to guide Meat Boy to the end of each level, using his wall clinging ability, while avoiding buzzsaws, salt, and other various death bringing obstacles. The game will contain about 350 levels, which are split across various chapters.

is a 2D puzzle platform video game, built using Adobe Flash for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. Featuring a gravity flipping game mechanic, the game was developed by Terry Cavanagh and was released in 2010 alongside an online demo.

Amnesia: The Dark DescentAmnesia: The Dark Descent
puts you in the shoes of Daniel as he wakes up in a desolate castle, barely remembering anything about his past. Exploring the eerie pathways, you must also take part of Daniel's troubled memories. The horror does not only come from the outside, but from the inside as well. A disturbing odyssey into the dark corners of the human mind awaits. A sound of dragging feet? Or is your mind playing tricks on you?

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 88)
radutanasie - - 949 comments

C'mon, let it be Amnesia!

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SteveZombie - - 3,730 comments

Gotta be Minecraft or Meat Boy.

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nosfer4tu - - 1,378 comments


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Theon - - 712 comments


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Greenagainn! - - 66 comments

Holy balls, when the screen first loaded I thought Limbo would win because it's so badass but then I scrolled down to realise it's going to be a really tight call between all five games. I don't mind which one wins because they are all easily worthy of the award.

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Darthlex - - 1,050 comments

I always thought these categories were for games that were actually actively developed on ModDB .. And that it was a PC only thing?

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TheJx4 - - 79 comments

@darthlex, ahem, INDIE.

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d2king10 - - 128 comments

I don't get how they are considering a lot of these games indie, when they clearly aren't...I have a hard time even considering Minecraft indie these days considering they have earned over 9mil on the game...he doesn't need to win. Let a game that doesn't have the popularity or money win so they can get known as well.

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Davecheesefish - - 7 comments

If they made loads of money, it means lots of people bought it. If lots of people bought it, lots of people like it. If lots of people like it, it's a good game. If it's a good game, why shouldn't it win?

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d2king10 - - 128 comments

Lets put it this way, why would a game that has gotten 9million dollars need to win a competition for more recognition? They don't, it would be better for unknown games to get a break, but it is impossible for a smaller game to ever have a chance at winning against a game like Minecraft because of how well known it is. Minecraft (or a lot of the other finalists), are already well known enough, and a lot of them are already selling in online stores like arcade and steam. I don't consider that indie any longer.

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pinkmullet - - 7 comments

It doesn't matter whether or not you consider Minecraft indie, it is indie and that's all there is to it. it is a video game made by an independent video game developer, that makes it an indie game.

Besides, these games are all here for a reason, they are good. they are popular BECAUSE they are good. if you start ignoring the good indie games because they are too popular you defeat the purpose of having the contest in the first place.

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d2king10 - - 128 comments

And by allowing "indie" games that have made 9 million dollars or have sold in stores, you are pretty much eliminating any chance an unknown indie game would ever have at getting seen. The point of these competitions are to help indie games get on their feet running, not boost already bloated games up higher, overshadowing great, unheard of, indie titles.

I am not saying Minecraft or Limbo, etc are bad games, but I believe what defines Indie games these days are so blurred its not even funny, and honestly, it is starting to be all about who you know than if your game is good or not. I remember when finding a good indie game was a charm, now the indie game scene is almost as bad as the AAA title game scene in regards to what/who is popular and what/who isn't.

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pinkmullet - - 7 comments

you don't actually know what indie means do you? the definition isn't blurred at all, you just don't know what it is. Indie games are video games developed by an independent video game company, an independent video game company is one with no financial backing by a publisher. ANY game produced by ANYONE that was published with no help from a publisher is independent.

Also, the reason for this website is to promote unknown independent games, the point of this COMPETITION is to show off the best that the website has to offer to give an example of what an independent developer is capable of. That, in turn, raises awareness and support of independent games in general, to NOT support these games in this way would be not only unfair, because they deserve the praise, but it would be doing a disservice to all independent games and their developers.

God damn it I'm good.

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d2king10 - - 128 comments

No you really aren't good. How is there any difference from a game that has 9 million dollars backing it, and a publisher? There is none. You could take that money and spend it to promote and do everything else a publisher is going to do.

You are trying too hard to make a point that isn't even valid. Just look at how much your posts have been down rated, that should tell you that the community doesn't agree with your statements. Your comments sound good on paper, but if you actually think about it, you will see that there is no difference between Minecraft and a game published by a company. The term indie has a different meaning than it used to have.

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FirgofUmbra - - 93 comments

@d2king: I agree whole-heartedly.

Awarding the 'best independently-made games' is completely different from awarding the 'best indie games'. How financially successful a game is should not enter into the competition's judging if the award is unbiased. In the same vein, I would not award the Customer Service Award to Microsoft every year simply because they service the most customers among software distributors -- I would favor the company that has the, bar-none, best customer service on a per-person basis.

To the point: "to NOT support these games in this way would be not only unfair, because they deserve the praise, but it would be doing a disservice to all independent games and their developers."
Which is more of a disservice to indie games (in perspective: to developers who have no money who may be unable to make another game without commercial success): Putting a game that's already on a pedestal with a developer who is now more than capable of funding themselves on a higher pedestal or putting a polished game that's not quite so financially or commercially successful as the pedestal'd title, but just as qualified and well-put-together or more well put together on a pedestal?

The first choice puts an independent game on a pedestal. The second choice elevates indie games as a whole on a pedestal. The first choice makes 'a champion' for indie games. The second choice shows people there's more than one good indie game out there. The first choice awards a commercially successful developer, the second choice awards a developer a potential chance to financially secure themselves.

"God damn it I'm good."
:\ Well aren't you annoyingly and undeservedly smug.

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pinkmullet - - 7 comments

"Awarding the 'best independently-made games' is completely different from awarding the 'best indie games'. How financially successful a game is should not enter into the competition's judging if the award is unbiased. In the same vein, I would not award the Customer Service Award to Microsoft every year simply because they service the most customers among software distributors -- I would favor the company that has the, bar-none, best customer service on a per-person basis."

What? who are you agreeing with here? I'm the one saying that financial success shouldn't come into play, he is saying that minecraft doesn't deserve to win because they already have millions of dollars. Also saying that "independently-made games" are different from "indie games" is like saying that "one plus one equals two" is different from "1+1=2" they are the exact same thing.

you seem to be suggesting that these games are not the best they are just popular, but they are popular BECAUSE they are the best. and even if that WASN'T the case, even if they were only popular because they are the most mainstream and accessible it's still better to help these people than some one else. Think of it this way, if you want to get somebody into gaming you don't put them in front of a computer and get them to play EVE online, that stuff is complicated. You give them a Wii and hope they work their way up to stuff with more depth. Or in this case you give them a accessible indie game and hope they make their way through to the more obscure stuff that they normally wouldn't be interested in.

I feel like theres a bit of indie douchebaggery going on here, the popular indie games suck now because they are popular only the games nobody knows about are worth mentioning.

Let me ask you this; if minecraft wasn't a success at all, if it made no money and just barely broke even and nobody had ever heard of it, but it's the exact same game, then would it be deserving of this prize?

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FirgofUmbra - - 93 comments

"I'm the one saying that financial success shouldn't come into play"
I'm saying that it should be subtly weighted; that it must be biased out of necessity. It's an awards ceremony's judge's duty to not simply hand out an award to whoever was the most successful -- it's to hand out the award to whoever deserves it the most. This should not be a popularity contest -- there already is one and it's called Player's Choice.

"they are the exact same thing."
To equate Rocksteady Games on a 1:1 basis with Taleworlds Entertainment back with M&B 1 would be unfair, wouldn't it? One is run by seasoned industry professionals with plenty of money saved up, with enough professional connections to get them the Batman license for Arkham Asylum, incredible voice actors, the writers for the comics themselves, etc. No publisher, so they're an independent studio. Should we judge both just the same?

"only the games nobody knows about are worth mentioning."
The games nobody knows about deserve to win more than the games that are already popular because: See my prior comment.

"then would it be deserving of this prize?"
I'm not the judges. If your assertion is that I'm saying all this to be 'hip' and divisive, you should re-examine my arguments.

"you seem to be suggesting that these games are not the best they are just popular, but they are popular BECAUSE they are the best."
Only popular games can be good? They're popular because they're easy to get in to. Is Bejewled 3 a top-tier title representative of the best indie gaming has to offer?

"it's still better to help these people than some one else."
In sum: Show people FarmVille and say 'this is gaming' because this gets more people into gaming. There are a number of flawed assumptions and illogical fallacies in assuming that's the "best and only way" to get people into games. Further, it's disingenuous because indie games are not 'entry level games'. That's an insult to the entire medium.

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pinkmullet - - 7 comments

After your first sentence I don't even really want to continue arguing with you. first you say "How financially successful a game is should not enter into the competition's judging if the award is unbiased" now your saying "I'm saying that it should be subtly weighted; that it must be biased out of necessity." those are two completely opposite opinions on the same subject.

I mean, if you can just start changing your opinion like that then whats the point?

listen man, I really want to copy paste parts of your argument and rebut them but I don't want to get into a ridiculous, stupid 3 page argument with you more so I'm going to stop right here. maybe we can end this on good terms by agreeing that posting 6 paragraph rebuttals for 10 pages is a universally stupid thing to do on the internet regardless of what your arguing.

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FirgofUmbra - - 93 comments

"How financially successful a game is should not enter into the competition's judging if the award is unbiased."
I want the award to be subtly biased; this is not contradictory, you just don't understand what I'm saying. An unbiased award is an unfair award -- you have to be biased toward not going with the mainstream opinion to offer a good critical opinion, otherwise you're just nodding your head along with everyone else -- and potentially you're also ignoring other titles that you might otherwise be less inclined to look into because you feel that 'this title is unapproachable'. The criticism and judging must be divorced from the mainstream opinion and live on its own merits.

From your statement that you think I'm being contradictory, I don't believe you really read my post. I'm of the belief that you skimmed it. Actually read it otherwise we're going to be talking past each other.

"maybe we can end this on good terms by agreeing that posting 6 paragraph rebuttals for 10 pages is a universally stupid thing to do on the internet regardless of what your arguing. "
If you don't want six paragraph rebuttals, don't type six paragraphs.

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pinkmullet - - 7 comments

ugh, you don't get it man, publishers give game companies millions of dollars to MAKE a game so that they can make millions of dollars in profit, minecraft had no financial backing, it didn't ALWAYS have nine million dollars. They started with nothing and worked their way up to huge success, most non-independent games start with millions. There is a huge difference between what minecraft did and what people with publisher backing does.

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d2king10 - - 128 comments

Even if Minecraft earned 9 million dollars, that is equivalent to the amount of money a publisher would give to a game studio to work on a game. Once he reached that amount of funding for a project, how is it fair to pair it against nonfunded games? Imagine what any nonfunded game could be like with 9million dollars, it no longer becomes indy.

You can argue it all you want, no one is denying that minecraft is fun, the question is whether it should still be considered indie.

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SPYFF - - 150 comments

Amnesia for GOTY!

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Hitelf - - 190 comments

Minecraft or amnesia >:3

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justgoaway - - 8,208 comments

Super Meat boy

(wasn´t Minecraft multiplayer?)

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cW#Ravenblood - - 6,703 comments

mainly Singleplayer, but can also be played in MP.

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justgoaway - - 8,208 comments

ok then

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lukutizzz - - 19 comments


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Relifed - - 1,112 comments

totaly minecraft :D

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Kizzycocoa - - 1,827 comments

minecraft will win this section of the awards. I'm 90% sure of it :P

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Dr.Worm - - 181 comments

Amnesia should get it, and maybe Minecraft. But I hope Amnesia gets it.

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Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments

Amnesia needs to win or the Editor is quite stupid.

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bita - - 17 comments

Hope Minecraft wins.

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X4VI3R - - 276 comments

Amnesia, by light-years far.

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Dr.Goupyl - - 2,269 comments

Amnesia or Minecraft !

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DuckAtArms - - 1 comments

I hope it's Amnesia, it's a hell of a game experience.

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blahblahblah12333 - - 526 comments

Amnesia 100%.

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indorile - - 35 comments

Amnesia all the way

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X4VI3R - - 276 comments



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Spycon_Fighter - - 77 comments

Out of all these games.. which have you heard/seen the most.

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X4VI3R - - 276 comments

I mean... it's a very good game.
But Amnesia is FAR much better in SO many aspects...
It's a puzzling choice.

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Kizzycocoa - - 1,827 comments

In all fairness, minecraft is a very good singleplayer game. The freedom, crafting and unlimited potential of creation are probably the reasons it won this.

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Coconutdoobie - - 1,066 comments

The only new thing it really offers is an early form of DMM

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infl1ct1on - - 306 comments

Minecraft definitely deserved this award.

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wiiandthekid - - 19 comments

would i be called crazy if i say i haven't played minecraft and i'm really not excited to. i'm probably missing out and will kick myself later. oh well.

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Mkilbride - - 2,785 comments


Minecraft? For ***** sake, it's not even a SP game of any kind! There's no story or anything, it's like THE SIMS.

AMnesia crafted atmosphere I was so afraid I kept taking off my headset and looking around the room and could only play in short bursts.

Poor Frictional Games, they got ****** in the Editors Choice. Minecraft is cool for what is it, but Best SP? FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU.

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Expack - - 312 comments

Definition of a single-player game (according to Wikipedia): a one-player game is a battle solely against an element of the environment (an artificial opponent), against one's own skills, against time, or against chance. (see

If you still think Minecraft should be disqualified from the Single-Player category, just fill out the contact form at .

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uhomotho - - 32 comments

Great Minecraft Wins :D

Minecraft really deserved this award 100%
And Minecraft will win the Indie Of the Year :D

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Mr_FJ - - 11 comments

I love Minecraft and it deserves the recognition, but: "To be nominated for an award in Best Singleplayer Indie projects need to have been updated significantly during 2010 and be Singleplayer only."

" Singleplayer only."

Minecraft has a multiplayer mode.

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Tatsur0 - - 1,068 comments

Quick, edit description! But love the list none the less. Honestly a difficult one to choose just one for me.

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UltraJacob - - 3 comments

It may have a Multiplayer, but it is still under development and plays almost exactly like singleplayer, but multiple people happen to be in the same world.

Unfortunately, pointing this out just makes you look like a ****. :\

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Expack - - 312 comments

...then why was Minecraft a nominee for "Best Multiplayer Indie"? (See

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Henley Author
Henley - - 1,973 comments

Thanks for pointing that out, made the changes to reflect the new rules for the awards (literally taken from the MOTY 09 SP requirements).

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ThyReaper - - 31 comments

You should not be changing the rules after having chosen a winner. That's an incredibly poor way to run a competition.

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Henley Author
Henley - - 1,973 comments

Ah no, all I said was the top writing was taken from the 2009 MOTY award page, not that the rules were changed "just now".

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