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InterWave Studios are proud to announce the release of the first feature-full Nuclear Dawn trailer.

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The Nuclear Dawn trailer, at long last, is ready, released, and live.

Don't be afraid, press the big play button at the top of the Nuclear Dawn Home Page - it's going to make the wait and anticipation worth it, as we finally release a full look at the game's tactical combat, vehicles, RTS interface and control schemes... the works.

For more information and media, as ever, visit our site's blog section - or drop us a line on the forums. We're waiting!

The trailer is nestled neatly below in ModDB's player, and you can also view the trailer on The Nuclear Dawn Website or on YouTube.

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MaTudre - - 75 comments

I'll guess from video that ND is not going to be a 1-shot-1-kill type of game but more like these modern 1-mag-1-kill type of shooting feasts.

Is there gonna be ironsights? Suppression effects?

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iwBen Author
iwBen - - 30 comments

Not quite either - it all depends on your class, similarly to Team Fortress 2.

Yes, there are iron sights and other features for each weapon - all will be revealed in the series game play videos coming very soon.

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Bluedrake42 - - 574 comments

it'd be nice to have a realism option

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medve - - 1,475 comments

the minigun guys walking is really need to be polished...

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iwBen Author
iwBen - - 30 comments

We are aware of this issue - and whilst we can't repeat this on every forum, we want to let the MODDB community know that, relatively speaking, this is a very minor issue and that the resolution will be obvious in the game play videos to come.

Our time was spent capturing footage from a live round of the game, and whilst there are several glitches that remain, we are not yet finished with polishing the product - which for us has only been just over a year in the making.

We hope that communities will appreciate our update, which shows off a whole host of in-game features. Stay tuned over the coming weeks for a more revealing look at... everything!

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Mars_3K - - 729 comments

you know despite my criticism on these boards, I really do want ND to succeed. It's only because I see the potential in ND that I'm so critical to begin with.

Looking forward to future updates. :)

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Roasted-Salmon - - 234 comments

will this game be free??? or is it just a free mod???

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RustySpannerz - - 641 comments

Neither! it's a game that you pay for.

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Theon - - 712 comments

But ehm, not that it doesn't look nice, but...why pay for just another shooter? Haven't seen anything special about this yet; not special enough to pay for, anyway.

Cool graphics, though.

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figalot - - 795 comments

The cool thing is that its a fps rts hybrid. As far as i know one player from each team gets to build a base and build defences and give buffs to other players who are in fps on the battle field shooting each other so both class types rely on each other eqauly i.e if you have a good fps player but bad rts player who doesnt help he will get creamed but if u have a good rts but bad fps all the weapons in the world wont help him.

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DuckSauce - - 967 comments

The thing is, Empires does this already as a free Source mod, why pay for a similar Source mod gone commercial?

Sure there may be differences, but from what they've shown in the trailer, nothing spectacular or interesting twist that'd fancy me, maybe Empires fans will like this is as another hybrid of the sorts they like, but if I feel the need to play such a type of game, I'd grab some buddies and fire up Empires instead.

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JohnnyMaverik - - 469 comments

Why pay for MW2 when you have Insurgency? Seriously people, chill out until the game is... well, actually fking out.

I'm personally not 100% convinced but at the same time think it looks pretty promising and I'll leave it at that.

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taiiat - - 583 comments

your reason for paying for this would be that there are no sourcemods at this time that have an FPS/RTS hybrid build that actually works well, for either component. empires is really not very good. it's inefficient, underpolished, and loaded with dozens and dozens of bugs.

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petemyster - - 139 comments

What is it about Empires that makes you think the rts/fps component doesn't work well? Or are you sort of just saying all that negative stuff in fanboyism defense after playing 1 game of empires?

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DuckSauce - - 967 comments

Any bugs in Empires can be justified in favor of it being a "free" mod, being made in people's spare time for fun.

Judging by this (early) trailer, Nuclear Dawn ain't exactly bug free either(but that can be fixed) and they didn't really show much of the rts gameplay, so saying the fps/rts mix will be better executed is baseless, but could be true... or not.

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figalot - - 795 comments

truth be told ive been looking forward to this but this trailer has dissapointed me. maps look big that makes up for the less then spectactuler graphics. but i was under the influence the battles were huge. i saw like 6 guys then i wanted some 18 v 18 stuff.

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iwBen Author
iwBen - - 30 comments

Coordination and capture of the shots were very time consuming given the tools available, and staff time is currently extremely dedicated to development, hence the fewer players in these sequences.

This is something you will see more of in the game play trailers to come, and is not a representation of the final product but rather of a select set of key features.

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Kriegsherr - - 557 comments

omgomgomgomgomg etc...

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MrMazure - - 223 comments

I thought this game was a vaporware.

So uuuh where to begin...
The maps really lack of details, some animations are not realistic and the gameplay doesn't appeal me at all.

There is some interesting concepts though, but the game reminds me of a Battlefield 2 slim edition with 25% of content.

You guys have a loooong way to go before this game is considered serious, for now it look like an unfinished hl2 modification (and why not play empires which is free ?)

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Croco15 - - 1,240 comments

This looks incredibly fun.

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LORDDEREX - - 1,159 comments

Badass :)
Still on my Wishlist, and for a good reason! :)

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Ark_ - - 583 comments

Whats with your vid redirecting me to dig every time I click it? Seems like a cheap trick to get diggs.

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iwBen Author
iwBen - - 30 comments

Fixed, small HTML bug, apologies.

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Ark_ - - 583 comments

Ah, in that case I apologize for jumping to conclusions.

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RogerRamjet - - 1,564 comments

It is a shame you didn't keep this as a mod, release it, polish it, then branch out, rather than thinking the work you have done is commercial quality. The animations are quite poor quality in general and in the poor way Source blends and morphs for transitional movement if not done correctly, which is obvious being Source.

I know if it difficult these day to come up with an original idea, but to say it is original and new is not actually true. To do something better than it has been done before is always good, but I don't see that here. Sorry guys, I know I will get flamed for this, but I hope your investor doesn't mind loosing his investment if any, and if it was mainly time, I would suggest seeking a more competent animator.

I think the indie train got jumped by inexperienced people with a lot of ideas, none original and poor quality releases thinking noobs and the general public would make them rich quick no matter what they release.

And for the post, only an inexperienced person puts such large images on a news post and only use them at a 10th the size linked from another site.

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fogh- - - 1 comments

"I think the indie train got jumped by inexperienced people with a lot of ideas, none original and poor quality releases thinking noobs and the general public would make them rich quick no matter what they release."

...Couldn't have said it any better myself.

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OhNoesBunnies! - - 1,218 comments


Is this going to have a mode for offline players like myself?

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Magrathean - - 87 comments

Look forward to playing this when released, great work being done here to make a polished commercial product that goes against the grain of your "average" game. Will happily pay money for this kind of creativity.

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OhNoesBunnies! - - 1,218 comments

Uh, not to be rude but...

...from the way a majority of people are talking on the forums and here; after seeing the trailer as well, I'd hope that these are all still in alpha-stages of production, yes?

Because honestly, it looks like a low-end Half-life 2 mod. Or an Empires clone- but that's probably because we haven't seen enough to justify it. Though I'm not getting my hopes up. :x

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Mars_3K - - 729 comments

ETA for this title is what: October 2010? That's roughly two months of development time left to drag the contents of this 'alpha' footage out of 2004 and into the present day.

Draw your own conclusions.

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KindredPhantom - - 290 comments

These aren't the same people who worked on it in 2004. These guys have been working on this for over a year and have remade the majority of the game's content. Not too bad for all the work that has gone into to it.

In the end, the best way to tell will be to play the game. Screenshots and videos are poor when compared to play a game yourself.

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Mars_3K - - 729 comments

I agree, screenies and vids aren't the best basis on which to judge a game, but it's the only one we've got right now.

I meant '2004' as in there's very little to distinguish this game -- visually and audibly -- from titles of that era. The limitations of the source engine are no excuse.

In fact, I remember thinking at the time, that the original material for ND *was* pushing the envelope, unlike the latest incarnation.

Colour me disappointed.

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Olly - - 28 comments

As has been said before, some media from the original 'MOD' team was not true to life, so to speak.

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Mars_3K - - 729 comments

I'm referring to the concepts, like the original armour models and maps, not the in-game fidelity of this material.

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KindredPhantom - - 290 comments

Some yes, but not all. The offending media was merely mock-ups that were passed as the genuine thing in a magazine, hardly earth shattering considering what others do in the industry.

Also, i remember that you remade the character model due to an issue with the being used in a different mod/game.

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Scriabin - - 119 comments

Needs an in-game demo.

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Da-Fort - - 265 comments

I kinda liked the trailer.

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joshvaliant - - 147 comments

Ducksauce was completely right, I'd rather just play Empires, or Ducksauces very own Gravinull which really offers some thing new.

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Awesome_ninja - - 809 comments

ok, people have been saying tons of negative things, BUT! I wanna add something positive here:
!!!The RTS elements looks far more polished/advanced/easy and plainfree to use than any other "top view" mods on the Source engine!!!
Saying so, I don't mean that it's ground-breaking...

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majorD2 - - 468 comments

Its going to cost money?

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Jonny_T - - 118 comments

This game looks amazing guys - keep up the brilliant work. I will most definately be buying a full copy (and I will get the other guys in the office to buy too so that we can kick each others arses!) and promoting the game as much as possible.

Good luck with it all.

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