Zombie Master 2 is a multiplayer RTS/ FPS hybrid utilizing Valve's Source 2013 engine. Players are thrust into the middle of a zombie apocalypse, forced to search the remnants of their world for weapons and equipment in order to remain alive. One player is freed from the weak flesh of his peers. A being of limitless power, he controls the grotesque hordes of undead in a constant battle against what is left of humanity. His name is spoken only in whispers, for fear of drawing his attention. For once his gaze is upon you, the true test begins.

ASFCommander says

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10/10 - Agree (6) Disagree (4)

While this game has its bugs, it's still great. The only problem I really didn't like was the AI for the zombies, Banshees was really slow at some points, and most of the zombies had trouble reaching a checkpoint at times.