Twisted Insurrection is a critically acclaimed, standalone modification based on the Command & Conquer™ Tiberian Sun™ engine. It features a complete redesign of the original game, set in an alternate "what-if?" timeline where the Brotherhood of Nod was victorious during the first Tiberian War. Do you have what it takes to drag the shattered Global Defense Initiative out of ruin? Or will you crush all who oppose the will of Kane and his Inner Circle? The choice is yours commander.

[ITM]hammie says

This review may contain spoilers

8/10 - Agree (8) Disagree (3)

This is a very good mod which brings out the best of tiberian sun and pushes the game engine, it has stunning effects and graphics with some very detailed maps, units and structures. There are alot of unique and facinating features that i belive give this game that futuristic feel, it has its own brilliently detailed campaign and even on the beta stage it has high expectations. On the other hand this mod does have some downsides which still needs working, for example the AI in the game is extremely fast and difficult to beat, therefore putting people off the skirmish side. Another target to work on is some of the icons and mainly finnishing off this stunning campaign, as it is only in a beta these are to be expected but the game runs well and is a whole load of fun. i personally cannot wait for the mod to be finnished and cant wait to see it in its glory