The Trap 2: Mindlock tells the story of an alien that participates in an experiment to research the nature of human survival. The player’s consciousness will be implanted into the minds of people and subjects to that they control through a series of ingenious experiments based on solving puzzles.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 16)

This is an amazing little mod. That follows on from the previous HL mod. Once again its more puzzle themed but it does this without overstaying the welcome of any particular puzzle.

A really great puzzle mod. I wasn't bothered by the English subtitles.

This rating is for the Steam version. If you download v2021 here, you will not be able to complete the mod because of some bugs and crashes. Also some materials (textures, models, etc.) here are missing. It's full 10/10 if the mod was finished, but as the author wrote - it's 98% complete. So, definately play it (after the first part - HL: The Trap)!
PS: To get english subtitles in the Steam version enter in the console:
cc_lang english

'The Trap 2: Mindlock' is the unfinished sequel to the Half-Life mod 'The Trap'. Just like its predecessor, it involves puzzle solving with occasional combat - think of both mods as offspring of the Half-Life and Portal games.

Speaking of Portal, Mindlock had a lot to gain being developed on the Source Engine. Alongside puzzle elements recognizable from the previous mod, the newer game engine allows for more variety in puzzles thanks to the in-built physics engine that allow the picking up and manipulation of items and level geometry. I'm sure if the mod hadn't been cancelled there would've been more ways to implement physics-based puzzles or elements, but alas, development had officially ceased five years before this review.

And because of its unfinished (albeit playable) state, I encountered a number of bugs such as crashes, missing models, and missing textures. The plot had potential but the mod being incomplete wasn't able to explain it in further detail which left me confused during certain points. I also didn't like the addition of horror and the mod would've been fine without it but that's just me, I hate jumpscares. Lol

Regardless, I enjoyed the puzzles and I think that's what matters the most. It's a damn shame this didn't turn into a complete product, it could've been better than its predecessor.


28bo says

Agree Disagree

The first part is the best. It was boring for me to go through the second and the worst thing is that there is no end.

cool mod


Gekkota says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

There are some things that I did not like very much, the Mapping is not one of those things since it is mostly well done, what bothers me are the Cinematics and transitions from one stage to another, let me explain.

These Cinematics already mentioned are very long at first (necessary) but then they become annoying. From here SPOILERS, the first time we incarnate a character we are shown a general shot with an approach to a character until we "get into it" indicating that we are something like a "soul" that goes from different bodies or that we are playing a different character from the previous one, this is great the first time, since this sequence is long to give time to understand it, but the following occasions are unnecessarily long, this is a bit infuriating and annoying many times.

As for the introduction to weapons and enemies, it is well measured, very consistent unlike other mods in which they release everything from nothing, the Lion Ants are difficult at the time like some zombies, the setting is very gloomy, just as I like it, although I compared it with the Half Life 2 product at the time (something nonsensical since this is something apart) this time looking at it with more eye I realized that it is a good independent game of the saga that I just mentioned and that the only recurring failure is the fact of its cinematics, I will return to it later, in the future to see if things change.

My grade is somewhat low because I have the same main aspect of my initial review: "The game itself is fine but these Cinematics take you out of the game, at one point you are immersed and the other not, just because of this."

PS: I'm going to replay it in the future to review play it again


This mod was pretty great. Obviously, lots of puzzle-solving, but there's a good amount of combat as well, especially near the end. No new weapons or skins, but oh well. Ok, I don't speak Russian and I couldn't figure out how to get English subtitles working. So, I didn't follow the plot well at all, but it seemed interesting from what little I gathered. Overall, if you liked the first Trap mod, you'll most likely enjoy this one.


Никогда не видел чего-то подобного!Это настолько офигенно! Для меня это что-то новое... Хоррор-головоломка. Я люблю подумать, а вот хорроры как-то не очень, но здесь есть что-то такое, что невероятно сильно притягивает. Это совершенно новый взгляд на модификации. Это уже не half-life 2 modification, а это совершенно отдельный проект, игра! Впечатлило музыкальное сопровождение, которое в свою очередь очень своеобразное, но приятное. Порадовали тёмные закутки и коридоры, в которых ты можешь умереть не столько от самих монстров, сколько от невероятно страшного звукового сопровождения!Графика и текстуры это тоже отдельный разговор, так как здесь есть как оригиналы из игры так и совершенно новые текстуры которых больше. Это невероятно красивые и уникальные помещения. Что касается сюжета... Изначально я скептически отнёсся к сюжету игры, так как я никогда не воспринимал инопланетян как серьёзную тему. Но уже после первых 15-30 минут игры, я понял, что здесь присущ невероятный шарм и я начал действительно интересоваться сюжетом. Да, игра уже практически в финальном виде, нет несколько кат-сцен, но это чисто косметические преобразования, так что слишком сильно это не влияет на впечатление, даже в финале, ведь и так понятно, чем это закончилось! Я хотел бы поблагодарить всех тех, кто потрудился над этим, не побоюсь этого слова, Шедевром! Спасибо вам огромное! Вы создали не просто мод, вы создали совершенно новый мир и игру!


Fast_Train says