The Last Days of the Third Age — a total conversion of Mount and Blade 1.011 and Warband into J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth.

RRCM_Rico says

10/10 - Agree (6) Disagree (3)

The developers of this mod did a fantastic job bringing Middle Earth to Mount and Blade. You really feel like you're fighting the War of the Ring and there are many great moments to be had including epic battles at the plains right in from on Minas Tirith. The graphics, gameplay, music, and atmosphere are not only excellent in their own right, but all of that has made this mod more fun for me to play than the base game alone.

This is one of the best Mount and Blade mods out there and an excellent mod itself. Even if Lord of the Rings isn't your thing, you'd be missing out not giving this mod a chance.