SoGE is a Star Wars Total Conversion for SoaSE: Rebellion with it's roots in the Homeworld 2 mod Star Wars: Warlords which features the two primarily sides of the Galactic Civil War, the Clone Wars, and the Yuuzhan Vong War. The current public version works for Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion 1.90 and, with or without, all DLC. Rated #6 players choice in MOTY 2014. An editors choice in MOTY 2015.

ComradeWinston says

5/10 - Agree (2) Disagree (2)

Six factions, plenty of additional structures, and almost every ship you could want from them. However the whole thing is poorly enlarged in scale in every respect, making resources awkward, the sizes of ships varying in inaccuracy compared to each other, and in the end just generally making this unrefined mod even less stable and more laggy.

The textures could use quite a bit of fixing, the whole economy feels unbalanced as hell due to the overhauled scale, and the way in which you acquire a titan aka a "supercap" is so confounded that still to this day I have no idea how I called them in yet I always managed to do so eventually.

The effort to add a larger experience is there, but they don't seem to have that much interest in balancing or fixing it.