Welcome to Calradia, the year is 1717, and the smell of sulfur hangs in the air. Musket fire and cannonades echo across the land as Calradia is once again beset by war. Our story begins in the declining Calradian Empire of the 18th century, it's borders bombarded ceaselessly by countless enemies that surround them. Fight with daring riflemen, dashing Hussars or battle hardened grenadiers under your command as you serve the modern nations of Calradia or begin your journey as the Emperor or Emperoress in this land of chaos.

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faction policy (Games : Mount & Blade: Warband : Mods : Calradia: Imperial Age - Dragoon Edition : Forum : Policy and faction strategy : faction policy) Locked
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Mar 20 2013 Anchor

for this option, you need to run a kingdom, if you are a vassal or commoner you will not get these options.

When you make your kingdom you will be asked what policy you should follow, here are some hints on what they do.

A centralized state is a state where the government (in this case, the king) makes all of the important calls, the biggest effect of this is that the country becomes more in line, there will be less options for vassals to go their own way and with that less corruption.
of course, that is RL, in this game it means you get less tax inefficiency so you can hold more fiefs without penalty. but your lords will dislike this, a fully centralized state will take a hit of -3 every month, a fully decentralized state will take a bonus of +3 every month. (corruption is nice for the corrupt)

do you allow the lords to control the economy or the traders? there will be more trade, and with that more propsparity if you select very plutocratic, but your vassals will not be amused. the same relation penalty (or bonus) will be given to a state that go's to the extreme. For the king it's very interesting to go for aristocraty and not plutocracy, simply because it makes your vassals happy.

a serf is a slave with rights, the rights them self you cannot chose (just imagine), but the effects are there either way.
A serf can be forced into a militia, and this means your lords will have more troops. but as we all know a conscript is not really that interested in dying for his master, one who joins the army on free will has much higher morale, so simply put this choice is between more troops -or- better morale. there is no relation penalty.

troop quality:
this one is the most obvious and hardly needs explanation, do you want a lot of troops, or do you want good troops?

this one causes some confusion, it's how much the state controls production. a mercantile state will promote export and reduce imports, this can be great for a people who have no money to buy but it might keep traders away, after all if you wont buy my goods then i will just take them somewhere else.
The other extreme is the exact reverse, maybe your people will buy everything but i cant take anything back to my next stop, so again it might keep traders away. it mostly impacts prosperity and personally i prefer the middle ground on this one.

my own policy is allways the same.
Very decentralized, very aristocratic, max freedom, max troop quality, and on mercantalism i allways go for the middle ground.
The effects of this policy is follows:
high tax inefficiency, +6 relation bonus to all vassals every month, few troops with very high morale and quality and no real effect from mercantalism.
In time (and especially if you leave them alone) this will produce a very loyal and well armed army, low in numbers but the quality makes up for that. After a couple months peace you gain so much relations you can afford to go to war without risking rebellion, but do not give to many fiefs to the same person due to the tax inefficiency.

this makes for a very aggressive nation with very loyal troops and noble alike, but it might become difficult to keep things under control when the amount of vassals reaches a certain point.

Mar 25 2013 Anchor

I would really want the same option from the 16th century mod that option is to design your own faction troops guys if you can include some bonus uniforms that would be awesome.

Mar 25 2013 Anchor

More uniforms will be added in time, first goal is to get a stable/working base. (this will be v1.2), then it will be silent for a while as we give new uniforms to the army's.

and players can already enjoy a properly working version as we do this.
New functions will also be added and this is one of those functions we will try to get running.
Note: I did notice in mods I used to play that this function can actually break the skills of your troops, so it might be a bit tricky.
As for now you can always use morghs editor to edit the faction troops, but most likely when a patch or update changed anything to troops.txt then all this will be gone.

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