my first custom skins i made for AVP 3. i will try and post video tutorial

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digital camo skin

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i have uploaded 2 sets of skins. one of them is the first one i did. the second one is labeled as lighter armor darker weapons. the lighter armor skin make the marine armor a lot more noticeable

when i get a reasonable amount of downloads i will upload a video of how i got the digital urban skin.

THIS VIDEO WILL NOT tell you how to put the skins into the game.

just how i made it in gimp 2.6 which is free and can be downloaded just google it.

i also posted a video on youtube labeled "how i make my custom digital camo in gimp 2.6"

im going to post my tutorial video on how i make the digital camo.

BUT.. if my downloads stop or don't go up for a while i will take it off!!!!!!

For everyone asking for pictures they are under the images tab on main mod page

i have uploaded different hues if you want pick one and ill make a camo out of it

if you want a custom camo ill try to make it i can really only do 2 types. the digital in any color and a classic camo in any color ill try to check my page daily.

i really only made this mode for me but i posted it. im basically done with my part so if you guys have any requests ill take them and try to make the skin

how i make digital camo in gimp 2.6

how i make digital camo in gimp 2.6

Skinning Tutorial

this is how i make my digital camo in gimp 2.6. im going to post a bunch of . because it says i need 50 characters to post it. which i think is stupid

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dig acu marine clothes and black armor w/ps and pr

dig acu marine clothes and black armor w/ps and pr

Skin Pack 3 comments

this is a variation of my digital acu skin for marines. it comes with black armor and digital acu clothing plus the pulse rifle and pistol also digital...

aliens movie marine camo beta request

aliens movie marine camo beta request

Player Skin 5 comments

this is a requested camo for the marines from the movie aliens it is a beta and i welcome suggestions on how to improve it

Digital Urban Lighter Armor, Darker Weapons

Digital Urban Lighter Armor, Darker Weapons

Skin Pack 5 comments

I darkened the camo for the pistol and pulse rifle a little bit then i lightened the camo for all marine parts, legs, shirt, and armor. it is significantly...

marine,pistol,pulse rifle,skin

marine,pistol,pulse rifle,skin

Player Skin 4 comments

digital camo skin for pulse rifle, pistol, and marines

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nickru55 Creator
nickru55 - - 36 comments

guys this doesnt have anything to do with avp but its a cool game i did some skins for it and just wanted to show you guys. it a weird game to skin because you have to use texmod. the game is called area51 by midway studios it came out in 2005 i think this is skins of the hazmat teams

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nickru55 Creator
nickru55 - - 36 comments

alright guys im taking requests again so just private message me or post on this page. just to make things clear i can only to the 3 color woodland style camo and the square acu camo. i can do all colors for the woodland and almost all colors for the digital

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nickru55 Creator
nickru55 - - 36 comments

i have just wanted to let everyone know that i have been busy with a lot of other things in my life so requests might take a while

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nickru55 Creator
nickru55 - - 36 comments

dirtydel im going off of the picture of the action figures and im trying to still replicate it. the problem is in gimp which is the program i use for editing the way the camo comes out is different from the actual game so it might take some time to get it perfect. but if you see a version now that you like i will upload it.

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nickru55 Creator
nickru55 - - 36 comments

i uploaded pictures of my first try. im going to try and up the grainularity so there are more repeats of the pattern. so it looks smaller i will keep posting version and when you see one you like tell me and ill upload it

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dirtydel - - 74 comments

all i am requesting is just the movie clothes you made. i will keep vanilla armor.

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nickru55 Creator
nickru55 - - 36 comments

by vanilla you mean his armor skin and then put my clothing on it??? if so send me download link for it

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dirtydel - - 74 comments

The first clothes you made for me, I would like it if you gave me a download for that camo (but just the clothes only). By vanilla, i mean the original armor that the game came with.

so the end result should be the first camo you made for me as shirt and pants, and then the original armor color.

the stuff you are working on now looks great. keep up the work. i wish people were still playing this game so i could see them running around with the sweet armor on.

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nickru55 Creator
nickru55 - - 36 comments

i can only do a certain amount of colors for my skins 3 colors with woodland style camo and then i just use a feature called colorize for the digital acu patern which change the main color from like red to green to blue to grey and so on

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nickru55 Creator
nickru55 - - 36 comments

just figured out how to do separate colors for clothes and armor will post screenshots soon will now take requests but try and provide colors and i will turn them into a skin for the game

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