Reign of Conflagration is a rebirth of the old mod which has been changed around, this time this is aimed at Generals Zero Hour consisting of three new sides and sub-groups for you to take charge of. The timeline is alternated with changes to the campaign story-line, additions to old units, changes to units and new units which will make the army you side with unstoppable.

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Vehicle Model 2 comments

Ever wanted to scout the battlefield at quick speeds? Then this would be suitable for you. This Christmas settle in with Snowbikes! Fixed the vehicle...

USA Predator Tank

USA Predator Tank

Vehicle Model 5 comments

This is a fixed model of the Beta USA Predator tank for C&C Generals Zero Hour, instructions on how to install will be stated in the description.

GLA Magnetron Tank

GLA Magnetron Tank

Vehicle Model 5 comments

A new tank for the GLA. Comes with an ECM Jamming Module. This tank used to be for the GLA in ZH: Hell Blow Out but was then cut from production. Now...

Vulcan Series Crusader Tank

Vulcan Series Crusader Tank

Vehicle Model 9 comments

A new infantry killer tank for the United States. Armed with a gattling gun and can build drones. This tank used to be for San Andreas but was then cut...