Archon ---> Quake. You heard right, elements of the 80's micro game archon extrapolated into the Quake universe. Get ready for a wild ride.                               (free stuff | no warranty | see disclaimer.txt | blah blah blah.)

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Progress to 8.2.13 (Games : Quake : Mods : Chaos Archon : Forum : exhortation() : Progress to 8.2.13) Locked
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Aug 2 2013 Anchor

Todays update level: STUPENDOUS!!!

The Chaos mod known as Archon almost ended yesterday. qcc would not compile the code. It got too complex! And there was no possible code change to appease the compiler...

I have struggled with a qcc compiler segfault in frikqcc for a year or two now. The first fix was enabling all optimizations with the /O2 switch.
But even that has finally failed. I tracked the issue down to an unsigned short index variable used for global parameters. Unsigned short has a max value of 32768. Go past that and your code will go kablooee!

And found out that in qcc - almost everything (even freaking local function vars) is treated as a global.
Next time you compile your qc code try:

frikqcc -summary
frikqcc -globals
frikqcc -functions
frikqcc -fields
frikqcc -strings

You will learn interesting stuff about your code.
And some persistant quake c bugs are fixed or targeted for removal once research on them is done.
Next...adding in an archon.


DONE: baby, mini - new sounds
-- no worky, global max'ed out
/// FIXED global max issue *** !!! *** !!! *** !!! ***
-- this is an amazing debug
FIXED: could not get tallball -- classname changed, but no updated in _touch - x_firecode.qc


CHECKED: death knight may have a facing problem -- seemes to face just fine
WIP: baby, mini - new sounds


FIXED: morph can get pack thrown during morphing -- morph.qc
-- find out if they get packs of vars ammo - no they cant
- change pack code so morphs dont get ammo they cant use - just pki -- not doing until packs have multi touch (riffling?)
DONE: color fixer for meld so dont have to change theme to use it (YAY!)
FIXED: blood from crates, chain thunder & thunder

***: loopcyc item takeover bug is found ! -- confirmed below items
-- seems a fireballwep turned into a weapon and then was cycled - may have been dbs issue seen with ogre morph

issue with compiler segfaults is known to be: 32766 numpr_globals (MAX: 32767)


FIXED: harpoon gets blood from crates

ISSUE: LINK(0): warning: numpr_globals exceeds SHRT_MAX by 1
-- has reared its ugly head again - /O2 will not fix it this time


FIXED: GLSL shader glsl/default.glsl generic diffuse viewtint colormapping failed! some features may not work properly.
-- installed new nvidia driver - with installer...with no issues!!!, dkms thingy didnt work, but no biggie
FIXED: ./dp1: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by ./dp1)
-- compiled engine source
HUH: weird thing -- ran std dp and fixed ? -- sometimes this happens every other launch
dp: tpp.c:63: __pthread_tpp_change_priority: Assertion `new_prio == -1 || (new_prio >= __sched_fifo_min_prio && new_prio <= __sched_fifo_max_prio)' failed.
WIP: Shapeshifter morph, Archons


WIP: pack testing, some issues
FAIL: apt-get upgrade has wacked 3D accel video. damn.
DONE: checked showbrand


FIXED: morphy lost going to hub - actually an issue for archons ! -- was dbl map reload with changelevel - client.qc
-- archon pwr lost
TWEAK: archon power display no longer gives decimal fractions
DONE: painfield wont affect monster blobs -- test
DONE: power bar display (infobar - while alive... use block chars - color set for level scale)
TWEAK: removed transparent on some items -- was testing for items w/o archon pts, but all cube make goodies were inheriting

Edited by: numbersix

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