Run. Think. Shoot. Live. Source. Black Mesa is the Half-Life 2 total conversion of the original Half-Life game. Utilizing the Source engine and its endless array of possibilities and powers, Black Mesa will throw you into the world that started the Half-Life continuum and introduced Gordon Freeman to the world as a gun-toting, bullet-dodging Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics.

Loulimi says

6/10 - Agree Disagree (1)

The game excels at immersion feeling, musics, voice acting and atmosphere. But the staple condition of a game is to have a decent gameplay. And, from my point of view, the gameplay of Black Mesa is terrible.
Perhaps it's me, but I have to say I didn't finish the game. After playing it a while and reaching a freaking annoying place, I decided to stop. There are a lot of minor problems in Black Mesa, but most of them are overwhelmed by Black Mesa's qualities. Except one, the gameplay problems. There are a lot of annoying problems. The worst is perhaps the smoke. Soldiers' guns make a lot of smoke when they're firing, and sometimes, I can't see them. However they can still see me and keep shooting at me. Furthermore, the player's vision shakes when hit, making aiming at an enemy while attacked by others impossible. This is the main reason why I didn't continue the game, I was too annoyed by that. But there are a lot of other problems unfortunately. However, I can understand Black Mesa was a huge work that would have been released in 20 years if they would have made it perfect.