this is a sequel to the Gizmotron user-mod for Axis and Allies. featuring new types of weather & terrain. new, larger territory maps in skirmish mode. new experience ranks and bonuses (regiments improve up to 2000 exp points). 100+ special ops, new water-based units like cruisers and submarines (with torpedo attacks). nations included are Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Canada, Communist China, Croatia, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, India (Allied), Indian National Army (Axis), Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Mongolia, Nationalist China, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovak Republic (Axis), South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, the United States, Yugsolavia, and the Yugoslav Partisans more nations and territories available for WW2 mode, see images for details.

Forum Thread
Thailand (Games : Axis & Allies : Mods : Axis & Allies: Uncommon Valor : Forum : Nations (Existing) : Thailand) Locked
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Sep 5 2022 Anchor

Please Buff Thailand by giving them more Japanese regiments and some captured French equipment. Half their tech upgrades are useless because they are for regiments/units they do not own like, heavy tanks, flamethrower, rifle grenades, etc. Not to mention they have no recon infantry; every nation should have access to some kind of recon infantry.

Sep 11 2022 Anchor

I didn't create new tech buildings for Thailand and some of the other minor nations. I simply copied the code from the closest nation. some of those techs are going to be gone in the next upload.

I've already included every historically available unit that Thailand would realistically get. they wouldn't get access to captured French equipment... because the French were using weapons that were inferior to what Thailand was already using. After the fall of France there was no way to send the better French weapons to Indochina. those weapons were being confiscated by the Germans and given to their allies. the thing I'm looking at is making sure that the French are not getting weapons that they shouldn't have access to in SE Asia for the revised SP campaign.

as far as recon is concerned.

I hated recon infantry in the original game. I considered it to be an overpowered and annoying regiment. it was too cheap. (it should have been $30 instead of $25). it didn't provide anything in terms of game play that a regular regiment could provide. it also encouraged people to use Zerg-rush tactics that I dislike.

in their original form I considered recon regiments to be good for exactly two things... stealing cities within the first few minutes of the game. and charging up experience points for special operations. otherwise, it's kinda worthless. I'm trying to create a new recon regiment that will provide enchantments to friendly and enemy units.

1. enchant nearby artillery unit and give them a temporary increase in attack values

2. enchant nearby tanks, increasing their defense value and resistance to armor-piercing and gunfire damage

3. target-marking mortar. this would not cause damage but would use enchantments to reduce enemy defense values and resistances to explosive and gunfire damage. at one stage, I had a working illumination projectile that would remove the fog of war from the area being bombarded. however, for some reason that function isn't working right now.

the main idea was to create a new type of recon infantry regiment that would play a useful role throughout the entire game. not based on any inherent fighting ability of the regiment itself... rather, it would be a regiment designed to enhance the fighting ability of other types of forces.

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