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Comment History
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Renaissance

Have you considered implementing custom troop trees to your mod? I feel it would enhance the kingdom making ability alongside the renaissance feel even better.

Good karma+2 votes
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Kingdom

Yo have you heard of the custom troop trees mod? I feel like you should try it and see how it would work with this. If not its fine.

Another suggestion would be to add different types of mercenaries. For example, swiss inspired troops would be cool. Other than that, thanks for this great mod

Good karma+3 votes
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Custom Troop Trees


Good karma+2 votes
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Custom Troop Trees

Damn u fast

Good karma+3 votes
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Custom Troop Trees

oh that is great to know. Thanks for this wonderful project by the way!

Good karma+1 vote
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Custom Troop Trees

I decided to add some new items on this mod like Armour, but it doesn't seem show up in The custom troop creator. Do I have to edit any files to have such items be implemented?

Good karma+1 vote
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Custom Troop Trees

This a showcase video for the mod.

Good karma+1 vote
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Custom Troop Trees

Oh I know it is, but the animation itself isn't that good. The way it is played out makes it impossible for a spear player to not get killed.I could recommend replacing the animation with this...

But you are also right on how it changes the ai troops. It makes it viable to have spear men with shield now.

Good karma+1 vote
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Custom Troop Trees

Mind if we can have a small patch to remove the upper polearm thrust with shield or at least replace it with a better animation? It isnt really useful and only gets me killed. Other than that the rest of the mod is amazing. Keep it up!

Good karma0 votes
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Mod Appreciation Week 2017

Floris Mod was what got me into Modding in Warband and in general.

Good karma+1 vote
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Blood and Iron: Age of Imperialism

Had the prob before, I recommend put graphics on high before you start up Blood and Iron. A fix is being made but dont know when.
Also if you look down below try deleting in the texture file.

Good karma+1 vote
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Blood and Iron: Age of Imperialism

I hope it does, the servers on North and South have very SJW admins man :/ Dont ask why, they just arw

Good karma+1 vote
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Blood and Iron: Age of Imperialism

its MP only and there is currently only one NA server.

Good karma+1 vote
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ The Revolutionary Army Modification

Its a visual mod for NW, I should put insert that in the text. Currently there are bugs to this mod right now that I currently cant fixas of right now so I recommend not downloading the mod for now.

Good karma+1 vote
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Commander Battle AI For Napoleonic Wars

Just a question, but how do you install this?

Good karma+1 vote
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ The Revolutionary Army Modification

This here is the original mod thread. Check it out for the download or interested in the mod. The download is also already uploaded with the patch included on ModDB, although it is currently being authenticated.

Good karma+2 votes
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ The Italian Wars

Ah never mind then thanks

Good karma+1 vote
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ The Italian Wars

When will we expect a English translation? Cause yes most of the text has been translated, the diplomacy, unit card info, and UI are still in German.

Good karma+1 vote
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ The Italian Wars

Where is the map.rwm file?

Good karma0 votes
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ 1812-1815 Mod ---- Ivanhoe version

Will their be an option to have your own custom troops A.K.A making your own units, what they wear, what weapons they use, whats kills do they have, wadda bladda whoo ha.

Good karma+3 votes
RumKnight - - 21 comments @ Global_map_16th centuryV1.2

How does one kill a lord in this mod anyway?

Good karma+1 vote