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Comment History
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ Revamp Expansion Mod (RVE)

This mod looks impressive. I've been following it for a while now, but I'm somewhat dreading installing it when it's finished. Will there be some kind of document giving easy to understand instructions for installation of not just the mod but all the mods needed to run it?

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ Purgation of Kaurava

Thanks for the info. I understand what you're saying about the upgrading leader code. That's interesting because I had originally thought that Ironlore had sold an inferior expansion in terms of coding than that of Dark Crusade.

Just another quick question. Since there is an upgraded code, is the AI in PoK:SS superior than that of FoK:DC? Or is it just different because of the way that the buildings and upgrades work?

Well, in either case it, it's great, keep up the good work. I think you've achieved more progress by yourself than the whole of the FoK:DC crew.

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ Purgation of Kaurava

I've been following FoK for Dark Crusade for a while now. I checked out your alpha for this. I definitely like the changes for building costs, when vehicles can be deployed and some other details (I really like all Tau squads being able to bring drones).

But, just curious, why are the Dark Eldar and Sisters of Battle missing? Isn't their inclusion (or the inclusion of two more race slots) the only purpose for using Soulstorm?

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

I thought that was fixed for 3.6?

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ astartes productions

The title description says, "based on Games Workshop's* Warhammer 40,000."

As long as you do not sell this game for money, you will not be bothered by Games Workshop. My BS in Business told me so. However, if you try to sell this game while even mentioning the words "Ultramarines or space marines," and use any insignias or Warhammer 40k-like artwork, you will get sued.

Alpha234 asked for support in another mod's forum. I'm offering support. Save yourselves the trouble and either make it true to fluff and don't sell it - or - make your own stand alone story and sell it.

Good karma0 votes
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ astartes productions

There is no 342nd Legion. Chapters are divided into Companies of 100 Astartes. Check out for fluff before you make a mod/game that has incorrect story info.

Good karma0 votes
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

The sizes are perfect. If you play tabletop and compare a Guardsman model to a Baneblade or a Leman Russ model, you'll notice that vehicles are much larger than individual troops.

I've seen this complaint made a few times. The scale of troops to vehicles in the original Dawn of War is ridiculous. This mod truly sets the scale properly.

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

Three weeks? That's nothing. We're still waiting for fixed bugs from last September.

Good karma0 votes
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

They didn't add Tyranids because it's so lickety-split simple to create an entire race of models, textures, animations, mathematics and interface when you only have a handful of people working on it for free.

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

Because you haven't played the Tabletop version, I'll help you. The Adeptus Mechanicum do not have their own faction in tabletop, because, they are part of every Imperial faction. FoK is designed to make Dawn of War, as true to Tabletop as possible, so, since Adeptus Mechanicum are not a table-top race, they will not be in Dawn of War. Also, because you do not understand the fluff, I will help you understand a Titan. Titans are the size of the Sears Tower. It takes divisions of Baneblades to stand up to them. Titans destroy worlds. They will not work in Dawn of War, certainly not in FoK and are not used in Warhammer 40k table-top version game.

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

Whatever is added or removed from any race by the mod team will still maintain the overall balance across all races. As mods go, FoK is likely the most balanced I've seen, certainly more so than the original incarnation of DoW.

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

Are the Firestorm Cannon and all these other new models going to be in the DC version or just the updated AI?

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

Having played both extensively, the differences between RC1218 and 3.5 are monumental. Play styles are different, races are balanced, new and upgraded textures, very few bugs, working AI, amazing customization, near fully fleshed out tooltips.

If you played both and didn't notice a difference, then you didn't play them separately long enough...or you're not very aware of the work that goes into these mods.

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

In order to help push some of that stuff off of the front page...

Any new updates? How's the patch coming?

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

Any other updates?

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

How's that AI coming?

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

Try reading the tips on the map loading screens.

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ Top 100

Does this mean that Black Templars are team colorable now?

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

June?! That's not even realistic. Their last update says they're just waiting on AI. 3.6 in June or Soulstorm version in June?

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

I'll vote for you guys when the new version 3.6 comes out ;)

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ 4th Dimension [FA]

The massive 4-legged walker for the UEF doesn't seem to work. Is there a patch for him?

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

Ok. Seriously. What the hell is up with Killa Kans and Deff Dreads?

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

Do we have any kind of an estimated release time frame for the updated AI?

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

I haven't played with the Eldar yet. So, I'll have to take your word for that. Chaos, Space Marines, Imperial Guard and Tau all seem to be pretty good. Black Templars are improved, but still a soup-sandwich (Wrong voices for Sword Brethren, HQ units have very little customization, a few missing weapon textures)

Chaos seemed ok, other than the fact that there were no new Greater Daemons outside of the Bloodthirster.

The new Close-Combat coding is fantastic, much quicker and more brutal.

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

I immediately liked the new UI. I noticed an uncanny depth to customization for squads and vehicles, and a host of new units. I also liked the overall army size increase for the Massive Battles Option.

Some issues I have are: there seem to be a few (not many) missing textures, like Psycannon for Grey Knights squad. I guess maybe I didn't ready through everything well enough, but I thought that there were supposed to be new Chaos Greater Daemons and new Terminator models, are those for Soulstorm?

Overall, 3.5 is a very polished and complete release.

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

Those instructions are vague and even after removing the mentioned AC files, the mod still doesn't work.

Good karma+1 vote
Silencer001 - - 28 comments @ DoW40k: Firestorm over Kaurava

The 3.1 version of FoK was fantastic and easy to install. You guys have clearly done some excellent work here in providing a superior game product here.


The last 22 hours for you guys have been an utter failure. If you guys need more time to work things out, take it, don't just keep trying to push it out if it still has faults.

Good karma+2 votes