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Half-Life 2: Overcharged

Mod review

Antarctic Sciences

Mod review may contain spoilers

This is the most genuinely baffling thing I have ever played. No kidding. I'm giving it a 3 out of 10 due to there not being techincal issues but it's a ******* maddening experience.
Here's a copy-paste from me describing it to someone on Discord:

It requires you to do strange **** to install it as well that if you're not being careful could **** up your HL2 install.

I have no clue what the **** happened in it's story but man there was a lot of talking via text on the hud that faded too fast to read. (and didn't make sense when you could anyway due to poor English)

All I know for sure that happened is that your guy is a black mesa guard (that says he's unemployed somehow) who crashes his car and ends up in a gold mine, and then from there you get into the sewers and then end up in a black mesa air terminal somehow, rescue a bunch of other guards and scientists, and then once you get on the plane gman materializes and like sends you into a ******* space-time warp hole, you wake up in a crashed plane next to some arctic base that's somehow also black mesa's, and then from what you do there you either help the black mesa guys fight off the combine and teleport to the ice citiadel to blow it up or end up getting chased by some like demon cat thing and get transported to hell.

The assets where taken from all over the place, a bunch from the game Black Mesa itself and then other random ****, I even found a gun model from Hunt Down The Freeman, but all the guns where re-animated really terribly.

Oh yeah for some reason there's like a bit asthetic thing of like... cat people with bat wings? Like the administrator of this arctic base is just like, a cartoony cat person.

The enemies in it included all of the ones from hl1, all of the ones from hl2, cut hl2 ones, and random like Elder Scrolls **** like demonic skeletons with glowing swords and black magic mages and ****.

also it takes place in 2017 somehow.

oh and I found furry porn as a wallpaper on some prop pc so that was something.

The weird thing was I didn't have any techincal issues at all. and it didn't play that badly, like it's a well polished turd made by an insane person.


The Closure

Mod review

Is this the worst mod I've ever played? No, I've seen plenty of worse ones.
But this mod just isn't good, with mapping more akin to Duke Nukem 3D (which isn't bad in itself), random star trek elements and all NPCs and weapons changed for no good reason while this mod is trying to push itself the "squeuel" to EP2.


Military Duty

Mod review

Half-Life: Update MOD

Mod review

HalfLine Miami

Game review

I played it for a bit, and I have to say it's quite good.

If there is one thing I don't like, it has to be the fact that the shift key, used to increase your look distance in Hotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, is used for the sprint, which may be closer to Half-Life 2, it still annoys me.

So far, I got to half way thru level 3 before I quit. This game give me the same "anger" rush from the diffculty that I got from HLM1 and 2 before I 100% both of them, so I have to say that is very good.

9/10, would be 10/10 if it had the camera functions of HLM.


Lost In Xen

Mod review

Porly made maps, stolen weapon viewmodels, not able to change configs, runs at under 30 FPS normally.



USS Darkstar

Mod review


Game review

Brutal Half-Life

Mod review