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Comment History
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ Brotherhood ENG + RUS

Для начала с какой кстати твоё имя должно быть в сносках благодарности? Во вторых, не хочу конечно показаться грубым, но твой перевод по большей части машинная тарабарщина, с потерей первоначального смысла текста, оставшаяся часть это перевод с большой долей своевольности и неточностей если не ошибок. В третьих твой перевод ни как не использовался для базы. В четвёртых то что не переведено и не должно быть переведённым по причине что это черновики без доступа к ним в самой игре. И весь "официальный" перевод был выполнен в сотрудничестве с автором мода.

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ Beef's NVG, Improved (upd. 5)

I just checked everything and MO2 does not show any conflicts with overwriting, even changing the sequence of mods does not change the situation

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ Beef's NVG, Improved (upd. 5)

This is the error it gives when NVG is turned on, no other mods rewrite this mod and if you check with the mod manager, then conflicts only with SSS, ES and Atmospherics


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 262
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments :
1 : [Lua] ...стол/stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\item_device.script(261) : func_or_userdata

LUA error: ...стол/stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\item_device.script:261: attempt to call field 'brightness_adjust' (a nil value)

Check log for details

stack trace:

! [LUA] 0 : [C ] brightness_adjust
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...стол/stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\item_device.script(261) : func_or_userdata
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] ...ий стол/stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script(271) : make_callback
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] .../Рабочий стол/stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(118) : SendScriptCallback
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] ...stalker anomaly\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker_ext.script(263) :

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ Enhanced Graphical User Interface INC v.0.6.2

Not compatible with icon packs by Maid or Cr3pis yet? For now, when playing with the icons from Maid, some item icons disappear and the rest are a hodgepodge of vanilla and icons from the Maid mod. But in any case, you can see the amount of work done and its quality.

Good karma+3 votes
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Banjaji's Realistic bodily needs v3.8

After the patch everything worked, thanks for the work done

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Banjaji's Realistic bodily needs v3.8

Outfit Attachment Overhaul's from 03/02/2022 conflicts with bodily needs with this error:

[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...стол/Новая папка\gamedata\scripts\camelbak_binder.script:78: attempt to call global 'print_dbg' (a nil value)

Installation sequence followed and compatibility patch installed

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ Beef's Shader Based NVGs v1.1.1

As a result, B&S is rewriting night_vision.h, but when corrected, it appears like this
(53,16): error X3013: 'calc_vignette': function does not take 2 parameters

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ Beef's Shader Based NVGs v1.1.1

Put everything in the correct order and with all the patches, but
I also use B&S

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ (Archived) Anomaly Magazines Redux

Even after updating this error appears. I have the same problem as the commenter above

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ Outfits affect movespeed

outfit_speed.script file is empty

Good karma+2 votes
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ Faction Based Economy

Nice to hear, I wish you good luck in the implementation of all ideas.

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ new footsteps by YUNGPR1NCE

Возвращаясь к предложениям, возможно ли к существующим звукам деревянной поверхности добавить отдельный звук хождения по старым доскам и деревянным мостам, по типу тех, что на Болоте? Я понимаю что это вкусовщина, но нынешний звук хождения по дереву больше напоминает звук хождения по цельному деревянному полу и странно это наблюдать перебегая старый мост

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ Faction Based Economy

Will any aspects of the economy be touched upon or is this the final version of the mod?
Good job anyway and thanks for the mod

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ Toxic Air 0.72

Great job, it's good that someone decided to take on the aspect of implementing weather and atmospheric hazards. But I would like to ask, is it possible to release oxygen tanks into the slot of the backpack? Not every suit has enough belt slot

Good karma0 votes
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ new footsteps by YUNGPR1NCE

Предложить много чего можно, но пока что хочется дождаться того, что вы уже озвучили. Спасибо отдельно за то что сделайте звуки прыжков

Good karma+2 votes
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ new footsteps by YUNGPR1NCE

А стоит ли ожидать появления новых звуков прыжка и приземления? И ещё каких либо новых звуков в дальнейшем? Уж очень понравилась работа над паком Блайндсайда

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Zone Customization Project (AZCP) 1.5e

I found the cause of the problem, somehow ZCP balanced spawn breaks unique NPC spawns. While it may be due to a fix, the current version of balanced spawn is not appropriate

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Zone Customization Project (AZCP) 1.5e

Maybe again I installed something wrong, but the fix did not solve the problem with spawn with multiple copies of unique NPCs

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Zone Customization Project (AZCP) 1.5e

Thank you very much for that

Good karma+2 votes
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Zone Customization Project (AZCP) 1.5e

If you need something else, I will do it separately. The entire log will not fit

Good karma+2 votes
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Zone Customization Project (AZCP) 1.5e

Yeah, spawn twice. I only tested this with ZCP, when not active the problem goes away. But if ZCP cannot cause such a problem, then I'll see what else might be wrong.

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Zone Customization Project (AZCP) 1.5e

With the latest ZCP update, there are duplicated traders, bartenders and guides. What could be the problem? MO2 does not show any conflicts

Good karma+1 vote
Shizukesa - - 23 comments @ Weapon Parts Overhaul for 1.5.1

Has BaS support disappeared or have I installed something wrong after all the updates? Vanilla weapons are all right

Good karma+1 vote