I started modifying games many years ago, when I first made reskins of existing ships and eventually made new ship models myself for the sailing simulator Virtual Sailor. After doing this for a couple of years, I joined the PiratesAhoy! forums and ended up taking over modpack compiling for the Pirates of the Caribbean Build Mod from the notorious Nathan Kell. As such I have contributed to the release of Build 13 Final and am still active in the development for Build 14: New Horizons.

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Location Remodeling with Inez Tool

Pirates of the Caribbean: New Horizons Props Modelling 1 comment

By means of Inez Diaz tool for converting GM models you -yes, YOU- can easily change models by removing and/or adding model components. That way you -yes...

Setting Error Logs

Pirates of the Caribbean: New Horizons QA/Testing 4 comments

If you are experiencing issues with mods and want to give feedback to the mod team, it helps to give them as much information as possible. This short...