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p0stpwnedjr - - 13 comments @ Brutal Doom: Arthur's Edition Ultimate

One extra report: The Riot Shield's inventory item nametag is misspelled as "Rior Shield".

Good karma+2 votes
p0stpwnedjr - - 13 comments @ Brutal Doom: Arthur's Edition Ultimate

Also, bit of a stranger bug report:
If the axe equipment is thrown while you have an axe equipped (which normally isn't allowed, as it tries to switch to the knife equipment, chainsaw equipment, and crucible equipment first, but that can be bypassed by simply not having any of the above equipment types), the held axe will freeze up, and must be dropped (with the "drop weapon" key) to resume normal function.

After further testing, I've found that this also applies to the chainsaw and chainsaw equipment, with nearly identical effects.

Good karma+2 votes
p0stpwnedjr - - 13 comments @ Brutal Doom: Arthur's Edition Ultimate

If "bd_disablenewguns" is set to 1, shotguns spawned by the map itself (not dropped by enemies, though) are missing a few important flags (whether or not it's solid to actors/the player can pick it up, whether or not it can be a voxel), as they do not pass through them before jumping to the "Stay" state.

To fix this, I copied those flags from the end of the "Spawn" state to the top of the "Stay" state, and it works perfectly. The fixed version of the ShotgunSpawner "Stay" state is below (with lines edited by me marked with "//New"):

TNT1 A 0 A_ChangeFlag("THRUACTORS", 0) //New, pick-up-able
TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(GetCvar("bd_voxel")==1, "Voxel") //New, voxels
TNT1 A 0
TNT1 A 0 A_jump(128,2)
SHTC A 1 A_ChangeFlag("XFLIP",1)
TNT1 A 0

Good karma+2 votes
p0stpwnedjr - - 13 comments @ they hunger upscale ld quality

Holy ****, I was considering downloading this, but I don't want to support someone who's being such a ****.

Fun fact: aLtErNaTiNg CaPs are also used to emphasize that something is an overused trope/something obvious. Calling HL1-styled models with HD textures "uncanny valley" is, indeed, an obvious trope.

Good karma+2 votes
p0stpwnedjr - - 13 comments @ Brutal Doom Platinum

Nope. I'd personally advise that you use the original "Dox's Personalized Addon" version of the mod. It has almost everything useful that BDP has, but with arguably better balancing, and no forced sprint mechanic. Here's the link:

There's also a mod for BDP with a bunch of features inspired by older versions of vanilla BD, called "BDP Awakening". Not my cup of tea, but here it is:

There's also an addon that simply adds a toggle to BDP, but it doesn't work on the latest versions of the mod. I believe the last version it worked on was 3.0, but 3.0 has numerous issues with the Nazi enemies in the Wolfenstein maps (31 and 32). Here's the link to that:

Emerald made a huge mistake by implementing a ****** COD-ish mechanic to the fast paced gameplay of Brutal Doom, or even just classic Doom as a whole.

Good karma+6 votes
p0stpwnedjr - - 13 comments @ DOOM CE

Just discovered a massive oversight. The weapon wheel stops time, right? But what it doesn't stop is moving map geometry. This includes ceilings/floors that crush you. This creates a number of odd loopholes, though the most gamebreaking of these is a VM Abort error that occurs when you are crushed during stopped time.

Oh yeah, also, I still haven't tested co-op with my friend again since I last reported issues a few months ago, but I think we'll get to it soon. My money's on it being an error on my/my friend's side, though.

Good karma+2 votes
p0stpwnedjr - - 13 comments @ Project Brutality 2.03 (Redux) v1.01

Contains a duplicate DECORATE, making it unusable in multiplayer on Zandronum.

Good karma+2 votes
p0stpwnedjr - - 13 comments @ Brutal Doom Platinum

For some reason the tactical sprint applies to ALL classes. This slows down the gameplay to a crawl, disallowing shooting while running, and adding a stamina meter. There is a reason why the tactical class existed in BD21, and now it's simply redundant. This one single change goes directly against the fast-paced design philosophy of BD, and completely ruins the otherwise incredibly polished mod for me, and I'm sure many others. I want to like this mod, for its phenomenal spritework, fixes to BD21's jank, and meaningful additions, but this one change kills it for me.

Good karma+7 votes
p0stpwnedjr - - 13 comments @ DOOM CE

Me and a friend were playing through Doom 2 CE in co-op, and ended up getting desynced several times. We both had the same wads loaded, and didn't load any extra GZDoom graphical PWADS (brightmaps, lights) other than the widescreen asset pack, which was on by default and both of us had enabled. Nothing was really out of the ordinary, for an installation of DOOM CE 3.1.3. Both of us had the same version of the Doom 2 IWAD, as well, and there wasn't any issue of extra content being loaded.

The .bat file I used to host the server is as follows: gzdoom.exe -host 2 +map MAP31 -dmflags 2097152 -dmflags2 268451840 -AlwaysApplyDMFlags 1

If it's of any help, my friend seems to have really slow internet that cuts out occasionally. Other than that, my research says that it's likely some script in Doom CE acting up. As for which script that would be, I don't know, since none of the desyncs had much in terms of common factors. It usually happens a few maps in, and with little to no warning. I'm curious whether or not there was much co-op testing for this mod, or if it's just something on me and my buddy's end. If there's any info that would be helpful to you, tell me, and I'd gladly provide it.

Good karma+2 votes
p0stpwnedjr - - 13 comments @ Doom3D

Just a fair warning, this post is a long one.

Fantastic mod! I'll be honest though, I have a few issues:

1. The grenade launcher worldmodel is far too massive. Like, REALLY massive.

2. Rocket launcher's alt fire, the laser guided rocket, can still be fired at 0 rockets. No offense, but how'd that one get through testing?

3. No nametags for weapons, making it hard to use an inventory management mod like PyWeaponWheel or Gearbox, and even just using GZDoom's weapon nametag system.

4. No 2D sprites for weapons. This makes it even harder to use intentory management systems, since they all use default Doom 1 weapon sprites.

5. Sniper rifle worldmodel uses the shotgun texture. literally unplayable 0/10

6. More of a nitpick, but why would certain weapons, namely the sniper rifle and shotgun, use the PS1 styled polygon jiggle? I'd like an option to turn it off, since it wasn't really a thing for PC games in '98.

7. Explosive barrels lose their liquid for a few frames on GZDoom 4.6.0.

8. The player being gibbed often cause the game to VM Abort.

9. The Quake Axe is a 2D chainsaw sprite when on the floor.

Now, I also have a few suggestions:

1. Probably already implemented in the next patch, but some love for the Unmaykr would be great. Namely, a worldmodel and randomized spawn system where it sometimes spawns instead of a BFG would be nice.

2. Add proper flashlight options, the current movement speed of the flashlight is quite infuriating.

3. A proper crouching animation is another thing that is probably also implemented, but it is an issue with the current release.

4. Probably the worst gameplay change this mod makes is that the weapons don't start loaded.

Overall, an exceptionally solid mod anyways. Probably one of my all-time favorite gameplay mods, even if it's a bit rough around the edges right now.

Good karma+1 vote
p0stpwnedjr - - 13 comments @ half life alyx headcrabs

Sorry to bug you, but did you forget to upload the file? It hasn't been updated at all, and this comment was more than half a year ago. I'd hope that the updated version isn't lost or anything. Thanks for making this, though!

Good karma+1 vote
p0stpwnedjr - - 13 comments @ Usable Gluon Annabelle Alyxgun in MMod

Just a bug report, the ANNABELLE seems to overwrite the emplacement machine gun when you obtain it, meaning it forces itself into the third auto slot instead of the third heavy/shotgun slot, which seems to be the more logical slot for it. And on a related note, the Alyx gun seems to be in the fifth pistol slot, instead of the third.

Good karma+1 vote
p0stpwnedjr - - 13 comments @ Usable Gluon Annabelle Alyxgun in MMod

There should be a .VPK file in this ZIP archive, you put that in HL2MMOD_HL2\custom, for example. The game you're trying to run will have a different file path, but always put it in the custom folder. And this goes for most .VPK addons, as well.

Good karma+1 vote