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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 106)
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ My personal gamedata

remove "eng" folder. Btw can you tell me if the game crashes for you when getting assassination quests?

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ My personal gamedata

remove the "eng" folder, it works for me

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ My personal gamedata

it seems to work but the text is in spanish, how do i change it back to english?

EDIT: solved it by removing the "eng" folder in "texts".

Also, the game crashes when taking assassination quests (regardless of presence of "eng" folder):

[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 204
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ....a.l.k.e.r. - a.r.e.a\gamedata\scripts\xr_effects.script:1411: attempt to call global 'alife_get_object' (a nil value)

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ My personal gamedata

hi does this work with version 1.1647? I CTD every time I open the game

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fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Prophesy of Pendor

I've just downloaded last version and for some reason all lords and ladies don't have hair, is there a fix?

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Realistic Mod: Remastered

hey chazz, the mod looks very promising but what's up with the random armor values? I've noticed this especially in helmets, where some are insanely weak (swadian huscarls) and some (mostly native ones) having average values. Also the terrain is pretty glitchy, presenting lots and lots of holes in it, I'm not sure if this is on my end but I've never experience such issue before.

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fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Tohlobaria

hey fladin! Could you make it so that lords ask you become mercenary more often? I know you've already explained why you did that change, but by being a merc you have more stuff to do overall. I have a party of 70 units and it's pretty boring running around after bandits all the time. Of course no lord quests, no mercenary offers and most important of all no vassal offers, even if i have 400+ renown.

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Perisno

thanks for clarifying your point of view. I didn't know anything about that study you just written about, but i'll definitely have a look. However, there are many factors at play when you talk about "penetrating" plate armor. First of all the quality of the metal said armor is made, second of all the thickness of said plate: is it a chestplate we're talking about? Maybe some smaller and thinner armor pieces covering arms or legs? I was watching a pretty interesting experiment byTodd's Workshop on youtube some months ago (longbow with armor piercing arrowheads on a "historically accurate" chestplate) and the arrow did leave huge dents in the steel, which i guess when you have lots of those from multiple hits your armor might become rather unpleasant to wear, but that was it, the arrows shattered and splintered all over. Overall most historians agree that's the most likely outcome we'd see in a medieval setting. Of course that was just the chestplate, which is the thickest of all armor parts, but other armor parts would be easily penetrated by high poundage longbows since they're way thinner. So in a certain way you can say longbows could penetrate armor, but most likely not good quality chest pieces. Otherwise I'm pretty open to checking out new sources so I thank you for providing that. Speaking about the game, we definitely have different views about the game. To me the bows and arrows in this mod feel way too powerful, damage wise but also physics wise. Projectile speed and range is insane and the AI is way too good at getting headshots. In sieges it's all about archers sniping and slaughtering people left and right with pinpoint accuracy. I'm not for archers being just dead meat, but for archers being balanced in their role of skirmishers. There are mods (great example and one of my favourite mods for combat balance is tohlobaria) where bows and crossbows are good at what they do, harassing and weakening, but the primary killing role goes to the infantry\cavalry\gunners. They're not overpowered and yet when they're shooting at your troops and most of them lack shields you get that sense of urgency to charge the enemy if you don't want to let them weaken or kill your troops. I guess what I don't like in perisno is that bows feel more like guns than actual bows. Yes I love the new horse archer AI because what put me off from other mods was that horse archers would get stuck in the map borders. I don't know what mods you're talking about, but from what I've played so far not all of them were as bad as you're saying. Even in native i find archers and crossbowmen to be pretty useful in sieges without them being killing machines.

Good karma+2 votes
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Perisno

the english longbowmen "destroyed" the french (they didn't, they contributed to their defeat but were not the sole cause) because of the terrain the french heavy cavalry was charging on, which was a wet plowed field, so their horses weren't really able to move freely, plus the role of missile troops (bows, crossbows, javelins, slings and so on) was never to kill directly, because you know, that's what armor is for, to protect you from **** getting thrown at you. The main role of missiles was to disrupt an enemy formation by wounding people, horses, or to simply keep you pinned down behind your shield so that your situational awareness wouldn't be as good. Never in history have bows been so good as you want them to be, because if they were then the only troops we would've seen on the battlefields would've been bowmen, don't you think? And before you say "muh longbow could penetrate armor hurr durr" yes, chainmail (not always, a lot of factors at play) not plate armor. After this little history lesson I can only say that my only intention was constructive criticism, until you came with your dumb "git gud" attitude all retards use when they don't have better arguments. Yeah that was an insult :)

P.S. I agree with thorvaldo in saying that horse archers are too strong, but my reasons of thinking that are different than his. He criticized horse archer AI, I criticized bow damage.

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Perisno

The mod went further? Wtf does insane bow damage have to do with bringing innovation? Nothing cool about unrealistic bows being the ultimate weapon of mass destruction. "Oh sorry you got top notch plate armor? Oh yeah excuse me let me just punch it through with my string attached to a stick and kill you in 1 shot". By the way, no one is whining, I was just stating my own OPINION about what could be improved with the mod and why i find it boring. And for the love of ******* god stop putting words in my mouth: I've never criticized horse archer AI, on the contrary I think it's cool because horse archers are acting as they're supposed to. If your idea of a perfect mod is have insanely good archers which can decimate shielded infantry by the time they get actually close to engage them, then I'm sorry but that's not balanced. Again, I was just stating my own opinion on what could be improved in this mod to make it more fun and enjoyable. So if you want to have a discussion let's have a discussion, but don't ******* insult people because that just makes you look like an angry little kid who has way too much spare time.

That's even more of an issue when a lot of top tier infantry don't even have shields.

Good karma-1 votes
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Perisno

i don't really have anything against the horse archer AI since it's more "realistic" than having them charging blindly and throw away their advantage. I do have a problem with how incredibly high the damage output of bows is though. And the excuse of having them as a counter to heavy cav doesn't hold, because lots of mods have buffed polearm infantry enough to a point where approaching them on horseback is actually scary as it should be. The bows in this mod are op, that's all

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Perisno

i agree with thorvaldo here, i got tired of this mod because the only playstyle allowed is horse archer. Archery in this mod is way too strong, be it on horseback or not. I get that this is fantasy but here bows are the equivalent of assault rifles. Apart from the insane damage bows deal, AI archers also seem pretty good at getting headshots to a point were if you don't have a shield you're instantly oneshot

Good karma0 votes
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Tohlobaria

oh cool i didn't know about that feature :D Ok then that makes sense. Btw i was looking at the player troop tree, and was wondering what's the point of top tier pikemen equipped with just a +38 aketon? It seems underwhelming, especially since you obtain them after completing a pretty long and difficult questline

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Tohlobaria

lmao yeah i guess now it all makes sense :D But if you make your own faction you need lords to join you, and good relations will help, won't it? :P or maybe i'm missing something. But yeah i like becoming a mercenary so that i have plenty of fights to join and also weekly moneys c:

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Tohlobaria

Some quest are annoying, yes, but overall they're the best way to increase relations with lords, plus it gives you something to do in the early-mid game. I've just seen the video, i'll give it a try and let you know if it works out :)

Also what about joining a faction as mercenary? Do you still need a certain amount of renown\relations?

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Tohlobaria

did you also make any changes to becoming a mercenary? Lords barely give any quests at all and also never offer to join them as mercenary. Also is the becoming vassal bug still there? I have 220 renown and am not allowed to become vassal.

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Tohlobaria

hey fladin first of all i'm happy that you finally managed to update this mod :D second of all, did you by any chance remove the ruined castle questline? I can't find it anymore on the map

Also i was fighting bandits in a village and after i died it gave me command of one of the paesants, but the view was stuck in free-camera mode. This thing only happened during the village defense, but not in normal battles.

Good karma+2 votes
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Beta 1.1 patch

nevermind that, the issue solved itself. I'm having another one though, artillery works fine except when it hits it doesn't kill anyone and i just get spammed with error messages in the log about artillery physics or something not working

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Beta 1.1 patch

i'm having an issue with this patch. The log on the bottom left side of the screen just disappeared after I installed 1.1 and there's no way of getting it to show again without removing the patch. Anyone else having this problem?

Good karma+2 votes
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Age of Sword & Sorcery

i'm currently unable to change my companions' equipment, is this an intended feature or a bug? Also what do I do with the black stones (forgot their name) dropped by the undead? Another thing, I was trying the hand mortar and it seems that it always shoots way upwards above the aiming circle, so unless the enemies are right on me it is impossible to hit anything with it

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Renaissance

try deleting the file

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ TLD Overhaul

life sucks doesn't it ;) thanks anyways :D

Btw i tried the original tld and that same glitch appeared there as well. I've read about some people fixing some textures issues on mac by installing the custom tld font directly into warband (replacing native's font). I'm gonna try that and i'll let you know so at least other mac paesants can enjoy your work :3

EDIT: so apparently that fix only works for the original TLD and not for this one, I don't even know how the hell does a font impact the textures.. oh well

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Legacy of Romaroth

everyone knows the pendor devs are jerks, you can't expect them to be polite about anything. Also yeah pendor's overrated as hell, and most of their models really look like they're drawn by a 5 year old. But hey they've made "the best warband mod" so they expect people to get on their knees and suck their dicks. Have you even tried making some contructive criticism on their mod's page? Your comment will get so many downvotes you're gonna start wondering if their fanbase is composed of salty 12 year olds with way too much spare time.

Good karma+8 votes
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ TLD Overhaul

i don't know if that's a known issue, but after i finish a really long battle (450 vs 230)and i go back to the world map, the game's textures glitch out and i'm not allowed to save, so i have to restart the game. I've tried every possible "fix", i lowered the number of parties on the map, i lowered the textures and so on, but nothing changes. I don't remember ever having this issue on the original TLD. I'm (sadly) playing on a mac.

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Age of Sword & Sorcery

nice! Can't wait to play this then :D

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ [Outdated] TLD Overhaul v1.7

delete the file and the game should switch to the default warband font

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Age of Sword & Sorcery

will this require wse?

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fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Northern Crusaders!

bruh moment

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fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Hear Me Roar! unofficial ACOK submod

well nevermind there are already specific houses troop trees, i'm gonna go commit bleach

Good karma+1 vote
fedehhh - - 106 comments @ Hear Me Roar! unofficial ACOK submod

this looks very promising :D any plans on making different troop trees for different houses? That's probably madness, but i just wanted to ask :P

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