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Comment History
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Mod’s Future….

Hello Lady Ashwood! I hope this message finds you well.

I want to wish you all the best of luck on your new video game journey, as well as thank you for the amazing experience you gave us through Age of Arthur. I can honestly say that this is my favourite Warband mod of all time! The reason I loved it so much is because this mod did what so many others failed to do or did less adequately: you offered so much player choice and in-game mechanics that I wasn't able to find in most other mods. It will certainly be sad to see this games evolution come to an end, but being a life-long King Arthur fan, I can always tell myself that this game will return from the Isle of Avalon one day.

Still, I'm very excited to hear that you've decided to move on to new projects. Ghoul Busters looks like a lot of fun, and I'm really looking forward to Dark Crown. It's good to see that you branched out and decided to create a stand-alone project. Honestly, as much as well all love Warband, I sometimes believe that the game was sometimes limiting, as modders are forced to implement new features within a very confined framework. You've also ignited my passion in learning about Middle Age Britain (though I must confess, I'm leaning more towards the HIGH middle ages, as opposed to the early period).

That being said, I do have one final request, that I'm hoping you'll give some serious consideration. Perhaps you might consider receiving donations from supports, such as Patreon or a-built in crowd-funding platform of your own design. That way, supporters can contribute financially to support all your teams' efforts. Age of Arthur proved that you have a really good idea; I figured making some donations or subscription could be the least I or others could do.

Regardless, I wish you all the best for 2024! We will all be watching your progress with great interest!

Good karma+2 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ NND V5.5 Enchanted Adventure

Hi there,

I played this mod over last week. and I just wanted to list some of the issues and crashes that I encountered while playing:

1. The game CTD during freelancer mode.

2. When selecting the option to travel to another port in an existing ship (I was at Yalen's port), the ship got stuck and wouldn't move.

3. Entering the arena would result in the player getting stuck in a room with no interactions (I was in Jelkala).

4. When the PC dies, there's no way to return to the main menu (that was from the previous build).

Otherwise, there's a lot of improvement in this mod.

Good karma+1 vote
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Skyblivion Announces Release Date; 5 Skyrim & Oblivion Mods That Opened Their Worlds

I wish a mod existed for Skyrim to let players destroy the Thalmor once and for all. I hate how that one loose end never gets resolved.

Good karma+3 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ BannerPage 3.0 release date and notes

Hello GorillaGuerilla!

I've been playing Bannerpage for a few years now, and I'm really glad to have you back! It's good to see that you've made some updates to this mod, and I really look forward to seeing all the changes you've made.

Good karma+14 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Rising sun 1.2.2 Item rework

Is the Ezo Republic on Hokkaido included as a faction? It was founded by Tokugawa Naval Commander Enomoto Takeaki... Just curious.

Good karma+1 vote
d0415 - - 28 comments @ 108 Heroes v0.975 Full Version

Just curious: Which of the towns in this game is "modern Beijing"?

Good karma+1 vote
d0415 - - 28 comments @ 108 Heroes v0.975 Full Version

Hello there!

I really enjoyed this mod, an I'm really excited to try this one! The English translation in the last update was a bit lacking, but all the same, I truly enjoy this gameplay to a large degree.

I really wish you all the best regarding this mod. The idea of basing a Warband mod off of a legendary Chinese classical novel was nothing short of genius.

Good karma+1 vote
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Warsword Conquest


Do we still need to use the different launcher to run the Southlands Edition?

Good karma+1 vote
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Age of Arthur .v7.0 (latest version)

Can I just take a moment to tell you how awesome you are? I really love this mod, specifically because there's so much more to do compared to your "competition". I truly can't thank you enough! This mod is still my favorite of them all!

Anyways, if you continue to update the game from here, might I make some suggestions/ask questions:

1. Question: Is Lancelot in the game? Never ran into him.
2. Dublin should probably be renamed "Eblana"; Dublin proper was founded by Vikings

By the way, that serial killer event is hilarious! Really surprised me!

Anyways, Thanks a lot for the update. This game is way too fun!

Good karma+5 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Golden Earth v0.3 (old version)

Well, look on the bright side, many Norwegians live in Alberta and Minnesota today (far more inland than their ancestors), and Greenland is part of Denmark to this day.

Congrats on this new update. I look forward to trying this out.

Good karma+2 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ NCE v2.0 Full Version

Hi, quick question:

Wasn't Norway in joint union with Denmark? It was ceded over to Sweden in 1814 (although they tried to install a Danish prince and declare independence with their new constitution).

Just asking. I could be wrong...

Good karma+1 vote
d0415 - - 28 comments @ AD 1257 Dark Ages

Before I download, quick question: Are the women's faces fixed (or improved)? In the last 1257, they were - shall we say - unpretty?

Good karma+2 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Age of Arthur v6.1 (patch)

Honestly, I don't even play other mods anymore. At first, I thought "A World of Ice and Fire" (the Game of Thrones mod) was the best of them all, but now I ONLY play Age of Arthur. Perisno, Bannerpage, 1257 AD, Nova Aetas, Native New Design, Warsword Conquest... Nothing touches this mod by a landslide.

Your mod is Viking Conquest x1000. Having children to succeed the player, 13 treasures, And if you aren't into all the warlord stuff, you can just work on a farm or chop wood all day.

I'm surprised other modders don't copy you, to be honest. Hell, I don't even play Bannerlord much at all; your mod is much more fun.

Good karma+2 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Age of Arthur 6.2 (patch)

Thanks! You're the best Ashwood!

Good karma0 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Age of Arthur 6.2 (patch)

Queen Guinevere (after confessing love to player): I love my husband, and prefer to remain friends.

Me: $#%!! F#%!! NO NO NO!!!

There must be a way. Ashwood wouldn't implement this if you get shot down eveey time (or would she?) Does anyone know how to kick start an affair with a married lasy, or is it impossible?

Good karma+1 vote
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Age of Arthur

Hi Ashwood!

I forgot to mention something else. I was playing as a mercenary for the Kingdom of Francia, but when you try to assault Cambray, your troops get stuck atop the ladder, and can't progress. The only way to take the town is to let your fellow vassals take the town while you remain on the world map. It may be an issue with the ladders themselves, since I've never encountered this with any other town.

Thanks again for the new update!

Good karma+2 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Age of Arthur v6.1 (patch)

Agreed. I hardly ever play other mods anymore. They simply don't compare. I'm gonna be real depressed when Ashwood stops updating this =)

Good karma+2 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Age of Arthur v6.1 (patch)

Hey Ashwood! Thanks for this! I managed to squeeze some time to play the new version, and you really outdid yourself!

I should mention one little "bug" I ran into, which I've seen before in previous builds. When you try to sneak into an enemy castle (this doesn't appear to happen in towns), and then dispatch the guards after they sound the alarm, the game will tell you that you evaded them, only to send you back to the main castle menu. In other words, you get caught in a loop.

In case this is peculiar, it happened at a castle in Sussex. It's just a nitpick though.

Good karma+2 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Age of Arthur v6.0

Ashwood, I really have to thank you for this. I was a bit bummed when you said the last update would be your last, so this really made my day. This is my favorite mod of all time, overtaking "A World of Ice and Fire" by a country mile.

I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate this.

I'm a bit busy these days, so I may have to wait a while before I get to try this update out. In the meantime, I just wanted to point out a couple of things I noticed in the last update, since I didn't see them mentioned in the changelog:

1. There was no village elder in Dublin (or at least I could never find him. That may be just me though).

2. In one of the Powys towns, during a tournament, the player or an opponent would spawn outside of the stadium, forcing the player to "give up the fight" in order to fix this. In a Camelot town (I think it was Caer Couli, if my memory serves me correctly), the player would spawn under the floor during a tournament.

3.Sometimes, the fugitive didn't spawn on bounty hunter missions at certain locations.

But hey!, this mod is still great, and your work has not gone unappreciated! Thanks again for this =)

Good karma+1 vote
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Golden Earth

I was playing the mod for a few hours today. I must say, it looks extremely promising. The overall map is very accurate (You even included Greenland), and the native skins look really cool so far.

Just curious, what made you choose Canada? I've been playing Warband mods fir a while now, and I've never seen anyone use Canada as the setting before.

Good karma+1 vote
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Golden Earth

So far so good. A word of advice:

Did the Norse settlers have horses or introduce cattle? If you're gping for historical accuracy, then the Natives probably wouldn't have either.

Also, as late as the War of 1812, North America wasn't ideal for pitch battles, due to heavy forests. Natives were known for hit and run raids (George Washington would do the same in the Revolutionary war).

But so far, this looks great.

Good karma+1 vote
d0415 - - 28 comments @ 1257AD - Enhanced Edition v3.5 (Patch)(OLD)

Hi there. I've encountered errors when I try to install this patch. I keep on getting error messages saying that there are missing bfr files in the Resource folder. As a result, the game crashes while loading.

Does this happen on your end, or could it be a problem with the file itself? Just thought you should know.

Good karma+1 vote
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Golden Earth

I just have one small question, regarding the Native Americans far North. I don't think their culture could be described as "feudal", which is the default form of government in M&B Warband.

I'm curious whether or not that would fit, assuming the goal is accuracy.

Good karma+1 vote
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Age of Arthur 5.0 (Definitive final version)

This is one of my favorite mods, and I'm glad that you decided to do more work on it.

I had noticed an oddity when creating a settlement. In this mod, the player can upgrade a settlement to a castle, but in the first settlement, the player would have to upgrade the settlement/hideout to a castle BEFORE upgrading the walls. This results in a castle with very poor outer defenses.

Were you aware of this? Just asking. Still, thanks for the upgrade all the same! Much appreciated.

Good karma+2 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Golden Earth

Finally, a mod set in Canada!

My friend, I wish you all the best on this ambitious mod. I like the Viking mods for this game a lot, so I'll be looking forward to this one.

Just curious, will you be basing this mod on the "Viking Conquest" template? Good luck all the same.

Good karma+2 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Age of Arthur

Dear Lady_Ashwood,

I keep seeing people in various comment sections of many Warband mods asking about the feature in Age of Arthur to be implemented into other mods.

I'm just curious: Is it possible for you to extract the files for that feature as an addon, so that Warband players can put it into their own Module folder to be used in other mods. Specifically these features:

1) Perma-death of player/lords/rulers
2) Having children/ Being succeeded by them

That would be awesome...

Good karma+2 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Native New Design

If that was an integral part of this mod, I would probably stop playing most others in an instant. Imagine: the same permadeath feature, and the ability for your child to succeed you, and other lords could also die in battle too. Age of Arthur even made it so that lords could arrive from outside the world to join a faction, just to make up for the imbalance due to death.

Oh well. So far the only mods that include children (that I'm aware of) Is Age of Arthur as you mention and Brytenwalda. I think AWOIAF (The Game of Thrones mod) does too, but I"m not sure.

Good karma0 votes
d0415 - - 28 comments @ Native New Design

This is - without a doubt, as has been said ad infinitum - one of the best and most ambitious enhancement mods that you'll find for Warband.

Obviously, it is a work in progress, but I do have to point out one glaring flaw that ruins the entire gaming experience:

Whenever rebels take over a town - and the player is allied to that kingdom - the player disappears from the map and the game in turn crashes. There's no way to fix this it seems.

Good karma+1 vote