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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 49)
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Новая загрузочная картинка для Аномали

"На Украине" всё нормально - все русофобы либо на донбасе воюют, либо русофобят на своих тусовках, во всяком случае я их за семь лет проживания так и не встретил.
А вот в комментах к фантастике на Kinogo каждый день лютейшии срачи по этому поводу. Причём под каждым фильмом...

Good karma0 votes
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Toggle Helmet Hotkey

Yeah, thanks, now everything is clear!

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Toggle Helmet Hotkey

Hi, I have dreamed about this mod for a long time!
But after reading the description, I realized that English - not my forte, so could you please explain what is the difference between the "hotkey" and "keybind"? I want to edit them in the script, but for this I need to know what they are doing)

Good karma+2 votes
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Anomaly Magazines for 1.5.1

No, not only. This also happens when inspecting traders' magazines.

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ SCREAM AT THEM BACK!!(2)

As a native speaker, I can assume that he is talking about a preview that would show how your mod works. This refers to the sound part.

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Новая загрузочная картинка для Аномали

К сожалению мне не доводилось наблюдать за менталитетом людей непосредственно в Великобритании и США, однако, когда на их форумах находишь русские комментарии, я к своему удивлению обнаруживаю, что их не закидывают ссаными тряпками, как это происходит в обратной ситуации. Да что там США, взять хотя бы Украину. С людьми общаюсь на русском, научные работы защищаю на русском - всем пофигу на то, какой я национальности - относимся друг другу, как люди, а не как животные.
Но попробуйте упомянуть на русской тусовке, что вы не из России. Про то, что бы додуматься сказануть о своём пребывании в Украине, я вообще молчу. Там так дерьмом накачают, что до следующей жизни хватит.
Однако в тоже время никто не считает зазорным выложить на англоязычный ресурс мод с русскоязычным описанием. А почему бы и нет, не так ли?

Разумеется я понимаю, что не все русские такие (Я же не такой в конце концов?). Так же я не заявляю о том, что автор этого мода придерживается этой всратой идеологии, но он мог хотя бы через gTranslator текст описания прогнать! Или тексты своих русскоязычных ответов на англоязычные комментарии! Я не знаю, что он об этом думает, но со стороны это выглядит, как минимум, как откровенное неуважение, а по факту, как экспансия!

По этому я буду соглашаться с подобными мыслями и развивать их столько, сколько сочту нужным для предоставления полной картины того, что на самом деле представляет из себя это довольно реальное и ощутимое дерьмо, которое свободно плавает на поверхности и без того, что бы его кто-то туда поднимал, bruh.

Good karma-1 votes
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ [1.7.1] Ballistics Overhaul

Could someone please explain what kind of weapon the KS-23 cartridges are using?
I don't remember having ever met this monster in the game ...

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ (OUTDATED!!!!) Escape from Tarkov Footsteps and Tinnitus replacers v1.1

Thanks for the answer.
Well, I think I can do without gamemtl.x, your mod still does a good job of what it was created for!

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ (OUTDATED!!!!) Escape from Tarkov Footsteps and Tinnitus replacers v1.1

Do you still support this mod?
I came across a VERY strange bug and this is definitely your mod.
At the dump (possibly in other locations) there are certain points at which radiation begins to rise very sharply for me. I accumulate the maximum dose in a few seconds in pretty good gear.

I know how crazy it sounds, but I started a new game with only your mod, got to the same place and ran into this problem again, while in a pure game this does not happen. The problem is solved by deleting the gamemtl.xr file. Perhaps, in addition to the volume of sounds, it also affects something else?

If you do not believe me, I can send a video ... Even I myself find it difficult to believe - this mod should replace sounds ... It would seem, what does radiation have to do with it.

In general, I hope you will fix it, otherwise I can hardly hear the sounds of footsteps without gamemtl.xr.

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ QuickMelee addon

Это работает в 1.5.1???

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Новая загрузочная картинка для Аномали

I agree. I myself live in the CIS, here many have such a mentality. They are always trying to present themselves as an ideal nation and are not at all embarrassed when they push their ideology where it is at least inappropriate. However, when you mention that you are from another country, they begin to show outright Nazism towards you.
I would not like to point the finger at the Russians, but I have communicated with many other nations and have never seen such blatant persecution on ethnic grounds.
I do not know what the representatives of minorities think about when they organize demonstrations in the USA or the EU, but in my opinion, real discrimination occurs precisely in the countries of the post-Soviet space.

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ First person death main menu

Я был крайне заинтригован этой текстурой для меню. Мне показалось, что ваш файл заменяет ею ваниьльную текстуру в том случае если меню открывается после смерти ГГ, но судя по тому, что этой текстуры в файлах нет, могу заключить, что я ошибся)

Отступая от лирических отступлений, могу ли я поинтересоваться у вас, как у модера, может ли в теории быть реализована такая возможность? В коде я вижу строчку get_console():execute("main_menu"). Можно изменить main_menu на dead_menu, а потом создать xml таблицу с соответствующим названием, которая будет полностью повторять таблицу для главного меню, но иметь другой фон?

Думаю основной вопрос к команде execute(). Откуда она знает, что такое "main_menu" - ищет этот файл в configs\ или имеет словарь аргументов с ссылками на конфиги?
Где вы вообще офф. документацию к коду берёёте?)

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Anomaly Magazines for 1.5.1

I just caught the same olive, but the error window says about

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Outfit Parts and Repair Overhaul

I would like to inquire about the availability of Russian localization for your mod.
The description is intriguing. In my opinion, this is how the damage mechanic in Anomaly should have been, this is definitely a must-have mod in every build.

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Weapon Parts Overhaul for 1.5.1

It would be great. Thanks for the answer!

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Weapon Parts Overhaul for 1.5.1

I decided to read all the comments to this mod in order to better consolidate how it works...
I have a small question.
In the old comments, there were mentions of overlapping voice acting during jamming. You suggested some ways to solve this problem, for example, creating a timer condition that starts voice acting only after a certain time has elapsed since the previous one.
Is this function implemented in the current version or does it still need to edit the code yourself?
I apologize if this was in the changelog, I may have overlooked this point...

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Pripyat animated main menu background

Hmm... I used Movavi Video Editor for this. I don't know if this tool will be convenient for you, since it is paid. However, many pirated versions can be found on the internet if that's acceptable to you.

The process itself consists only in dragging and dropping the file you need into the program window and pressing the "Save" button. You will be greeted with a menu with parameters for the output file. Among other things, there your can configure the bitrate and file extension. The program does not know how to save files in the Ogm extension, but if you save them to Ogv and manually change the extension to Ogm - the file will not be damaged.
It's actually quite simple - the program is intuitive. When I first encountered this situation, I did not even know that the problem could be in the bitrate...

I think many other freeware programs do as well as Movavi. If I were you, I would look for information on whether this can be done in the editor in which you retouched your videos. But if you decide to download Movavi, then I can post a video tutorial on YouTube, I am sure this translation may contain wording errors...

Good karma+2 votes
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Arszi's Dynamic Radiation Zones and Radiation Overhaul V2.1 for Anomaly 1.5.1

Thanks for the answer! I will install manually...

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Arszi's Dynamic Radiation Zones and Radiation Overhaul V2.1 for Anomaly 1.5.1

I think it would be very cool if you made a new tab in the PDA with the weather forecast XD
Given this information, it would be very convenient to plan long hikes!
It would be possible to leave the random generation of wind strength and direction, but so that it would be known in advance in the PDA synoptic tab. At the same time, it would be possible to introduce a chance that the forecast would be wrong.
This is definitely a crazy idea and most likely looks like a full-fledged addon, but I think it would be realy awesome.

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Main Menu "Ja Soldat"

It reminded me of starting a new game in Diablo II... Nostalgia

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Arszi's Dynamic Radiation Zones and Radiation Overhaul V2.1 for Anomaly 1.5.1

In the description, it is recommended to refrain from using JSGME.
But what about MO?

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ My Little NVGs

Matter... I have a resolution of 1024x768, so I had to change the size of the textures.
Thanks, cool mod! Although it would be very convenient to have a version for 4:3 monitors.

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Pripyat animated main menu background

I had the same problem with a similar addon. The problem turned out to be in the video... I can't say more precisely. I think it matters a lot what kind of system you have. I immediately thought of my mammoth-pc... If your machine is not very powerful, then I think this is the point.
I managed to solve this by changing the bitrate from variable to static. I just checked - it works at least for the Loneliness preset. Lowenhertzeg, I'm looking at you ߍ ̮ ̮ ߍ

Good karma+2 votes
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Dialogue Expanded v4 COMPANION UPDATE [ENGLISH/русский]

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice him)
Your mod is really amazing, I think the result is worth the effort you put into it. 900 lines is a tremendous job.
Thank your for that!

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Pripyat animated main menu background

maxi666, "Табличку прилепили", что бы белый текст с белым фоном не сливался.
А тебе не помешало бы научиться общаться, перед тем, как и дальше засорять наше общество своим присутствием. Человек тебя даже не понял - не удивительно, я тоже сначала лишь какое-то дерьмо вместо слов разглядел...
Из-за таких, как ты нас, русских, теперь вообще никто за людей не держит. Воистину позор нации!

Good karma+2 votes
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Beef's Flashlights Rebalanced v1.3 for 1.5.1

Does it work in 1.5.1?

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Arszi's Dynamic Radiation Zones and Radiation Overhaul V2.1 for Anomaly 1.5.1

Hmm... What about the random radiation zones your mod adds? Shouldn't they only be generated from a new game?

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ My Little NVGs

Does the screen resolution matter?

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Dialogue Expanded v4 COMPANION UPDATE [ENGLISH/русский]

Hey! I really want to download this mod, but I can see that it is editing the ui_item.script file...
And it is used by the Anomaly Magazines mod.

I'm confused) These mods are pretty multidirectional, but equally awesome!
I would like to use both of them, so I would like to know what ui_item.script is responsible for in your mod. Perhaps if I just overwrite it, then nothing will change)))

Good karma+1 vote
batonmax228 - - 49 comments @ Neutral Traders

Did I understand correctly that mechanics are now also neutral?

Good karma+3 votes