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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 134)
av29 - - 134 comments @ SPAIN AT WAR

También reduciria la cantidad de laboras en los artilleros republicanos y meteria algun % bajo de naranjero en los soldados republicanos.

Good karma+2 votes
av29 - - 134 comments @ SPAIN AT WAR

Buenas Triby!

Alguna posibilidad de que en el mod del cod2 de un jugador, darle un % de posibilidades de los italianos sacar la ametralladora Breda, substituir el Browning Bar por una ametralladora rusa DP y hacer que las brigadas americanas en vez de sacar todas naranjeros, saquen un % bajo de estas y mayoritariamente rifles springfield? (este último cambio también facilitaría la jugabilidad en la parte de esa colina)


Good karma+2 votes
av29 - - 134 comments @ Spanish Civil War

On turn, it was a response to the murdering of José del Castillo, by all that so called "rightfoul" defenders of justice.

Spanish Civil War was a big mistake by all sides.

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ 1936-1939 The Spanish Civil War

Siempre he soñado en un parche que añadia variedad a los brigadistas americanos (rifles springfield, no solo naranjeros), un mejor modelo para el naranjero y el subfusil star, un control de fuego mejor para el labora, y la inclusión de subfusiles y la ametralladora breda para los italianos.... ojalá!

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts

Just unpack, the new patch will overwritte.

Heroes are and will be scenario only

Good karma+2 votes
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts

Devs have said that Mandalorians, Trandoshans and Mon Calamari are the most likely civs to be added next.

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts

No, they can add more civs but lack the manpower, specially people that model buildings. IR, NR and BS still needs a building set.

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts

First they have to finish the buildings for N. Republic, Imperial Remnnants and Black Sun.

Devs has stated than possible next candidates are Trandoshans, Mon Cala and Mandalorians

Good karma+2 votes
av29 - - 134 comments @ Wars of Liberty Setup v1.0.15D

After 10 long years, the mod reaches its final version..... I mean it isn't right? If it's not, it shouldn't be written like that

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Wars of Liberty Setup v1.0.15D

Final version? And now?

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts

Tevious May 21 2023

Any upcoming news for new factions/civs or other updates will be announced here with an article. If you don't see an article here about a faction/civ that you want, then you can assume they aren't in active development. Sorry, but we don't give timelines for future factions/civs. Please keep in mind that we are not a studio and that we do this mod in our own free time (most of us have full-time jobs). We only work on things that *we* (as fans of the game) want to do, and so we aren't interested in taking any requests for factons/civs (and we kindly ask everyone to please stop nagging us about them). New factions/civs are *a lot* of work to do, and we just recently released 3 new ones. Many team members have been taking a break afterward, and there are no current plans to release any more new civs in the near future (certainly not this year)."

From Discord FAQ

Pretty much any Star Wars civilization or faction you can think of, we've thought of already. We have a list of about 20 candidates that we feel are even possibilities and many of them have rough drafts as to how they could play. As much as we'd like to go down the list of species and factions in Wookiepedia and include them all, we don't have the resources to do that and so we've prioritized the ones that make the most sense.

Our preferred top picks for new original civs would be Trandoshans, Mandalorians, and Mon Calamari, but we would need more capable artists to make them happen. Irregular and organic shaped buildings are challenging for us to do. Creating all the unique graphics for a new building set is a lot of work that takes time; a lot of time.

Good karma+3 votes
av29 - - 134 comments @ Hotchkiss 1922

El Hotchkiss "FAO" parece mezclar modelos, es incorrecto.

Esta categorizado como 1922, pero se parece más a un modelo M1909 Benét-Mercier con un cargador superior como del M1922 o del Oviedo Coruña mod. 38. Tampoco debe confundirse con el Fusil Ametrallador Oviedo (FAO), basado en el ZB vz. 26 y fabricado posteriormente a la Guerra.

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts 1.5.0 Now Available!

I was thinking of (Ruusan reformed) Galactic Republic to differentiate from the Old Republic.

Nevertheless, if Old Republic is done someday on EF, I guess that they will stick to Old Republic, Galactic Republic and New Republic naming convention.

But first IRC they had said that they are interested first on Trandoshans, Mandalorians and Mon Calamary, while they have to finish Black Sun, New Republic and Imperial Remnants build set... that is like 2-3 years of work.

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts 1.5.0 Now Available!

Old Republic would be very different to reformed Republic

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts loreful submod

What changes based on scenario units you would like to see?

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Rome Returns v1.4

Possibility to port it to AoE II DE?

Good karma+2 votes
av29 - - 134 comments @ Romae ad Bellum

So it's not a AoE I port, more an Antiquity Age II mod.

Good karma+2 votes
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts

The three new civs have placeholder recolored buildings.

Probably what did you saw was the new buildings for Imperial Remnants, that probably won't be implemented until all the full set is done.

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts loreful submod

Yeah, the problem with that one is that I don't know how to model and animate, so having the stock EF models is what I thought that had more sense.

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts loreful submod

The design of the original Assault Mech is clearly based on the Juggernaut, so based on that, I replaced for an existing model in canons/legends

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts loreful submod

Both Rebels and Empire used A5 Juggernauts in canon.

Also A6 were used in legends by Rebels

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts

I uploaded my submod for Expanding Fronts 1.4.2 that changes some Republic skins. It's not MP compatible unless all players have the same submod.

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts

From the discord FAQ:

-I started a game, but cannot control my own player and I'm sharing control of an AI player.

This is a fluke bug that rarely occurs. Just exit the game, restart the game, and start a new match. If you just choose "Restart" from the menu, it will just occur again.

Good karma+3 votes
av29 - - 134 comments @ Expanding Fronts

Te respondo varias preguntas:

-Sí, el juego ahora permite que más sonidos puedan escucharse simultaneamente.

-El juego sobreescribe el idioma original del juego que tengas instalado. Esta la idea de traducirlo, pero aun no han encontrado el software para hacerlo correctamente.

-En principio la música debería sonar gracias al mod, que incluye ese arreglo.

Good karma+2 votes
av29 - - 134 comments @ We Are Leaving ModDB

So the request is to remove Rise of Mordor from Moddb databases, not shuting down the mod. That gives hope.

Good karma+2 votes
av29 - - 134 comments @ 1.5 Civilization Overview: Imperial Remnant

Water/Sith civ seems pretty unique!

Good karma+2 votes
av29 - - 134 comments @ What should the Mod DB team focus on in the coming years?

Donation (payment) system could be the differential thing that could you make stand apart and shine.

Good karma0 votes
av29 - - 134 comments @ Reinforcements Are Arriving Soon

Nice Tri-droid, but I suspect that they will be scenario only.

What are thoose B2?

Good karma+1 vote
av29 - - 134 comments @ Lossarnach Axes concept art

It reminds me on the Chi Rho symbol used by Byzantines and NYHC (maybe because is a cross)

Good karma0 votes
av29 - - 134 comments @ Pinnath Gelin Spearmen concept art

Seems a Rohan/Gondor mix?

Good karma+5 votes