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Feb 26 2011 Anchor

Let's see which Linux distribution you use and why you like it. But please refrain from bashing other distributions. Keep it nice and clean.

I use Arch Linux, because I like having the newest software and I learnt a lot about how Linux works.
For my family, I install them Ubuntu, because they can install software on their own and it is the most popular distribution, that implies better support online.

Feb 26 2011 Anchor

I use ubuntu, because I'm lazy.

I want to install arch, because of the same reasons you mentioned, but I haven't because I'm lazy.

Feb 26 2011 Anchor

joeka wrote: I use ubuntu, because I'm lazy.

I want to install arch, because of the same reasons you mentioned, but I haven't because I'm lazy.

Nice reason.
Nowadays I am lazy myself. Thats why I didn't reinstall arch in the last 4 years, I always copied all files to my new computers or when I changed the filesystem.

Feb 26 2011 Anchor

joeka wrote: I use ubuntu, because I'm lazy.

Same here.
I installed gentoo, but forgot to compile the networkdriver for my mainboard and now I'm to lazy to figure out which module I need.

Feb 27 2011 Anchor

My Distribution is ubuntu.

Feb 27 2011 Anchor

ubuntu-gaming wrote: My Distribution is ubuntu.

haha, that was hard to guess ^^

Feb 28 2011 Anchor

Various ones:

Used on my game-dev machine and the two servers under my supervision (one home, one at the company). For the game-dev machine I use it as I need bleeding edge stuff there as well as the ability to use software outside of portage without much troubles. In my experience the distro which allows this the most easy. For servers I choose this as I have full control over everything including precisely defining what software I want, how it is compiled and in general much higher configure-ability than with any other distro I tested (including SuSE, Debian, LFS and others). It's also a lot easier to backup and transport a GenToo system. Especially I can install it fully console only. After all I use servers only over SSH so I don't want all the X crap on it :D

Kubuntu, Xubuntu:
Gnome sucks, sorry but it's true. Ubuntu is nice but Gnome as default choice is like buying a sports car and then replace the steering wheel with a joystick and the gear shift with a pump. Looks shiny but is totally unusable. KDE is not god send either but at last it works (mostly) what I can not claim from Gnome. Kubuntu is what I put on computers of people around me. Good for newcomers not knowing much about a computer. I have it also on one of my game-dev computers as it is used by many new people so I have to test on such a system. For daily work I would not use it. GenToo just beats it for me. Xubuntu I use instead of Kubuntu if the computer in question is not very strong. KDE would incinerate those hence I switch to XFCE for such systems as I value responsiveness more than a flashy GUI.

So that's it for me. The worst distro I ever used had been SuSE. Tons of CDs but nothing actually worked. Granted this had been 2.0 back then and it's now a lot of years since then but yeah, it earned a spot in my list of bad distros... right next to Windows :D

Edited by: Dragonlord

Feb 28 2011 Anchor

Gentoo is nice but I hate waiting for everything to compile. On the other hand, of course, having software with your chosen compile options, is so much easier than with other distros.

Same for me with suse :D I think somewhere in my old room at my parents, there's still a pile of suse CDs.

Edited by: joeka

Mar 19 2011 Anchor

Using Ubuntu 10.10 and will move to 11.04 in april. Want to try Arch but too difficult to install ._.

Mar 24 2011 Anchor

Ubuntu because... Yeah, Lazy...

Apr 1 2011 Anchor

Using Mint 10 main edition at the moment. I'm waiting that Mint Debian Xfce will settle down the bugs from RC and when the final release will be ready, i'll do the switch .

Ulbri wrote: Using Ubuntu 10.10 and will move to 11.04 in april. Want to try Arch but too difficult to install ._.

Hello Ulbri ! thank you for reminding me that HIB2 offered a Desura key. so here i am, a new one on Desura

Apr 3 2011 Anchor

Yw mate :)

Edited by: Ubris

Apr 6 2011 Anchor

Hi, Ubuntu 10.10 and Elementary OS for me! :)

May 18 2011 Anchor

Ubuntu 11.04 Because Ubuntu ROCKS!, Hated unity at first but now I'm completely sold.

May 19 2011 Anchor

Arch now, yay

Jun 15 2011 Anchor

I've been using GNU/Linux distributions since 2006. I have literally tried everything except LFS, PCLinuxOS and GnewSense.

After many years I keep settling with Ubuntu. When I'm at home I don't want to be a network or Unix admin, I just like things to work alright and it seems Canonical have the right idea.

Under the hood Ubuntu is every bit GNU/Linux as any other distro, just with different default software configurations and package managers. When I hear people bash Ubuntu "because it is easy" I feel like they are being elitist. Using complicated tool for the sake of complication is infinitly stupid.
Don't get me wrong, there are many great uses for distributions which can build from source, but the general public will not see many if any advantages.
TLDR: I've used windows, OSX & Almost every iteration of GNU/Linux and Ubuntu seems to fit me well.

Jun 17 2011 Anchor

I also use Ubuntu because It just works out of the box. I always tweak and customize the hell out of it, but I like the fact that I don't have to. I just threw 11:04 on my new work machine the other day, and I was able to get to work with only a few additional program installations. The Linux world really needed a distro like this, and I really believe that its thanks to Ubuntu that we're seeing something as cool as Desura.

Jun 17 2011 Anchor

The problem with Ubuntu is just if something is cutting edge or you are a 64bit user. Since nearly 2 years now I fight (with others) to get a 64bit version of the GNU Smalltalk package (32bit exists) but they stubbornly refuse to get this simple task working. There are other problems like some packages being bleeding edge while others are old as hell. It's this kind of inconsistency which hits me often in Ubuntu and makes me run up the walls. One reason I still dig my GenToo box although compiling anything can take quite some time but in the end I get what I want (yes, also 64bit GNU Smalltalk since the dawn of time ;) )

Jun 18 2011 Anchor

Yeah, no doubt about that. Ubuntu definitely has it's flaws, and the out of date packages (or unavailable as you mentioned) is certainly one of them. I usually end up with a bunch of PPAs in my sources after a while. At least they have those though, so usually I can get the packages I need. When I have a bit of free time I definitely want to do a Gentoo install. Especially if the new Ekopath compiler is as big of a deal as it seems. If it is I'm sure the Gentoo guys will have it building stuff before anyone else. They always do :)

Jul 3 2011 Anchor

I guess I will show my age here and say that I used Slackware back in 1993. Yes it came on like 30 floppy disks. I have used most distro out there. I used Red Hat for all my business servers. Fedora is nice, especially if you want cutting edge stuff. I am using Ubuntu at the moment because like most everyone else I am lazy and just want it to work with a minimum of fuss. I gave up on Windows because you constantly had to baby it to keep it working and to do what you wanted. I wanted less of that and so I went with Ubuntu. I do like Fedora though and I might install that on one of my other computers.

Jul 4 2011 Anchor

It's interesting because Linux used to have a reputation for having to be "babied" to keep it working. Distributions such as Ubuntu have now completely passed Windows on this front, which most people don't realize. More and more people are discovering this, but a lot of folks still think Linux is hard to use. It's amazing how far we've really come in just a few years though.

Jul 5 2011 Anchor

That's mostly due to SuSE. The early versions had been really a chore to work with. I remember how I spent days to get X up and running. It has been like Christmas the first time I've seen the X clock ticking. But I had been an Informatics student by then already so it had been for me a learning experiment. Good that Linux came a long way and is really no longer something only a geek could use.

Sep 14 2011 Anchor

Hehe, little hesitation on my side since SuSE here seems to be how-not-to-do-linux example, but I'm proudly running openSUSE. Fact is that I like to fiddle with my system, thats why I'm running Tumbleweed version and myriad of factory repos. On the other hand, my girlfriend uses openSUSE 11.4 without any problems (apart post-installation pulseaudio configuration).
Previously I tried various other distros but now I'm so much accustomed to zypper, yast and sysconfig style of SUSE I even have trouble managing my debian serverbox :D

Sep 14 2011 Anchor

There really isn't a lot wrong with most modern distros these days. They all work pretty much or they wouldn't have but a very small crowd using them. Most of the comments are probably from older versions. I have to admit I had issues with Ubuntu when it first came out. Same for SuSE and most of the other distros. I even had a few small problems with Red Hat, but I have to say Red Hat has been probably the best distro since 1.0 that I can recall.

Fedora has become the bleeding edge version of Debian though. It is hard core about only free software without exception these days. Nice idea but still not exactly practical in the real world. Debian is Debian, good system but takes forever for them to get around to newer versions of software. CentOS see Red Hat. OpenSuSE isn't bad these days. I do wonder given that Novell has been chopped up and spread around if the OpenSuSE community will be able to pick up the slack if Attachmate starts pulling more devs off Open SuSE/SuSE. Mint seems nice but I don't see it as all that different from Ubuntu without the new Unity interface, which you can turn off easily. Fedora is a good distro but you may not like it if you don't like living on the bleeding edge of the latest stuff from the Linux community.

Personally I like Fedora, because it's bleeding edge and what I am used to using. I also like Ubuntu because it is just easy to use without a lot of hassles. I do however think people should choose for themselves what they like or what works for them. Try them all out, get your feet wet so to speak. If your not sure if you want change then install Virtual Box and try some of them inside a virtual machine to give you an idea what they are like.

Sep 19 2011 Anchor

Arch, because i am awesome.

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