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TESTW 1.4 released, TESTW 1.5 is coming. We, LoRdnazguL and DaedraWarrior, want to describe you our plans for developing new versions of our mod.

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After more than a year of silence from our side, The Elder Scrolls: Total War 1.4, which we promised to you more than year ago, finally came out. A few months of hard work to improve that raw piece of material, as version 1.2 was, did not pass without a trace - from September to November, the mod have been downloaded more than ten thousand times and, we hope, will be downloaded even more. We will do everything to meet the expectations of the many people who already follow our mod and play it, and to attract even more fans of Total War and The Elder Scrolls series.

In this article, we want to outline our plans for future versions of the mod. Not all of the following will go into the next major patch, and some ideas may not even see the light at all, nor just what are described in this article will appear in version 1.5 and later until we decide that the mod is completed.


So, the first and most important point - the mod will continue to evolve. Yes, in summer we already mentioned that version 1.4 would be the last major version of the mod. But since then much has been changed and we decided that not all that we wanted in mod was shown, considering at least the fact that not everything that we wanted to show you in version 1.4 from the very beginning was included in the mod for now, and much of what was included was simply not originally planned. An impressive part of this "lot" is located on the strategic map somewhere between Cyrodiil, Elsweyr and Summerset.

Some potential changes have already been outlined in the latest patch numbered 1.4.1 (such a numbering is another broken promise from the list of what we have promised ourselves not to do in our mod). Therefore, in version 1.5, many significant heroes will get their own unique models, for example, all the faction leaders and key characters in the games of Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, and TES LORE, such as the gods of the Tribunal, Titus Mede, Janus Hassildor, Nerevarine, Champion of Cyrodiil and others.

In addition, in the new version, we will continue to refine the updated interface of the mod, including such aspects as changing the fonts and icons of buildings on the strategic map for more appropriate to the world of Tamriel. In addition, we will continue creating videos and text descriptions for events, units, factions and locations, to bring more immersion for players in the history and life of this amazing world, and the finalization of portraits of generals and other characters for all factions.

hlaalu crossbowmen

In the next version, big changes will concern the balance of factions, both in combat and on the strategic map. For some of them, the conditions will be significantly complicated, for others - on the contrary, they are simplified, and some will undergo only a minor revision. We will strive to change the campaign in such a way that the game for each faction will be interesting and require player’s effort. We will also try to eliminate all those jambs in the balance of units that were admitted in 1.4 and not yet fixed. Let us hope that in the future we’ll have more opportunities to test and debug the balance before releasing new versions.

Another important aspect that we will work on is the addition of new units. Some factions, such as the Hammerfell Clans, kingdom of Pelletine, Great House Hlaalu and Orsinium, will receive new units corresponding to their style of play and TES LORE. Some models for these and other fractions will be finalized or corrected; something possibly may be remade from scratch. On the strategic map, most of the vanilla models will be reworked, and some older models from the mod will also be improved.

undead draugr

In the future, all factions will receive new unique mercenaries, like the Wild Hunt, the undead, the skaals and the Dawnguard. We plan that each faction will have access to two or three such unique generals with the possibility of hiring their squads in the Fighters Guild, like skaals and Dawnguard.

We will continue to work on architecture. The already existing settlements that need to be finalized, such as the Imperial City, Vivec and the fortresses of the Telvanni house, will be completed, while the Altmer and Bosmer will receive their architecture drawn from scratch. The creation of settlements for the Argonians is possible, but so far, it is not in our plans, besides, we have to "build" a number of new unique cities - Solitude, Windhelm, Markarth, Whiterun and Orsinium.

Among the listed innovations and changes, we plan to add in the next version 1.5 the following:

  1. - Complete redesign of the interface
  2. - Finalizing the balance of factions and units
  3. - New units for Hammerfell and Pelletine
  4. - The addition of new mercenaries to some factions (not all)
  5. - New architecture for Altmer and Bosmer
  6. - Unique models for leaders of factions and heroes


  • Q: playable undead faction somehow?
  • A: NO
  • Q: do you plan to add new factions at all?
  • A: there will be no new factions in this campaign
  • Q: release date of the next update?
  • A: approximately - the first quarter of 2018
  • Q: do you plan to add new territories? Akavir, Pyandonea, Atmora?
  • A: no, these lands are not described in details in TES LORE, and we have already engaged limit of settlements
  • Q: do you accept new ideas?
  • A: if they don’t concern new factions/campaigns - yes
  • Q: so you don’t plan to add other campaigns?
  • A: everything is possible


hlaaluvalenwood 2

Post comment Comments
Blindmailman - - 68 comments

Good to hear that Hlaalu will be getting some love.

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StellarAngel - - 546 comments

Sounds pretty great to me ! Keep it up :D

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muzzah55 - - 16 comments

Is there any chance you could change the portraits to be more unified? It really bugs me that cyrodiil for example has portraits using both oblivion and skyrim models.

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Ahnassi1 - - 132 comments

As LordNazgul said "ESO is a ****** online game that ***** on TES lore."

If you are going to make the mod true to lore I suggest the following changes.

Change the Bosmer unit roster: Remove all their cavalry and add more variants of foot archers. (As I explained before they are not the Mongol horde / cheep Warhammer Wood Elves ripoff.)

Remove the khajiit mounted archers. (Senches, who are a form of khajiit btw, are known to be sprinters (like real big cats) making them unsuitable mounts for archers in addition to giving up the advantage of riding a 200 pound cat.)

Remove the axes and halberds from the Sandguard units. (Khajiit don't use axes, maces or halberds, they prefare scimitars and spears.)

The only factions that should have mounted archers is the Redguard factions, Redoran, Dres, Hlaalu and the Ashlanders.

Change the Argonian pikemen to two-handed swordsmen. (A very defensive unit like pikemen don't fit into the guerilla style tactics of the argonians.)

Make Manimarco the leader of the Undead faction. (He is the leader/god of necromancers, he would never serve anyone. Besides it solves the problem of having random characters named Manimarco in every faction.)

Haarkon same thing, make him a general in the Undead or Deadric factions. (The only one Haarkon would serve would be the Deadric Prince Molag Bal.)

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