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Detailed description of the Ottoman Empire roster.

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Greetings! Today I will covering the stats and availability of the Ottoman roster in Roar of Conquest, overhaul mod of Medieval II This article should help those who are curious to have a better understanding of how their roster will perform in battle and when certain units will become available in the campaign.

Note: The stats you see here have been updated for Roar of Conquest: The Late Middle Ages VIII. Now onto the details!

The Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman strategy revolves around their archers, both mounted and dismounted, to weaken their enemies before charging in with their cavalry. When they become available, the Janissaries will become the core of your infantry forces, which will provide excellent ranged firepower as well as staying power in melee. For reference, the unit sizes I will be listing here are when the game is put on 'ultra unit size', Secondary Melee Attack represents the secondary weapon cavalry units use after completing a charge, and the acronym AP stands for armor-piercing. For glory and conquest, on to war!

1) General's Bodyguard

me late bodyguard info

  • Unit Size: 32
  • Melee Attack: 6
  • Charge: 14
  • Secondary Melee Attack: 9 (AP)
  • Defense: 29 (Armor 16, Defense Skill 9, Shield 4)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Fortress

The bodyguard unit for your characters and generals in the early campaign. A study unit, but not invincible; be careful with them in battle.

2) Azabs

azabs info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Melee Attack: 3 (AP)
  • Charge: 2
  • Defense: 9 (Armor 2, Defense Skill 4, Shield 3)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Mustering Hall, (Motte and Baily)

These men are hardly professional soldiers, but can be useful for weakening enemies in melee.

3) Spear Militia

ME Spear Militia info

  • Unit Size: 200
  • Melee Attack: 2
  • Charge: 1
  • Defense: 8 (Armor 1, Defense Skill 2, Shield 5)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Town Watch, (Town), or Garrison Quarters, (Wooden Castle)

Cheap infantry good for bolstering early-game armies or maintaining public order in settlements.

4) Islamic City Watch

saracen militia info

  • Unit Size: 200
  • Melee Attack: 3
  • Charge: 3
  • Defense: 15 (Armor 6, Defense Skill 3, Shield 6)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: City Watch, (City)

Sturdy and reliable spearmen, good for holding the line against enemy infantry or cavalry.

5) Turkish Crossbowmen

turkish crossbowmen info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 10 (AP)
  • Melee Attack: 3
  • Charge: 2
  • Defense: 9 (Armor 4, Defense Skill 5, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: Free Upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: City Watch, (City)

These men provide fantastic armor-piercing bolts from range, helping the Sultanate dealing with their armored enemies.

6) Turkish Javelinmen

turkish javelinmen info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 11
  • Melee Attack: 3 (AP)
  • Charge: 2
  • Defense: 11 (Armor 2, Defense Skill 7, Shield 2)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Garrison Quarters, (Wooden Castle)

Good for peppering down enemies at close range, these men are especially good for killing tightly packed enemy formation with their javelins.

7) Levy Archers

ME Peasant Archers info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 2
  • Melee Attack: 2
  • Charge: 1
  • Defense: 6 (Armor 1, Defense Skill 2, Shield 3)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Bowyer, (Wooden Castle)

Cheap archers, useful for volume of fire on lightly armored targets but little else.

8) Turkoman Cavalry

turkomans info

  • Unit Size: 80
  • Missile Attack: 5
  • Melee Attack: 4
  • Charge: 5
  • Defense: 5 (Armor 0, Defense Skill 3, Shield 2)
  • Attributes: Cantabrian Circle, Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Stables, (Wooden Castle)

A good horse archer unit, great for drawing out and weakening enemy forces and charging down enemy archers.

9) Yayas Spearmen

dismounted sipahi lancers info

  • Unit Size: 200
  • Melee Attack: 3
  • Charge: 3
  • Defense: 14 (Armor 3, Defense Skill 5, Shield 6)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Drill Square, (Castle)

These men serve as sturdy spearmen to hold the Sultanate's battle line, making them well worth their cost.

10) Turkish Archers

turkish archers info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 4
  • Melee Attack: 3
  • Charge: 2
  • Defense: 11 (Armor 4, Defense Skill 5, Shield 2)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Practice Range, (Castle)

These men serve as cheap but effective archers, good for weakening enemies down range and capable of serving as light infantry if needed.

11) Serdengecti Heavy Infantry

sipahi macemen info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Melee Attack: 8 (AP)
  • Charge: 4
  • Defense: 19 (Armor 9, Defense Skill 6, Shield 4)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Barracks, (Fortress)

A strong armor-piercing infantry, these men are a great force for dealing with heavily armored enemy infantry.

12) Zirhli Nefer Swordsmen

janissary swordsmen info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Melee Attack: 9
  • Charge: 5
  • Defense: 18 (Armor 8, Defense Skill 6, Shield 4)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Barracks, (Fortress)

The heart of the Sultanate's infantry corp, these men are a force to be reckoned with in melee.

13) Zirhli Nefer Archers

ottoman infantry info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 6
  • Melee Attack: 8
  • Charge: 4
  • Defense: 18 (Armor 8, Defense Skill 7, Shield 3)
  • Attributes: Place Stakes
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Archery Range, (Fortress)

These men serve as an excellent hybrid unit, great for killing enemies at range and fighting in melee as a tough infantry.

14) Turkish Ghulams

turkish ghulams info

  • Unit Size: 80
  • Melee Attack: 8
  • Charge: 9
  • Secondary Melee Attack: 7 (AP)
  • Defense: 18 (Armor 10, Defense Skill 5, Shield 3)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Amir's Stables, (Fortress)

A strong shock cavalry, these men are skilled both on the charge and in melee combat, even against armored enemies.

15) Seljuk Sipahis

seljuk archers info

  • Unit Size: 80
  • Missile Attack: 5
  • Melee Attack: 6 (AP)
  • Charge: 4
  • Defense: 16 (Armor 6, Defense Skill 6, Shield 4)
  • Attributes: Cantabrian Circle, Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Castle

Strong horse archers, excellent at harassing enemy heavy cavalry and drawing out enemy forces.

16) Sipahi Lancers

Sipahi Lancers info

  • Unit Size: 80
  • Melee Attack: 6
  • Charge: 12
  • Secondary Melee Attack: 9 (AP)
  • Defense: 23 (Armor 13, Defense Skill 6, Shield 4)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Fortress

A strong heavy cavalry, these men are good for hammer and anvil tactics or going after enemy missile infantry.

17) Janissary Archers

Janissary Archers info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 6
  • Melee Attack: 7
  • Charge: 3
  • Defense: 17 (Armor 6, Defense Skill 8, Shield 3)
  • Attributes: Place Stakes
  • Availability: New Era Event, (year 1300)
  • Building Requirement: Militia Drill Square, (Large City)

Fantastic professional troops, these men excel in slaughtering enemies at range, and are a force to be reckoned with in melee.

18) Janissary Shock Infantry

janissary heavy inf info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Melee Attack: 19 (AP)
  • Charge: 7
  • Defense: 20 (Armor 9, Defense Skill 8, Shield 3)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: New Era Event, (year 1300)
  • Building Requirement: Militia Barracks, (Large City)

Excellent professional troops, these men are skilled at killing armored enemies whether they are mounted or on foot.

19) Naffatun

Naffatun info

  • Unit Size: 60
  • Missile Attack: 15 (AP)
  • Melee Attack: 4
  • Charge: 2
  • Defense: 10 (Armor 4, Defense Skill 6, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Cannons Developed Event, (1305-1330)
  • Building Requirement: Militia Barracks, (Large City)

These men are armed with deadly bombs, capable of destroying even the most dangerous of enemies with their explosive missiles.

20) Ottoman Palace Guards

Ottoman Palace Guards info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Melee Attack: 21 (AP)
  • Charge: 7
  • Defense: 20 (Armor 11, Defense Skill 9, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Half Plate Event, (year 1310-1330)
  • Building Requirement: Citadel

These elite warriors will cut down all in their path with their two-handed axes.

21) Deli Frontier Cavalry

Deli Frontier Cavalry info

  • Unit Size: 80
  • Melee Attack: 7
  • Charge: 12
  • Secondary Melee Attack: 10
  • Defense: 14 (Armor 5, Defense Skill 6, Shield 3)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Full Plate Event, (year 1380-1400)
  • Building Requirement: Sultan's Stables, (Citadel)

These light cavalrymen are quick and sure of foot, perfect for striking the most vulnerable parts of the enemy army.

22) Qapukulu

quapukulu info

  • Unit Size: 80
  • Melee Attack: 9
  • Charge: 14
  • Secondary Melee Attack: 13 (AP)
  • Defense: 30 (Armor 19, Defense Skill 7, Shield 4)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Full Plate Event, (year 1380-1400)
  • Building Requirement: Caliph's Stables, (Citadel)

Serving as excellent shock cavalry, these men are capable of going toe-to-toe with most other faction's heavy cavalry in melee.

23) Janissary Arquebusiers

Janissary Arquebusiers info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 20 (AP)
  • Melee Attack: 8
  • Charge: 4
  • Defense: 14 (Armor 6, Defense Skill 8, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Matchlock Event, (year 1420-1440)
  • Building Requirement: Militia Barracks, (Large City)

Excellent professional troops, these are both skilled in shooting down enemies at range with shot and fighting in melee combat.

24) Janissary Musketeers

janissary musketeers info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 30 (AP)
  • Melee Attack: 8
  • Charge: 4
  • Defense: 14 (Armor 5, Defense Skill 9, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: First Watch Event, (year 1510)
  • Building Requirement: Royal Armory, (Huge City)

The pinnacle of the Sultanate's gunpowder infantry, these men are superior at range to their Arquebusier counterparts.

So there you have it, the entire roster for the Ottoman Empire! If you like what you see, feel free to download the mod here: ROC: LMA VIII Now, go forth and conquer!

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