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Detailed description of the Kingdom of Denmark roster.

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Greetings! Today I will covering the stats and availability of the Danish roster in Roar of Conquest, overhaul mod of Medieval II. This article should help those who are curious to have a better understanding of how Denmark's roster will perform in battle and when certain units will become available in the campaign.

Note: The stats you see here have been updated for Roar of Conquest: The Late Middle Ages VIII. Now onto the details!

Kingdom of Denmark

Denmark's strategy revolves around engaging the enemy in melee combat with their excellent selection of melee infantry, supported by their strong knightly units. Their weakness is in ranged combat, at least until they get access to their gunpowder units; trying to wear down their enemies from range will only end badly for the Danes. For reference, the unit sizes I will be listing here are when the game is put on 'ultra unit size', Secondary Melee Attack represents the secondary weapon cavalry units use after completing a charge, and the acronym AP stands for armor-piercing. The blood of warriors flows strong in the Danes; let the world tremble at their coming!

1) General's Bodyguard

ne bodyguard info 6

  • Unit Size: 32
  • Melee Attack: 5
  • Charge: 14
  • Secondary Melee Attack: 10
  • Defense: 20 (Armor 8, Defense Skill 9, Shield 3)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Fortress

The bodyguard unit for your characters and generals in the early campaign. A study unit, but not invincible; be careful with them in battle.

2) Spear Militia

spear militia info

  • Unit Size: 200
  • Melee Attack: 2
  • Charge: 1
  • Defense: 8 (Armor 1, Defense Skill 1, Shield 6)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Town Watch, (Town), or Mustering Halls, (Motte and Baily)

Cheap spear infantry, good for bolstering early-game armies or maintaining order in settlements.

3) Viking Raiders

viking raiders info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Melee Attack: 5 (AP)
  • Charge: 3
  • Defense: 12 (Armor 2, Defense Skill 5, Shield 5)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Garrison Quarters, (Wooden Castle)

A tough light infantry with good morale, these men will cause much havoc in enemy battle lines, even when facing heavy infantry.

4) Levy Archers

peasant archers info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 2
  • Melee Attack: 1
  • Charge: 1
  • Defense: 4 (Armor 1, Defense Skill 3, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Bowyer, (Wooden Castle)

Cheap archers, useful for volume of fire on lightly armored targets but little else.

5) Scouts

scouts info

  • Unit Size: 60
  • Melee Attack: 3
  • Charge: 7
  • Secondary Melee Attack: 3 (AP)
  • Defense: 6 (Armor 2, Defense Skill 1, Shield 3)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Stables, (Wooden Castle)

These men serve as a useful light cavalry, good for killing enemy archers and chasing down routing units.

6) Urban Spear Militia

urban spear militia info

  • Unit Size: 200
  • Melee Attack: 2
  • Charge: 2
  • Defense: 11 (Armor 2, Defense Skill 2, Shield 7)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: City Watch, (City)

A slightly improved version of Spear Militia, this unit fills the same role in battle and campaign.

7) Crossbow Militia

crossbow militia info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 7 (AP)
  • Melee Attack: 2
  • Charge: 1
  • Defense: 7 (Armor 2, Defense Skill 5, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: City Watch, (City)

Cheap and cheerful, these men are useful for whittling down heavily armored enemies at range.

8) Norse Landsmenn

norse swordsmen info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Melee Attack: 7
  • Charge: 4
  • Defense: 17 (Armor 5, Defense Skill 7, Shield 5)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Drill Square, (Castle)

Strong heavy infantry capable of beating most enemy infantry, these men form the backbone of the Danish army.

9) Norse Archers

norse archers info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 2
  • Melee Attack: 5
  • Charge: 3
  • Defense: 13 (Armor 5, Defense Skill 4, Shield 4)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep, Place Stakes
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Practice Range, (Castle)

Rather sub-par as an archer, these men make up for it by being capable medium infantry in melee, and their ability to place stakes can be invaluable when dealing with cavalry-heavy factions.

10) Norse Axemen

norse axemen info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Melee Attack: 17 (AP)
  • Charge: 5
  • Defense: 15 (Armor 7, Defense Skill 8, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Barracks, (Fortress)

A fantastic shock infantry, these men will carve through their enemies whether they are heavily armored or not.

11) Sergeant Crossbowmen

crossbowmen info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 8 (AP)
  • Melee Attack: 9 (AP)
  • Charge: 5
  • Defense: 12 (Armor 6, Defense Skill 6, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Archery Range, (Fortress)

These men serve as a useful hybrid unit, good for killing men at range with their crossbows or fending off enemy cavalry with their halberds.

12) Huskarl Axemen

dismounted huscarls info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Melee Attack: 8 (AP)
  • Charge: 3
  • Defense: 15 (Armor 5, Defense Skill 5, Shield 5)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Castle

Excellent heavy infantry, great for taking down heavily armored opponents.

13) Huskarl Cavalry

huscarls info

  • Unit Size: 60
  • Melee Attack: 7 (AP)
  • Charge: 4
  • Defense: 11 (Armor 5, Defense Skill 1, Shield 5)
  • Attributes: Free Upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Citadel

Rare in availability and eventually phased out, these men can prove useful against enemy cavalry if they are not counter-charged.

14) Feudal Foot Knights

feudal foot knights 2

  • Unit Size: 120
  • Melee Attack: 8
  • Charge: 4
  • Defense: 20 (Armor 6, Defense Skill 9, Shield 5)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Fortress

Strong heavy infantry, good for holding the line or breaking through enemy infantry.

15) Feudal Knights

feudal knights 2

  • Unit Size: 60
  • Melee Attack: 7
  • Charge: 12
  • Secondary Melee Attack: 11
  • Defense: 17 (Armor 8, Defense Skill 4, Shield 5)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Campaign start
  • Building Requirement: Fortress

A strong heavy cavalry, excellent at charging down any foe on the battlefield.

16) Late General's Bodyguard

ne late bodyguard info 4

  • Unit Size: 32
  • Melee Attack: 5
  • Charge: 15
  • Secondary Melee Attack: 10
  • Defense: 32 (Armor 21, Defense Skill 9, Shield 2)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: New Era Event, (year 1300)
  • Building Requirement: Citadel

An upgraded version of the General's Bodyguard unit, these men are much more difficult to kill, making your general less vulnerable in battle.

17) Swordstaff Militia

swordstaff militia

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Melee Attack: 9 (AP)
  • Charge: 4
  • Defense: 14 (Armor 8, Defense Skill 6, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep, Spear Wall
  • Availability: New Era Event, (year 1300)
  • Building Requirement: Militia Drill Square, (Large City)

A good quality militia unit, useful for holding the line and cutting through enemy armor.

18) Hand Gunners

German Handgunners info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 11 (AP)
  • Melee Attack: 7
  • Charge: 3
  • Defense: 15 (Armor 8, Defense Skill 7, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: New Era Event, (year 1300)
  • Building Requirement: Militia Barracks, (Large City)

A short-range gunpowder unit, these men are great for holding defensive positions, firing volleys of shot before holding their own in melee.

19) Mounted Crossbowmen

mounted crossbowmen info

  • Unit Size: 80
  • Missile Attack: 7 (AP)
  • Melee Attack: 5
  • Charge: 6
  • Defense: 10 (Armor 7, Defense Skill 3, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: Cantabrian Circle
  • Availability: New Era Event, (year 1300)
  • Building Requirement: Marksman's Range, (Citadel)

Fast cavalry skilled at penetrating armor, this unit is invaluable in taking out slower enemy shock cavalry.

20) Norse War Clerics

norse war clerics

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Melee Attack: 8 (AP)
  • Charge: 3
  • Defense: 21 (Armor 11, Defense Skill 5, Shield 5)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Half Plate Event, (year 1310-1330)
  • Building Requirement: Abbey, (City)

An excellent heavy infantry, these men are skilled in holding the line and taking down armored opponents.

21) Norse War Cleric Cavalry

norse war cleric cavalry

  • Unit Size: 60
  • Melee Attack: 9 (AP)
  • Charge: 3
  • Defense: 20 (Armor 15, Defense Skill 2, Shield 3)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Half Plate Event, (year 1310-1330)
  • Building Requirement: Cathedral, (Large City)

While weak on the charge, these men are good in prolonged melee against heavily armored enemies.

22) Arbalest Militia

arbalest militia info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 11 (AP)
  • Melee Attack: 4
  • Charge: 3
  • Defense: 12 (Armor 7, Defense Skill 5, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Full Plate Event, (year 1380-1400)
  • Building Requirement: City Watch, (City)

A very cost-effective unit for dealing with armored enemies at range.

23) Obudshaer

obudshaer info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Melee Attack: 17 (AP)
  • Charge: 6
  • Defense: 20 (Armor 12, Defense Skill 8, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: Spear Wall
  • Availability: Full Plate Event, (year 1380-1400)
  • Building Requirement: Barracks, (Fortress)

A unique unit for Denmark, these men are one of the best halberd units in the game, chopping through all enemies with ease with their deadly weapons.

24) Norse Foot Knights

chivalric foot knights

  • Unit Size: 120
  • Melee Attack: 11
  • Charge: 6
  • Defense: 22 (Armor 11, Defense Skill 8, Shield 3)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Full Plate Event, (year 1380-1400)
  • Building Requirement: Castle

An elite heavy infantry, this unit becomes more readily available later on in the campaign, replacing the Feudal Foot Knight after the Full Plate Event, (year 1380-1400).

25) Norse Knights

chivalric knights 1

  • Unit Size: 60
  • Melee Attack: 7
  • Charge: 12
  • Secondary Melee Attack: 12
  • Defense: 20 (Armor 13, Defense Skill 4, Shield 3)
  • Attributes: Free upkeep
  • Availability: Full Plate Event, (year 1380-1400)
  • Building Requirement: Fortress

An elite shock cavalry, this unit becomes more readily available later on in the campaign, replacing the Feudal Knights after the Full Plate Event, (year 1380-1400).

26) Pavise Hook Gunners

hand gunners info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 18 (AP)
  • Melee Attack: 7
  • Charge: 3
  • Defense: 19 (Armor 7, Defense Skill 5, Shield 7)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: Matchlock Developed, (year 1420-1440)
  • Building Requirement: Militia Barracks, (Large City)

The first long-range gunpowder infantry available to Denmark, capable of devastating morale-shocking volleys of lead.

27) Pikemen

Pikemen info

  • Unit Size: 200
  • Melee Attack: 5
  • Charge: 4
  • Defense: 13 (Armor 7, Defense Skill 6, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: Spear Wall
  • Availability: Gothic Armor Event, (year 1450-1460)
  • Building Requirement: Militia Barracks, (Large City)

An excellent unit in defense, especially against cavalry.

28) Mounted Arquebusiers

Mounted Arquebusiers info

  • Unit Size: 80
  • Missile Attack: 18 (AP)
  • Melee Attack: 5
  • Charge: 6
  • Defense: 8 (Armor 4, Defense Skill 2, Shield 2)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: First Watch Event, (year 1510)
  • Building Requirement: Army Barracks, (Huge City)

A fast skirmish cavalry, capable of devastating volleys against elite enemy units.

29) Musketeers

Musketeers info

  • Unit Size: 150
  • Missile Attack: 36 (AP)
  • Melee Attack: 6
  • Charge: 3
  • Defense: 10 (Armor 2, Defense Skill 8, Shield 0)
  • Attributes: None
  • Availability: First Watch Event, (year 1510)
  • Building Requirement: Royal Armory, (Huge City)

A devastating upgrade from Arquebusiers, this unit's volley can tear apart any enemy foolish enough to get in range.

So there you have it, the entire roster for the Kingdom of Denmark! If you like what you see, feel free to download the mod here: ROC: LMA VIII Now, go forth and conquer!

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