Post news RSS Mod Support For Doom Eternal And Rage 2 Is A “Long-term Initiative”

Developer id Software says neither Doom Eternal nor Rage 2 will have mod support at launch, but may do in the future.

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Given the Doom series’ history with strong mod support and open source releases, it would be refreshing to hear whether or not DOOM Eternal, the follow-up to 2016’s reboot of the iconic first-person shooter, would support mods. Though that DOOM (2016) reboot didn’t support mods itself, it did contain a Snap Map level editor (which won’t return for Doom Eternal) that allowed for basic user-generated content to continue the lifespan of the game’s singleplayer content.

"At id Software we're big into mods, so we know it's important"

Doom Eternal Screenshot

Thankfully, after the gameplay reveal livestream of Doom Eternal at this year’s QuakeCon, PCGamesN put just such a question to id Software. Doom Eternal’s game director, Marty Stratton, made it clear that mods would not be supported at launch, though the potential to add mod support in the future is an “important” part of the team’s “real, long-term initiative” as a developer:

“We’ve been making a lot of technical decisions that allow the tech – everything, the rendering, the way we do the gameplay, the way our levels are set up – really trying to make the game and the game code more flexible. Kind of put it in more components, and more data-driven in a lot of ways, which is how you get the mod content.”

Doom Eternal Screenshot

Stratton made it clear that this does not necessarily refer to Doom Eternal itself – but refers more to id Software’s goals as a company. He continues:

“I can’t say that it’s right on the horizon or right around the corner, but it’s important to me. It’s important to Robert Duffy, our CTO. We have definitely swung the pendulum back pretty far towards being able to that ... I hope down the road, in the not-near future but the not-too-distant future, we can have a better conversation about that.”

Also at QuakeCon, PC Gamer spoke to Rage 2’s game director, Tim Willits, about whether id Software’s other upcoming shooter would support mods. His answer was similar to that of Stratton’s for Doom Eternal, stating that Rage 2 “will not support modding out of the gate”:

“You know that at id Software we're big into mods, so we know it's important, we just haven't figured out that roadmap yet.”

Though neither answer is solid, we’d prefer to never say never! And even if mod support for these titles in each respective series never materialises, it’s heartening to know that id Software is starting to move back in the direction that includes mod support for future titles – a direction that made the company, and the Doom series, what it is today.

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OhNoesBunnies! - - 1,218 comments

Are they big on mods? Their definition of 'modding' seems to be different than most people.

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SlayerSTK - - 146 comments

Hope it doesnt translate into Snapmap 2.0: Creation Club Edition.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
***Geroj*** - - 2,160 comments

haha exactly
we're big into mods so we locked all the files for you

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brunocar - - 1,157 comments

apparently that had something to do with denuvo and it couldnt be easily changed, so this time around i doubt it will be the same

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OhNoesBunnies! - - 1,218 comments

I do hope that's the case.

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snapshot_ - - 546 comments

long story short: "it won't be there at release time and we can't promise it'll ever be there, but we'd like to"

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VGames - - 3,993 comments

Doom Eternal is gonna be freaking awesome. Can't wait. Plus it's the got the SJW's ******. You know it's got to be good.

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RobotJoe - - 46 comments


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TheLastJedi - - 437 comments

The SJW's are ****** because in the trailers some of the UAC holograms are saying stuff like "Human can be an offensive term, we refer to them as mortally challenged" and "Earth is the melting pot of the universe"

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|Tyler| - - 192 comments

Modding support would be a great thing, but I think as further graphics quality and detail density are developed in base games, as harder does it get to maintain the quality as a free time hobby programmer/mapper.
ID guys might consider something like that no matter how important modding support is, to boost interest in a game for a long time.
But that's just something that crossed my mind.

And if they don't add modding tools...there'll still be Ion Maiden.

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SPY-maps - - 2,912 comments

What a huge disappointment. I really thought the new Doom would give us a real editor and mod support, and not such a ****** noob editor as snapmap level editor, (which was a joke for 'real' mappers when you ask me). Guess they just thought they could say No as answer so they came up with this answer. Not at release, not in the near future, we would love to and we think about it. So, never we can say.
Doesn't surprice me that Rage 2 doesn't come with mod support and editor because as far as i know is that not made by and on IDTech but by Avalanche Studios' with there in-house engine Apex Engine 2.0.

Many years ago most games just came with mod support and editor. Then that stopped. The last few years some game devs start to come back with mod support and editor. But in a real silly way, look at Far Cry5 editor, or the Doom 2016 editor. Even a child of 3 years old can make in 15 min. a map with those editors. Not supricingly the servers are flooded with tons of **** maps, which makes that the good maps are not noticed anymore by the players. Such a shame, such a shame. Only Dying Light came with a real editor, hope they will do the same with there new game next year!

Sorry for all the negativity, but this goes to my hart, i am a very enthusiastic mapper...
(Rage 2 looks AWESOME by the way!!!)


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XenonFORT - - 172 comments

To be honest, this answer feel a bit like a clever PR way to keep modding fans at bay rather than saying the truth.

For good or bad, today's games feel more like a consumer like product more than a piece of art, in that maintaining it alive will be less productive than releasing the n sequel for it, hence the mod support not beign a priority, like what happened to bot support when online gaming was massively adopted.

Now, what Fifa and NBA EA releases did has spreaded into all genders since Call of Duty, and I don't foresee a good future for gaming, not at least like the ecosystem that existed and enjoyed on HL and UT99 days.

Also, having the mod ecosystem controlled by the company is something I don't really support, as any kind of control will censor creativity, or at least give the tools to do it, and that is a future that I don't personally want to live, as there are mods right now that aren't "Politically Correct" that wouldn't have never see the light of day without real freedom to spread mods.

Can't say much more, I hope I'm wrong and the gaming future ends better than I think, but when money making is the top priority, is hard to say that innovation will take place.

Thanks for reading, XenonFORT

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Foxtrop - - 1,007 comments

I hope that for mod support they dont mean snap maps and custom textures, that would be lame

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antdude - - 103 comments

No mods? No buy. Also, Linux and Mac OS ports too.

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Cskiller1337 - - 183 comments

**** move

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